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Self-indulgent pet thread

I posted this on the house rabbit thread, but it's a really good pic of Tigger, so I thought I'd post it here, too...


(he is the one on the left, with the ears)
this is a rat

This is a hamster

This is a gerbil

Hope that clears things up for you OU. Also I have had cats, dogs, fish as well as hammies as pets. They are all pets. It is not up to you what people keep as pets (we had a snake once) same as it is not up to you what pets people post on the pet thread. Boris will be making a come back on the thread when I get some decent pics of him.

Simple solution, you know there will be rodents on the thread (I have not heard you moan about the cavies on the thread but they are still rodents) if you do not want to see them don't click on the thread.
Simple solution, you know there will be rodents on the thread (I have not heard you moan about the cavies on the thread but they are still rodents) if you do not want to see them don't click on the thread.
I agree. There are tons of animals I wouldn't have as pets (cats, for one - I'm allergic to them, and I don't much care for their murderous ways either), but that shouldn't be a reason why people can't post pics of them on this thread.
this is a rat

This is a hamster

This is a gerbil

Hope that clears things up for you OU. Also I have had cats, dogs, fish as well as hammies as pets. They are all pets. It is not up to you what people keep as pets (we had a snake once) same as it is not up to you what pets people post on the pet thread. Boris will be making a come back on the thread when I get some decent pics of him.

Simple solution, you know there will be rodents on the thread (I have not heard you moan about the cavies on the thread but they are still rodents) if you do not want to see them don't click on the thread.
but i want to see kitties and doggies!
and people can object to it all they want.
Course they can. But I don't think a thread in which everyone's carping about the presence on the thread of animals they don't happen to like is going to end up being a very pleasant thread, nor will it make the carpers particularly popular or welcome. Do you?
for Orang Utan: this is neither a rat nor a hamster, but a very strange cat with an unholy love of cigarette filters. i was trying to get her shouting at them and rolling around with them, but instead got a bit of a 'fetch' thing going on, and a big purry snog of my phone at the end.

and people can object to it all they want.

Cats are disgusting animals too, they bury their shit in my garden, well no, maybe it's cat owners that let their cats wander and don't clean up after them

Dogs are disgusting, they lick their arseholes, they have a *thing* for eating human shit, they sometimes eat poo outside, bring it inside in their stomachs then throw it up at your feet.

Horses :mad: well, they poo in the road dagnammit


So fucking what.



??? fred, you might not approve of luke invading the bed (and perhaps molesting its rather lovely occupant ;)) but it seems a bit harsh to have buried him in the cellar crawlspace as punishment...
Am I being paranoid or does this look dodgy, like someone farming Gumtree for dogs to use for fighting / puppy farms?

Look away lizzieloo



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