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scout leader and former cop convicted after 38 year career of paedophilia

Police officer was found hanged just hours after he was arrested over indecent images | Daily Mail Online

"A police officer was found hanged just hours after being arrested for allegedly possessing indecent images, an inquest heard.
Pc Kevin Ellis' body was found in the grounds of a secondary school in Wakefield after he was taken into custody and then bailed by officers over the alleged offence.
A coroner was told that 33-year-old was arrested in April 2013 after images were found on a computer.
Police had moved in to arrest him after an online conversation had been flagged up in which an indecent video was shared - one of the addresses was traced to Pc Ellis' home.
Other images 'of concern' had also been found on electronic equipment seized.
Pc Kevin Ellis had gone to a shop after being released from custody to buy two bottles of Lambrini and a notebook, the inquest heard.
In the notebook he wrote that he 'could not live with it' and did not want his arrest to 'affect his children's lives.'"

fucking hell. very dark one this
if you're going to top yourself you ought at least to go out on decent booze.
Police officer raped girl, 14, in her bedroom 36 years ago, court told

Former Copper found not guilty of raping a 14 year old today. Oddly, He was asked to resign after the accusation in 1981 but was not charged at the time.

See, they are not all pederasts are they?
Her parents made a complaint to police and the girl was taken for a medical examination several days after the alleged rape. In the police interview she said the police doctor had told her to undress. “Then he told me I was a little slag and I’d had more pricks than a second-hand dart board,” she told police.
Fucking. Hell.
i cannot imagine something like this happening and the great and good of society laughing in you and your parents face. not that he was found guilty of anything obviously.


What is to be done? as some baldy forren bloke once said
i cannot imagine something like this happening and the great and good of society laughing in you and your parents face. not that he was found guilty of anything obviously.


What is to be done? as some baldy forren bloke once said
there is but one solution.
Of course they deserve special treatment, people are sent to prison to be punished by having their liberty removed, not to be beaten up. We've moved on from the days of the stocks.
I think its one thing to hold that as a position of principle or statement of public policy - I do hold that position - no one should have extra punishments inserted into their sentence. Same time, its not a contradiction to have an emotional response to cases like this and hope they get some serious shit. An emotional response is entirely valid, particularly to someone who has used their power to exploit the vulnerable for decades. I'd put it this way, I wouldn't be unhappy if he got some serious grief in prison, its just fucking karma. I'm not one of the 'I hope rapists get raped in the showers' brigade, so I'm also aware that all sounds a bit contradictory. Not really arguing with you posted, btw, just trying to work out the contradictory rush of thoughts you get when you hear about a case like this.
I think its one thing to hold that as a position of principle or statement of public policy - I do hold that position - no one should have extra punishments inserted into their sentence. Same time, its not a contradiction to have an emotional response to cases like this and hope they get some serious shit. An emotional response is entirely valid, particularly to someone who has used their power to exploit the vulnerable for decades. I'd put it this way, I wouldn't be unhappy if he got some serious grief in prison, its just fucking karma. I'm not one of the 'I hope rapists get raped in the showers' brigade, so I'm also aware that all sounds a bit contradictory. Not really arguing with you posted, btw, just trying to work out the contradictory rush of thoughts you get when you hear about a case like this.

Of course not. I am 100% against capital punishment. Seriously harm one of my kids and I'll kill you.
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Her parents made a complaint to police and the girl was taken for a medical examination several days after the alleged rape. In the police interview she said the police doctor had told her to undress. “Then he told me I was a little slag and I’d had more pricks than a second-hand dart board,” she told police.

But of course letting the police investigate crimes committed by police officers is not a problem at all.
well anyway. thats the lot. a few bad apples is a small price to pay for the good that the service does. i cannot imagine any more will pop up, nope, never. That them all caught now, bang to rights. let the service move on.a clean sheet.

Police community support officer guilty of raping two young girls

A former police community support officer has been jailed for 24 years for raping two young girls after one of the children had a flashback when another officer made a routine school visit.

Peter Bunyan, 43, from Penzance in Cornwall, was convicted of raping and sexually assaulting the girls when they were aged between three and six. One of the girls remembers him wearing at least some of his police uniform when he attacked her.

Bunyan, formerly a PCSO in Camborne and Redruth, was previously jailed for having sex while on duty and for using police computers to collect data about vulnerable women."
Hundreds of police in England and Wales accused of sexual abuse

Forces across England and Wales received 436 allegations of abuse of power for sexual gain against 306 police officers, 20 police community support officers and eight staff in the two years to March but inspectors believe the problem is even more prevalent than the numbers suggest.
Despite the large numbers, there is evidence that only 40 officers or staff have been dismissed for abusing authority for sexual gain in a similar period."

Police community support officer guilty of raping two young girls

A former police community support officer has been jailed for 24 years for raping two young girls after one of the children had a flashback when another officer made a routine school visit.

Peter Bunyan, 43, from Penzance in Cornwall, was convicted of raping and sexually assaulting the girls when they were aged between three and six. One of the girls remembers him wearing at least some of his police uniform when he attacked her.

Bunyan, formerly a PCSO in Camborne and Redruth, was previously jailed for having sex while on duty and for using police computers to collect data about vulnerable women."
He was previously convicted at Taunton crown court, for offences committed whilst employed by Devon and Cornwall Constabulary! Anecdotally, high profile or locally influential people charged with sexual offences have had their cases tried in courts well away from their area.
It's only my POV, but I much preferred the idea that my persecutor was going to spend a few years in prison, with at least the opportunity to reflect on how badly he'd managed to fuck up his life, than suddenly dead with no opportunity for uncomfortable self-examination. Even if he will be out 2½ years after conviction, I imagine that it's been a monumentally shit 2½ years. And, let's face it, killing a paedophile doesn't go anywhere near undoing the harm that they have done, so it's not as if that's a real justification.

I can understand the revenge aspect. But I think that's why we need a (fully functioning) justice system, rather than leaving it to individuals to mete out what they consider to be justice. I reserve my fury for the societal and systemic attitudes that have enabled cunts like this to get away with what they've done in plain view, though. Someone knew what that policeman was up to, or at least could have known, and they did nothing. Perhaps they even helped cover it up. Given that they presumably don't even have the excuse of having something the matter with them to make them commit such acts, I hope to fuck that their consciences prick them daily.
needs a generic bad apple coppers thread to collate and record these extremely rare incidents
TBF, I can't recall another case like this.

It is a little difficult to get figures, but the incidence of conviction of police of PCSO officers is not huge in comparison to the number of serving officers. July 2015 figures indicate 309 convictions over the previous three years.

I am no lover of the police, far from it, but demonising one sector does no good whatsoever.

Were you to argue that the figures for the police should be zero, I would not disagree.
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