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Self-indulgent pet thread

I nipped to the loo first thing this morning, and by the time I got back, someone had taken advantage....

Go for plastic or a glass tank? Is Boris biting the bars?

It's mainly plastic but has a metal bar bit at the top. He has only just started doing it, he has a salt 'pineapple' and other things to nibble on safely. He is out and about in his ball most nights, has fresh veg on a regular basis but about 4 days ago started eating his cage
Not sure what to suggest. I don't suppose there is any way of covering the barred bit (I am guessing that's how the air gets in, so probably no!) I'm not that hamster savvy (only had dwarf ones, and they are a bit different) but I know I couldn't work out any way to stop gerbs that were prone to chewing from doing it, other than putting them into a glass fishtank (where they couldn't reach the barred top.) Do you belong to any hamster forums you could ask?
Not sure what to suggest. I don't suppose there is any way of covering the barred bit (I am guessing that's how the air gets in, so probably no!) I'm not that hamster savvy (only had dwarf ones, and they are a bit different) but I know I couldn't work out any way to stop gerbs that were prone to chewing from doing it, other than putting them into a glass fishtank (where they couldn't reach the barred top.) Do you belong to any hamster forums you could ask?
I've grown up with hammies and they early all chew at some point, might be he humidity or something but all quiet ........ For now
How easy is it to get rescue pedigrees? I know there's a specialist Siamese shelter somewhere, but generally I would imagine it's a bit more tricky.

If I could get a rescue Turkish Van cat (aka swimming cat)... :cool:
How easy is it to get rescue pedigrees? I know there's a specialist Siamese shelter somewhere, but generally I would imagine it's a bit more tricky.

If I could get a rescue Turkish Van cat (aka swimming cat)... :cool:
Contact breeders- they usually have a clause in the paperwork someone signs when they get one that says if for some reason you no longer want the cat it goes back to the breeder, and then they keep or rehome. Otherwise you can get cats from shelters that you can be pretty sure are whatever breed, but you'll never be 100% sure as they won't have the right papers and more importantly you won't be sure whether they have been bred, tested and treated for the breed issues (eg Ragdolls are prone to heart & stomach problems, Persians breathing problems, Maine Coons heart problems and hip dysplasia) so you can end up with a HUGE vets bill.
Right folks. I'm fairly seriously thinking of getting a "dog cat." Someone, please talk me out of it, or into it, or just laugh at me if you like. :)
They are amazing.... I've only ever met one (in the US) and he was a complete personality, and stunning. Gentle, v funny, gorgeous cats. Don't really hunt either
How easy is it to get rescue pedigrees? I know there's a specialist Siamese shelter somewhere, but generally I would imagine it's a bit more tricky.

If I could get a rescue Turkish Van cat (aka swimming cat)... :cool:

You can often get posh cat breeds at regular cat adoption places, they just won't have the pedigree documentation. Depends how important that is to you. One of my colleagues got Burmese twin kittens recently, and our local CP has had rag dolls in the past.

Wow, thanks for all the suggestions and stuff. My interest in Maine Coon's goes back to 1985 when I shared a flat with a post grad vet student who had 2 cats - Duncan, a clingy, noisy elderly ginger tom (like my late Herbs, but fat!) and a year old half Maine Coon, Katze, who was the cheekiest, funniest cat I think I've ever met. He was extremely looooooooong (as in feeling on the worktop as you were fixing a sandwich!) and dexterous (as in could open cupboards and I often returned to a biscuit or cracker trail across the flat :D ) and had this thing about water and would come into the shower with you. Hurled himself through a 2nd floor open window in pursuit of a pigeon and had to be hauled back up when he was clinging cartoon-like to the outside ledge! Had a close encounter with a bat in the basement laundry room. Always doing something weird! Found a couple of snaps of him in the old album - gorgeous boy!

Katze 1985.jpg

So yes, I'm interested in the breed of cat for its specific characteristics (i.e. Dog Cat!). Don't particularly want a pedigree but wary of the hip and heart problems Maine Coons can get if unscrupulously bred. Cross breed would be okay (as probably cancel out most genetic probs.) Maine Coon rescue has only had the one Brum cat listed for awhile. May contact some Scottish rescues and also breeders (as they sometimes do have "returns" where folks didn't get on with their kits or had allergies, or sometimes retired breeding cats.)

Am I mad though? Herbs was really OH's cat, not mine. Am I up to it? Do all prospective cat parents wonder this?

I want a dog, too, but wondered if I could get two in one? :)
CRI cats are territorial so vet-friend who found us our posh, idiotic, fantastic cat* said we should introduce one pet at a time and introduce them to each other carefully (so once idiot cat felt secure we could allegedly start introducing another pet, but on reflection we don't think we will- long story).

I'm sure you can cope- they do have lovely personalities, sure they'll give you the odd scare but all cats are like hyper toddlers at times, you just need to get insurance (same vet-friend says anything other than a lifetime plan is stupid for a pedigree) and figure out what you'll do if you go on holiday etc- who will look after it.

If you want a Maine Coon for actual breed characteristics IMO it needs to be pedigree or reputable rescue- ie from the breeder or a sanctuary registered with the breed association- believe v strongly you should only get them with paperwork, from registered breeders etc otherwise you are encouraging kitten farming. E2A or from breed rescue registered with the breed association- not from gumtree, findmeapet or wherever

*And here is a gratuitous picture of the cat being idiotic and trying to balance on the bath taps
Love that gratuitous picture. Take it kitteh isn't a water baby then? :)

Introducing pets is an interesting one. Friend in Wales had rats, cats, dogs and snakes and insists the rats ruled all of them - that pets in the home sort of "find their level" in the pecking order and learn to get along. Our late cat Herbie either totally ignored the guinea pigs, or regarded them with complete derision. Only rarely would he sit by their cage and stare at them for awhile. If they were out though, he'd just clear off. I know not all cats would be like that though, and would never leave them without very close supervision. OH and I agree a cat is more in our "comfort zone" at the moment.

Not really sure it's the right time for a dog, as much as I'd love to have one. That's why a cat with dog like characteristics appeals.

Definitely won't be looking at gumtree or preloved. Can't bear to look at the guinea pig adverts on there as it is. :mad:

Thanks for all the advice!
Ha, if he gets his feet wet he holds the offending paw out at you and shakes it with a look of pure disgust on his face. But he also sticks his head under the tap quite happily. He is a total idiot, he's ace :D
I've found no matter what part of a cat gets wet, they'll shake one front paw in a feeble effort to dry themselves! :)
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