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Really tacky Premiership gimmicks and other modern football crap

What happened to people chucking a bog roll? Bring back bog rolls!
Wembley 1995 I took loads of bog roll and spent two hours on the M4 ripping up copies of the Evening Post for confetti. Looked spectacular when I launched the lot from behind the tunnel as the teams came out :cool:

Andy sodding Booth *mumble mumble sob*
I like the plinths, they're fun :D

Yeah they're accidents waiting to happen.

Damn guys, this reads like an online version of that Grumpy Old Men programme or whatever it was called. OK a lot of this stuff is done for profit but "sporting events" like WWE and Darts (yup, bloody darts) are pioneering lots of interactive fan bobbins that people now expect.
Soon each Prem player will have his won music when he scores, team sheets will be read out as nicknames (I give you "The Beast") and there'll be all other sorts of gimmicks. Not saying it's right (though some of this new-fangled shit can be fun) but it's the way things are going.

Having said all of that, anyone with a half-and-half scarf should burn it now.
Yeah they're accidents waiting to happen.

Damn guys, this reads like an online version of that Grumpy Old Men programme or whatever it was called. OK a lot of this stuff is done for profit but "sporting events" like WWE and Darts (yup, bloody darts) are pioneering lots of interactive fan bobbins that people now expect.
Soon each Prem player will have his won music when he scores, team sheets will be read out as nicknames (I give you "The Beast") and there'll be all other sorts of gimmicks. Not saying it's right (though some of this new-fangled shit can be fun) but it's the way things are going.

Having said all of that, anyone with a half-and-half scarf should burn it now.
Anyone remember half and half ski hats in the 80s? Usually half your English team and half Rangers/Celtic though Aberdeen got a look in back then as well. My mate admits to owning a Rovers/Dundee United ski hat :D

Rovers announced a trial of goal music a few summers ago and were inundated with so many complaints and threats never to darken their turnstiles again they dropped the whole scheme :)
Moving advertising screens. I remember the idea was mooted years ago to allow adverts around the action on TV as way of marketing to the US. I remember everyone thinking how absurd it was.

Advertising hoardings which are actively trying to distract you from the game ffs
They were selling them half and half scarves when we knocked Fulham out of the Cup third round in 2008 (the spivs were, not the club). Fulham ffs, I can remember when they were a guaranteed six points a season and a chance to play 'spot the top flight fan slumming it in the Enclosure' at Craven Cottage
This increased military thing seems to have coincided with some kind of mandatory poppy emblem being slapped on shirts throughout the premiership during remembrance season and even escalating to a full on FIFA 'situation' when England played Spain a couple of years ago when England weren't allowed to brandish the thing on the shirt. Load of bollocks.

Fucking cheer leaders (apologies if some one else has put this, I haven't read the whole because cheer leaders piss me off so fucking much) in ANY sport.

What's the point?
Do people need to be told when to cheer?
If you don't know then don't turn up!

Plus I find it all a bit purvy to be honest, a group of post-pudescent girls dancing around in front of a ground of, inherently, middle aged men.
Fucking cheer leaders (apologies if some one else has put this, I haven't read the whole because cheer leaders piss me off so fucking much) in ANY sport.

What's the point?
Do people need to be told when to cheer?
If you don't know then don't turn up!

Plus I find it all a bit purvy to be honest, a group of post-pudescent girls dancing around in front of a ground of, inherently, middle aged men.
Oh yes. Another dire US import.

At least clubs make a play for families. Families spend money and lots of it. When they become late teenagers the clubs lose interest - what financial contribution can a 16 year old on minimum wage or at college make? Not a lot, so the accountants say 'fuck off then'
Steven Gerrard is a good example of another pet hate of mine: 'Media Training' - stock answers for everything, all completely PR managed, no potentially revealing insights into anything anymore. Just a generic post match obligation. Waste of airtime.

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