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Rachel Is At The Vet's Today

Hope she's OK & they have caught it in time. It's so worrying when they're ill.
Rachel's lumps were cancer! But they think they've got it out in time and took enough margin to avoid it spreading. Another check up tomorrow.

Oh dear god, I've only just seen this thread and am really feeling the ups and downs you've been going through. I am hoping that "cancerous lumps" on her paws means it was mast-cell tumours, which tends to have a good prognosis in cats (much more positive than in dogs) if caught early and tend not to be malignant in cats.

She's really pretty, I love red cats (and in response to a much earlier post on this thread red females are NOT rare, trust me I've studied feline genetics in some depth for many years, it's just that red males are more common - that doesn't mean that she's not the most special red cat right now though!)

I am keeping everything crossed for you that she is soon feeling better and nothing else crops up.
Really sympathise as I have been to hell and back with my Mulder (also 12).

Pleased to say that although he seemed at death's door last Monday he is now a millions time better and is hardly dragging his paw, and his intestinal blockage is sorted. :)

really, really hope rachel is feeling much better soon - know exactly about how hard it is when you can't explain to them.

((((everyone with a sick cat friend))))

Rachel is at the vets now. She either has a chest infection or the cancer has come back and spread to her lungs. The latter is looking most likely:(

I'm preparing to be heartbroken. She's been the main constant in life for 13 years.
No :( How terrible. So sorry to hear this. Hoping it's 'only' the chest infection. Will keep fingers crossed. Beautiful cat.
Thanks for your wishes folks.

Bad news, I'm afraid. I had to decide yesterday afternoon whether to keep her alive, probably for no more than a couple of weeks, possibly in pain even with strong painkillers, or have her put down.

The former option would have been for my benefit not hers, so I held her while she went. :(

I'm absolutely grief stricken, but I know how lucky I was to have the cheeky little madam in my life for 12 years.

RIP my beautiful little girl xxx
Oh I'm so sorry Yelkclub. I'm devastated for you - I know how much she meant to you. You did everything right to keep her pain free and happy. You were a great friend to her.

RIP beautiful Rachel :(
Oh Yelkcub, my thoughts go out to you :(. At least you were there with her and got to say goodbye.

And you have 12 years of lovely, lovely memories. Not a lot of comfort at the moment I know but I hope it will be :)
So sorry, Yelkcub. I went through the same thing a couple of months ago and it's horrible, even though it's the right thing to do. You know you've done your absolute best for her. x
aww yelkclub I'm so sorry. I know it's only a matter of time before mine goes the same way and I can't bear the thought of letting her go.

You did the right thing, but it must be so difficult to do.

She was a very beautiful girl and I'm sure she's had a very very happy life with you. RIP lovely Rachel.
How life can quickly change. Woke up without the clip-clop of little claws on wooden floor yesterday, stayed at my gf's without having to check my tenants we home to feed her last night. It's fucking horrible:(

I met my ex at the vets yesterday so she could say goodbye. Rachel still looked beautiful but she isn't there anymore. I genuinely had no idea of the depth of the loss I feel, and I'm gutted that I spent so much time at my gf's lately. Time's like this I wish I believed in a god and a heaven, but I'm desperate not deluded.:(
Fuck it, I can't concentrate on anything today. So much work to do, so many people wanting decisions from me and all I want to do is go home and be where she lived.:(
oh yelkcub! :( this is awful but she isn't in pain anymore. I know you said you don't do god and all that (I don't either) but I remember being told about something called Rainbow Bridge when my dog went?

this is it
Yelkclub, I'm so sorry for your loss.

It is terribly hard to lose an animal companion, not least because this kind of bereavement is poorly understood by those who've never shared home and hearth with a four-legged friend.

Give yourself the time and opportunity to grieve properly.

RIP Rachel
RIP Rachel, she looked like a gorgeous girl and she was very well loved.

I'm so sorry Yelkub, you've lost a very dear pet and it will take a while to get used to.
Thanks for the nice comments people. Haven't tidied her stuff away yet. Terrible week, but I've actually laughed a couple times today.

Rainbow Bridge sounds lovely Dovy...
So sorry to hear about Rachel. :( It sounds like you gave her a loved and happy life and made sure she didn't suffer at the end of it.
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