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[Sat 26th May 2012] IWCA - Working Class History Month (Oxford)

"We are very proud to be working alongside staff and parents to organise the ‘Pegasus Olympics’ a free, all day bonanza of sport to be held in and around Pegasus School - at the heart of Blackbird Leys, on Saturday 7th July 2012. The IWCA Athletics Club has been asked to coordinate the running events for the day and as such, at the suggestion of Paul Brackett, we will be resurrecting the ‘Blackbird Leys Mile’ a race around Blackbird Leys Park, but this time for the primary school children across the estate."

Brilliant stuff, this type of engagement should be bread and butter for the left but isn't.

if the left had done this sort of work, supporting disabled people, pensioners, etc then they would be much more embedded and therefore effective in developing relationships with local communities, ameliorating the growth of the BNP and EDL, etc, for myself i think my time in the left would have been more productive, sad really...
Doing genuine left wing work is hard, often boring and often unappreciated, the SWP particuarly are the antithesis of this, always chasing after the next big thing, the zeitgeist, etc, the SP do work on the former lines at times, the very very brutal times we are about to live in, must see this sort of work develop or people will drown...
i like the toques

Does the money from them hats only cover cost or does the IWCA get a cut? Only I quite like the look of them and if some of the money goes towards funding activities like these I reckon that's a good enough excuse for me to buy one!
Please do - also do you know if the BTF talk will be put on you tube?

[quote="Best to just use the donations link on the national IWCA site and it will get passed on

Doing it now.[/quote]

LD! if you cd get o sheas speech online that wd be ENORMOUSLY helpful for the militant antifascist book we're doing right now. just getting onto UK in 1970s!!! cd i email in a question? im miles away from oxford so cant go. good luck with it anyroad!
Only just seen this thread. Looks really good. I think I can spot someone there that I talked to about the IWCA in the East Oxford Community Centre; looks like I didn't need to recruit him after all.
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