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Self-indulgent pet thread

Theres a black and white cat that lives in the house next door to my new place. Ive made kissy noises at it out of the window and its looked at me :D

He was in the garden too but ran off when I went outside to stroke him. KITTY!!!

There was a also a big fat fluffy fox which might have jumped out of an old shed window two doors down AND I can hear cocks crowing somewhere near by :D

I have also had many birds in the garden :cool: robins, tits and sparrahs mainly.
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Bed invasion, cat style.

From elsewhere on tinternets. Thought urban would like this. If you're a bit squeamish maybe best to look away now but ((())))

We got Maxi from the shelter. She was brought in with a severe infection
in both eyes. One was removed and the other severely damaged.
Turns out she is completely blind in the remaining eye.

She is still young (less than 6 months) and has adjusted well.
Playing, jumping and curious like a kitten should be.
It is amazing how she does regular kitten stuff without seeing.






I've met a couple of blind kitty cats in my life and tbh, if I didn't know they were blind I wouldn't have been able to tell the difference.
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