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Self-indulgent pet thread

What will he grow into Firky?

Glen of Imaal and Jack Russel cross so could be anything, but he seems to be taken after the Glen of Imaal. So I am guesssing like this with a more tan colouring.


how do dog owners stop their dogs shitting on the carpet at home?

my friend showed me these. want one, but dogs must be expensive to maintain. never owned a pet. ever.

how do dog owners stop their dogs shitting on the carpet at home?

Dogs don't typically want to foul up their living area. Puppies require a bit of house-training because like babies they need to go more frequently than adults, lack full bowel and bladder control (ie. they might not realise they are going to need to go in a little while so it suddenly becomes urgent and accidents can happen when they are little - or indeed when they are old or unwell), and don't know how to communicate to their human that they need to go. Toilet training a dog to ask to go out for the loo and hold on until it's in an appropriate place requires a little patience but because they don't want to be living amongst piles of their own shit they tend to catch on fairly quickly. Chewing can be more of a problem if you are house-proud!

Typically (unless things have changed since I was last involved with a puppy!) it involves picking them up as soon as they start sniffing around the floor indicating that they are looking for somewhere to go, and moving them to a pile of newspaper that you have put down in preparation and giving lots of praise when they go on the newspaper, then when they know to look for the newspaper you start moving it towards the door you want them to go out of when they need the loo and then move it outside.

never owned a pet. ever.

As someone who has had pets for as long as I can remember, I find that quite sad :( You might not know what you're missing out on, but you might also not realise what a huge responsibility and cost they can be! Worth it to animal lovers mind you, but bear in mind that dogs require a lot more care and attention and require your constant presence in their life much more than most other pets (with the possible exception of large parrots), are probably more expensive to feed than any other pet that lives in a house, and routine vet bills for vaccinations and neutering are more costly than for cats or small mammals.
Goodness. I knew about the bonobo's liver but not about Christopher Ecclestone's face.

You know what the most annoying thing about having had cancer and a transplant is? You just want to forget about it and get on with life, carry on as you did before and then idiots on the internet bring it up for a source of amusement and ridicule. They think it's funny.

You're not the only person who does it, violent panda does it too. It gets more than slightly annoying and I have had enough of it.
Yeah, understand that. You posted a fair bit about it at the time, of course, and I guess the bonobo stuff is an online way of digging you in the ribs playfully by way of suggesting that one is quite glad that you're alive.

But you've been alive for quite some time now and it's old hat. Will drop it.
Generally Luke is a feline of the night. He goes out to hunt. During the day he's often happy to look - and think about the night's hunting.


However with a bit of company he'll enjoy coming out during the day. Sometimes just happy to hang out for a while


There's no rest outside though. There's always birds which demand his attention. Even when napping he'll point his ears to any birds flying over.


Often there's too much going on and cover needs to be taken. Time for a secret daytime nap. Surely I'll get some peace in here

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