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Russell Brand Crap/Not Crap

Russell Brand Crap/not Crap

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Does anyone remember when he used to do MTV shows a few years ago which involved him going to festivals and speaking to folk off their tits at 7am and severely twisting their melons. F-ing hilarious
With the possible exception of Jonathan Ross, he's the only TV presenter I can actually abide. He always makes me laugh.
RaverDrew said:
very good

but very over exposed at the mo

bbbm should have been once or twice a week max imo

I agree with that. I really liked him when I first watched him, now I can't really watch him anymore without wanting to stab my eyeballs with a toothpick :(

Completely overexposed!
electrogirl said:
I like him (eh we agree on something Zenie;) )

He's dapper and dandy. He's playing in Bristol soon, i might try and kiss him. Apparently he's been around the block though, according to Wikipedia Makosi, Becki and Kate Lawler from Big Brother..

I think thats why he always defends Imogen - he truly is lead more than anything else by a swinish partnership of his dinkle and his more confident larger bawl bag.

He can be very funny - but this Big Brother contestant shagging fetishism has got to stop.:mad:
i get dead sick of his ballbag 'jokes'

but his irreverance makes me laugh - and i lurve his smile :)
Spion said:
Does anyone remember when he used to do MTV shows a few years ago which involved him going to festivals and speaking to folk off their tits at 7am and severely twisting their melons. F-ing hilarious

That's when I thought he was a ledgend.

These days though he seems to be spinning out the same act and its spreading a bit too thinly now. He comes out with the odd bit of genius but I'm getting tired of his samey painting by numbers routine.

He is dashingly hansom though.
His standup is brilliant - he did a skit using letters published in the Sun about Ian Huntley that was very very funny.
ive only seen him on Tv once,saw the end part of BB programme where a studio audience "analysed" BB,im NOT a BB fan at all...so i never watched it again(no idea what other programmes he's been on/if he is a good comedian or not:confused:enlighten me please:) )despite this, i voted NOT CRAP cos i found him to
be !SABROSA!..thats well tasty to you and me :p i dont see many guys who catch my eye it has to be said,no im not fond of a masculine looking gent generally..divine dandies..you know just who to contact ..NOW

i suspect he's horrible in his person life,probably a womaniser and self important=big suprise. IF he is a funny comedian i can ignore all that..as long as he doesnt sleep with lily allen ala vince noir:eek: :(
I think his entire act is down to the symptoms of heroin withdrawal.

He's also not very funny, which is something of a flaw in comedians these days.
Hmm, he seems to have divided the opinion of the good ship Urban. Therefore I exercise my self-appointed casting vote and declare him crap, for evermore :p
I think when he's on form he's the best thing about BB... watched last night's BBBM when I got back from work (very late). I like seeing somebody on telly telling the studio audience "shaddup you wankers!" while pointing his skinny legs at them... How can anybody not like that? :)
Lay off the guy. He's an ex-junkie made good with at least two brain cells to rub together. And he's hasn't forgotten the rehab people after becoming famous -- I believe he gives his time to various related causes, giving talks to current addicts in recovery etc. His Sunday morning show on BBC 6 is bloody hilarious and all -- you can listen to it on the interweb if you don't have digital radio.

Anyway, Bob Geldof called him a cunt and I think Geldof is a bigger cunt. So on the basis that the enemy of my enemy is my friend, he's alright by me.
MullahNasrudin said:
Anyway, Bob Geldof called him a cunt and I think Geldof is a bigger cunt. So on the basis that the enemy of my enemy is my friend, he's alright by me.

Aye, there's that too. :D

I like him, he's one of the few presenters that don't make me want to throw things.
exosculate said:
He can be very funny - but this Big Brother contestant shagging fetishism has got to stop.:mad:
I don't see why. It'd be foolish of him not to take advantage of all the hot girls off BB who are stupid enough to be seduced by his 'fame' :)
I see his photo everywhere but I still haven't a clue who he is. :confused:

He looks the spitting image of the singer from a band I used to play in.
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