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Ready Player One

Oh, I started this a while back but had to put it aside because other stuff that needed my attention more came up. I should get back to it, what I read of it was great.
I got it for iBooks after reading this thread and really enjoyed it. I suppose its aimed at fourty somethings but it felt more like a 'young adult' novel. My eldest son is reading it now and he's liking it too.
I got it for iBooks after reading this thread and really enjoyed it. I suppose its aimed at fourty somethings but it felt more like a 'young adult' novel. My eldest son is reading it now and he's liking it too.
Exactly - it is paced like a YA novel, continually moving forward with no personal reflection; yet the references have resonance for anyone who grew up in the 80s. I think he does a decent job of explaining most of the references for non-tech/non-gamer readers, though.
Started this yesterday, great book. I'm no gamer but was in my youth and played D&D - this is really well done, spot on.
Steven Spielberg is directing the film of this.

I'll have to read it, sounds just like my thing.
magneze I knew you'd like it :) let's have a chit chat about it when you're done.

Re making it into a film. Reading the book brought really vivid images to mind, as with any good book, so I'll be really interested to see another interpretation of it.
I loathed it, it was bloody awful and essentially just a list of things from the 80's down to walking you through the plot of Game/Film X.

One of the few books I've put down and been happy to walk away from before finishing.
apparently one of the ballache is going to be clearing rights to use all the tons of licensed IP in the book, from D&D to well- every 80s geek thing mentioned in the book.

But, its spielberg. His richer than cresus and can be persuasive
apparently one of the ballache is going to be clearing rights to use all the tons of licensed IP in the book, from D&D to well- every 80s geek thing mentioned in the book.

But, its spielberg. His richer than cresus and can be persuasive
Most companies would give their left ball for the cult status of appearing alongside Star Wars, Commodore 64 etc, reckon they'll OK it. Loads did for the Lego movie.
Had a chat to the rest of the IT section I work in about this book at lunch, forgetting that most proper geeks I know are only interested in magazines/films/games/websites and don't read books. I'm wondering if most of the target audience for this book won't know about it until it's made into a film :D
Hated it like a PPP culture version of the worst parts of a Neil Stephenson book
Yeah I saw this on twitter last night, Speilberg is in Birmingham filming the ultimate tribute to 80s geeks and fanboys. Man 2016 is weird.
I enjoyed the book a lot despite a) not being geeky at all and thus missing most of the references and b) hating useless nostalgia.
:hmm: everything I’ve ever read about the book has made me think I’d hate it - though I guess gamer wish fulfilment fantasy has taken on a different context over the years.
Definitely preferred the book. Much more fun in my own imagination. Film was fun for a fiver (local fleapit :cool: 0
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