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Self-indulgent pet thread

Pockle the Parrot: Bike mechanic

I didn't really know where to put this but has anyone seen that new Pedigree Chum advert with the dog being rescued?

It's really pissed me off because unless you watch closely, it gives the impression that the product is somehow endorsed by the RSPCA or some other rescue charity?

Am I being silly? I'm not going to tell people how to feed their pets but Pedigree Chum and similar are actually really shit and loaded with crap so
I think it's misleading to give the impression that it's somehow the ideal product for sick or mistreated animals.

I've actually complained to the ASA. I'd forgotten I'd done this at 2am until I got a confirmation just now. : D

PC have started donating money to rescues, however crap it is a lot of people buy it so it'll generate income.
Aw, sorry about Jethro, Knotted. Didn't know ferrets would try to look after each other when they're unwell.
Got the "Furminator" out this afternoon and gave Rusty a good ol' goin' over - it really is horrendous to see how much fur would have ended up inside of such a tiny wee cat - and inside her it would have ended up - only to have been "honk, honk, HOOOOOOOONNNNNNKKKKKKEEEEEEEEEEDDDDDDDD!!!!!" up over the floor/bed/clothes/etc at some ungodly hour in the morning - loud enough to have wakened both of us but at such a time to not be awake enough to "do" anything about it until 5.30am which is our week day get up time
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