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Self-indulgent pet thread

My cat is affording me some amusement by sidling up to the fridge, pulling off a magnet and then doing that cat thing of looking in the other direction and batting it with his paw and pretending he's done nothing to help it skitter across the floor before he goes in for the kill.

(((defenceless fridge magnet)))
I know of another Fridge Magnet he could try that with. Could be entertaining.
Having problems tring to post up my dog.

The following error occurred

There was a problem uploading your file.


How can i can post a pic without using a link (if possible)?
Getting that error message when trying to use the "upload a file" button.

Ah well, see if i can get it tomorrow.

Your light tanned EBT is lovely lizzieloo

Well obviously both your EBT's are lovely, but I particularly like that ones colour, but theres nothing wrong with a brindle either :)
teamwork :hmm:
(and my pics are doing that sideways thing again and i don't know why. grr.)
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