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Self-indulgent pet thread

Agent, so sorry to hear your news. What adorable photos. Seems so unfair. :(

(someone's peeling an onion in here I think.)

RIP Buffy

...Does a picture of my Squirrel Friend go some way to alleviating the sad mood of this thread?

Seriously though, that is unbelievably awful about your cat. No disrespect intended.
CRI I can't decide what I love more- the fluffy one (griff? Have I got the names the right way round?) standing looking stoned with his mouth open in the first one or when they wrestle the vegetables in the second one. They are gorgeous.

Cool squirrel too!
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Inspired by the recent postings of videos rather than the more conventional still pictures - here is Rusty - this is my first video
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My friend asked if she could knit Pockle a hat. :D
Ohhh quaker parrots are just awesome - so intelligent! They don't half make some odd noises though, that metallic buzzing thing they do as their natural call is well weird.

Quakers are my second favorite type of parrot after Senegals.
Ohhh quaker parrots are just awesome - so intelligent! They don't half make some odd noises though, that metallic buzzing thing they do as their natural call is well weird.

Quakers are my second favorite type of parrot after Senegals.

It's the most bizarre noise! She's just wonderful though, and I love her parroty smell (and cheekiness, and smartness). No new video but have a photo of her watching Life of Birds :D

It's the most bizarre noise! She's just wonderful though, and I love her parroty smell (and cheekiness, and smartness). No new video but have a photo of her watching Life of Birds :D

I think one of the things I love most about parrots (apart from their obvious intelligence and gregariousness and loyalty) is their smell - it's not something that you can even detect at a distance and they mostly seem to have no odour until your face is right up to them, but if you stick your nose into their feathers the faint smell they have that close up is very reminiscent (to me, at least!) of a dusty old book, it's a very 'old library' type of scent - very comforting smell to book-lovers and parrot-lovers :D Unless the bird has recently eaten fruit, in which case it tends to smell of fruit - as does the floor around them and any other surfaces that might have been within the mess radius :D My Sennie used to adore white grapes (and his eyes would go into 'excited parrot mode' whenever he saw me holding a bunch of grapes), he'd get grape juice everywhere and discard grape skins all over the floor - birds are bloody messy :D I'm still torn up about his death even years on, I miss him so much, talking about him has made me happy but also crying a bit over missing him, if that makes sense.
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