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Self-indulgent pet thread

Pockle burrito!

She decided to have a bath and she's getting too big to wash in her water bowl, so I made her a parrot baff :D

Just love this! She looks so happy.
Okay, all being well, in about 2 weeks time, we will proudly be owned by a dog cat! Went to see her and her 19 kitty housemates, 1 Australian Shepherd Puppy and two humans. She's confident without being fawning, has the softest fur and loves playing in the water nearly as much as Pockle does. Meet Breeze!



Griff & Mal are excited about having a new "kid sister" to play with/boss around/avoid getting eaten by. :)

CRI she's stunning!

E2a Griff and Mal look a teensy bit worried to me....

Ha ha, will have to carefully supervise as Mal in particular can sometimes be a bit too "assertive" with cats and Griff seems to have no concept of being at the bottom of the food chain. He just assumes everyone is his friend.

She really is stunning! She only had one litter of 8 a couple years ago, but only one survived, so she wasn't bred again. Lately, her daughter and a couple of the younger cats have been getting on her nerves, so they thought she would be happier in a home where she would have more solo "human time." She's okay with the dog, so that leaves the door open (not literally though) for further additions in future. (Did I just say that?)

I. can't. wait. :D
You need to make friends with the furminator, coat like that! http://www.furminator.com/..... Scary how much comes off idiot cat, and we do it weekly (ish)

I have cat envy.... I want another one.....

Furminators are fantastic, highly recommended for dogs too.

Especially in weather like this, they really help thin the fur out.

Breeze is gorgeous, all your pets are gorgeous.

I am afraid of birds (my mum had an evil budgie) but your parrot looks lovely treef. : )
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Wow, the furminator looks great. I'll add that to the list. Might work on Griff as well.

This may be the thin end of the wedge animal-wise. I've resisted more for a long time and now . . . :D
Wow, the furminator looks great. I'll add that to the list. Might work on Griff as well.

This may be the thin end of the wedge animal-wise. I've resisted more for a long time and now . . . :D
It is amazing, tho cats can be a bit 'wtf?' the first time you use it... Idiot cat and I had a good wrestle, but now he loves it. And it leaves their coats super-soft.

I am going to add a baby first and see what happens. I have always wanted a dog, but not fair with my job.... But a carefully chosen second cat could work.....
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I didn't really know where to put this but has anyone seen that new Pedigree Chum advert with the dog being rescued?

It's really pissed me off because unless you watch closely, it gives the impression that the product is somehow endorsed by the RSPCA or some other rescue charity?

Am I being silly? I'm not going to tell people how to feed their pets but Pedigree Chum and similar are actually really shit and loaded with crap so
I think it's misleading to give the impression that it's somehow the ideal product for sick or mistreated animals.

I've actually complained to the ASA. I'd forgotten I'd done this at 2am until I got a confirmation just now. : D
. She's confident without being fawning, has the softest fur and loves playing in the water nearly as much as Pockle does. Meet Breeze!



Breeze is AWESOME but I don't think the pics give us a clear enough idea of her size. More will be required.
Also: I would so recommend renaming her Ragnar (hairy-breeches) after this bloke:

Dying with jealousy here what with all the byootiful bengals, snowshoes and dogcats.
idiot cat bonds with the bump :)

Cats find bumps very comforting - baby's heartbeat is about the same bpm as the cat's mother's when they were in the womb as a kitten, and probably sounds similarly muffled ;)

Lovely photo
CRI - gorgeous cat! I hope you'll be very happy with her, I am certainly happy with my retired stud, he's a complete sweetheart and although I had some initial doubts about taking on an adult ex-breeding cat (mostly revolving around the potential for spraying tbh!) they have since been dispelled. One thing I found with my boy is that he doesn't like to play with toys - I suppose he's had adult responsibilities and is therefore not impressed by pretend hunting or other kittenish behaviour. He's great at catching any insects or mice that come in though, and is very affectionate.
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Cats find bumps very comforting - baby's heartbeat is about the same bpm as the cat's mother's when they were in the womb as a kitten, and probably sounds similarly muffled ;)

Lovely photo
When Helen's on the bump and purrs, the bump stops kicking too... It's v cute :)
Our poor Jethro has died.

Half ferret half polecat and the coolest customer and everybody's best buddy. He died of renal failure. Quick and painless. The poor boy was only two years old. All very sudden. He wasn't well - not process his food and suffering muscle wastage and acting old, but he didn't seem really ill. I took him for a walk on Friday evening. People came out of the betting shop to see him. I was just giving him his medecine yesterday and he spat it out at me like he normally does and the next moment his heart stopped and he stopped breathing. I tried to revive him. Poor boy. I put him out for the others to see and they wrapped him up in their wool and heaped on top of him to keep him warm. The new girl was washing him and guarding him. He made friends very quickly. I've just realised I don't have many pictures of him. A real cool (pole)cat. My golden boy. Sorry to bring you all down again.
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