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Rapist may have caught HIV


baseline neural therapy
Not that I'd wish HIV on anyone, but as candidates go, I'm betting not many will shed a tear for this one.

A rapist who attacked a woman whilst she slept in her home is waiting to find out if he has contracted HIV from her.

Richard Thomas collapsed when he was told his victim was HIV positive, and is now awaiting test results to establish if he has contracted the virus, according to the BBC.

Thomas is currently serving a 64 month sentence after pleading guilty to raping the woman, who he was known to.

Full Story
IIRC it's harder for transmision to go this way, but not anywhere near impossible. Here's hoping, eh?

*raises glass*
His defence seems to have been along the lines of 'I took loads of coke and ecstasy and I don't remember doing it'.

Gotta love karma :)

ETA: He still only got 64 months though :rolleyes:
I was going to say "It's unlikely that he will have caught it, but good for him to have some mental agony", and then I realised that was like condoning cruel and unusual punishment.

Practical Ethics 101: Should this man be given the same level of support and counselling as that which the woman was entitled to receive?
I was going to say "It's unlikely that he will have caught it, but good for him to have some mental agony", and then I realised that was like condoning cruel and unusual punishment.

Practical Ethics 101: Should this man be given the same level of support and counselling as that which the woman was entitled to receive?
practical ethics: yes.

But me not actually being that nice a person, I hope not, and I smiled when I read he had 'collapsed' when he heard
I was going to say "It's unlikely that he will have caught it, but good for him to have some mental agony", and then I realised that was like condoning cruel and unusual punishment.

Practical Ethics 101: Should this man be given the same level of support and counselling as that which the woman was entitled to receive?

In my world he damned-well wouldn't. Eff him
well if he has caught the big bad he will have to live with it for the rest of his life. Much as she will have to live with the mental anguish of a sexual assault for the rest of her life. So, unlucky. Next time try and find a sexual partner who is willing.
The idea that if you shag a woman you can't get HIV is rubbish. It's a small risk but it's not a non existent risk. But it's a popular myth. And it puts men and lesbians / bisexual women at risk.

Fully aware that men can and often do catch HIV from sex with women. Unsure as to how this affects lesbians though?
Fully aware that men can and often do catch HIV from sex with women. Unsure as to how this affects lesbians though?

Lesbian safe sex is an issue that's not really discussed very widely. There is often a notion that lesbians don't need to think about safe sex because we can't catch anything. It's a complete nonsense, we are a lower risk group but not a no risk group.

It's just a bit of a soap box issue for me I guess. I didn't think it was totally unrelated.
I once saw Northants police gag a man with his own scarf for spitting at them when we were waiting to be processed. They loudly spoke about HIV risk while doing it to a cuffed man. Turns out HIV transmission from saliva is incredibly difficult to do from a spit. You'd need to drink a glass of infected spit to be at risk. I put in a complaint at his treatment but nothing ever came of it. as per.
Lesbian safe sex is an issue that's not really discussed very widely. There is often a notion that lesbians don't need to think about safe sex because we can't catch anything. It's a complete nonsense, we are a lower risk group but not a no risk group.

It's just a bit of a soap box issue for me I guess. I didn't think it was totally unrelated.

Can lesbian sex transmit HIV (excluding extreme S&M obvs.)?
I once saw Northants police gag a man with his own scarf for spitting at them when we were waiting to be processed. They loudly spoke about HIV risk while doing it to a cuffed man. Turns out HIV transmission from saliva is incredibly difficult to do from a spit. You'd need to drink a glass of infected spit to be at risk. I put in a complaint at his treatment but nothing ever came of it. as per.

A slight tangent, but I've always wondered about this saying (although I remember it being a bucket of spit rather than a glass).

Does it denote likely risk, or is it a concentration issue? Why a glass / bucket? If the former, surely an unlucky person could still contract it from the tinest amount of spittle?
I once saw Northants police gag a man with his own scarf for spitting at them when we were waiting to be processed. They loudly spoke about HIV risk while doing it to a cuffed man. Turns out HIV transmission from saliva is incredibly difficult to do from a spit. You'd need to drink a glass of infected spit to be at risk. I put in a complaint at his treatment but nothing ever came of it. as per.

Spitting is pretty vile mind. As Silas Loom says he was probably lucky.
Northants is probably the safest place in the world to gob at a copper, then. Rather mild response really.

They are relatively milder than the bunch of arrogant psychos who work for London Met yes. I've found playing nice with them means you get nice back. Totally different story with the met. I was threatened with serious assault for reading the shoulder numbers and repeating them back to my fellow arrestee by Peels finest. Never get chippy with the met, they can kill you and get away with it.
custody waiting room cameras and a witness probably played a greater part than luck mate. I've no doubt that on his own and away from cam he'd have taken a hell of a beating

I'm sure they could find a way if they wanted.

Anyway like you, I've found being nice, gets nice back, the exception being public order/protest situations.
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