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[Sat 27th October 2012] Anarchist Bookfair - London

I'll be selling tshirts, prints and IWW stuff.

Oh, and there are tube closures that day as well which may impact people travellng
Been and gone. Only had a brief time due to needing to catch a train. Good to meet up with old friends and new. Anyone do any of the meetings? I didn't bother in the past but enjoyed the one I went to today despite the seat being really uncomfortable after an hour of sitting in it.
I popped in noted down some books to order off Amazon chatted with Sihhi then headed home, felt too knackered to go drinking or owt. Haven't been to a meeting in years now.
I was briefly in t'spoons. I didn't witness pickman's 'holding court' in there. Although, tbf, I have no idea what he looks like.
do people not fight at this any more?

Did they ever? It was all handbags at dawn stuff afaik. Apart from a lone fascist loon getting decked at Conway Hall.

Maybe I missed some. Perhaps we should do one of those retrospective TV shows with Stuart Maconie - "I Love Anarchist Bookfair Rucks"
Did they ever? It was all handbags at dawn stuff afaik. Apart from a lone fascist loon getting decked at Conway Hall.

Maybe I missed some. Perhaps we should do one of those retrospective TV shows with Stuart Maconie - "I Love Anarchist Bookfair Rucks"
There was also the incident in the pub (before the venue moved to Mile End) that lead to police "intervention" :D
do people not fight at this any more?
Actually there was some action at this years bookfair! If you weren't close, you may have missed it tho, but I do know it was being talked about by some at least. I'm wondering whether to spill the beans or not?

I missed Ian Bone not speaking, tho Martin Wright did well, it was almost as if he had a preview of Mayday 7:) Our stall did very well, the most 'money in the till' of any London Anarchist Bookfair I've done..

Pickman, I'm sorry I did not get to have a good chat, maybe next time I'm down in London. On the whole very successful, the busyest ever Bookfair imho, and there is a case for looking for a bigger venue. We certainly need a larger main hall, it was rammed all afternoon, and far later than it has ever been before.

We all had a good time, and it all passes way too quickly, I wanted to speak to far more people than I got the chance too. We got the minibus and everybody safely back to the North East without a hitch, and we will be doing more awaydays too:)
I assume that is reference to someone from the northern network (is that the name) getting a slap?
Thats not how I would have phrased it, and I do not think it covers anyone in glory either imho. Its probably best left unsaid, and I say this as someone who thinks virtually everything should be in public. Certainly the 'disagreement' should have been aired publically in print more, as it is, what happened almost becomes as important as the dispute to those uninitiated. i'm happy for it 'to die' with this post.
The tout was spotted too, I hear, but nothing more than him hanging around. Sounds like he disappeared before anyone decided to make him leave. Something about one of these Christian-anarchist types something something too.
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