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Self-indulgent pet thread

Given that we'd just finished watching the first episode of The Returned when I took this snap, I found the result unnerving...

Scrolling down my tumblr and I spot a guineh that looks very familiar! :D


Yeah, my tumblrfeed is mostly guinea pig, bunneh and rat photos :oops:

What more could you want in a tumblrfeed I say!

Oh, but I didn't know the young prince was on there. I think the boys have made Fluffington Post a few times though. Griff's featured in Guinea Pig magazine a couple times, but or some reason, Mal has never made the cut. Bitter? much!
Every night this week:

I settle down to sleep on the left hand side of the bed.
The cat jumps up on bed, walks over my face and curls up half on the pillow and half on my head.
I think it's cute for a couple of minutes before I get neck ache and end up with one corner of the pillow.
I sit up, remove the pillow from the right hand side of the bed, then pick up my cat/pillow combo and move the entire entity onto the right hand side of the bed.
I then put the catless pillow down on the left hand side and settle back down.

30 seconds later there is a cat on my head again and the entire process repeats.
Another day, another parrot shot:


She had lots of little pin feathers around her head that she couldn't get at, so I had to groom her. I was expecting lots of squarkling and sqweebling but she just sat very quietly with a happy little look on her face as I got rid of them for her. We're definitely bonding, obviously I'm just a big parrot :)
Would it be considered cruel to dip due the white tip of my cats tail?

I was thinking purple.
Cats lick themselves clean so it would probably ingest the dye.

That said I accidentally dyed a purple spot about an inch in diameter onto my cat's ribcage when I had to fend him off whilst I was dying my hair and he didn't seem worse for wear even after grooming.
Cats lick themselves clean so it would probably ingest the dye.

That said I accidentally dyed a purple spot about an inch in diameter onto my cat's ribcage when I had to fend him off whilst I was dying my hair and he didn't seem worse for wear even after grooming.

I think you can get pet friendly dyes tbh, but I hadn't thought of that.
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