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Rachel Is At The Vet's Today

She's got an inflammation around her bottom and private parts.:( I am not enjoying applying her ointment and the whole ordeal is realy upsetting her.

She's not having fun right now. Not allowed out, wearing a lampshade, being force-fed two pills a day and then the indignity of having her tail lifted to be interfered with twice a day.

That pic looks as if it should have a risque caption...she's looking quite Eartha Kittish.
Does she hate you yet, or is she all trusting and resigned and looking at you with those big 'I thought you loved me?' eyes?
Your cat is gorgeous, and has a great name! I love human names for animals. :cool:

I hope your lovely Rachel cat is feeling all better soon. :)
Oh noes! I thought Rachel's vet appointment was at 9.45, only to find on our arrival it was actually 11.15. Extra trips in her carry box do not make her happy!:facepalm:
hehe. well at least you didn't arrive for a later appointment only to find out that you missed your earlier appointment.
good luck rachel.
Clean bill of health!:D Biopsy results showed just a bit of dermatatis (sp?) brought on by the stress of the original injury she got in a fight. Arse all cleared up!

(Has to keep lampshade on for another few days though:()
Yowsa go Rachel !

although it goes without saying we'll need a fresh picture to fully believe she's well again ;)
Rachel is back under the weather:(

Took her to the vets for stitches on a gash on her paw and they've found two lumps. They've cut them out but results are going to be a week:(

Poor you, poor Rachel. :(

My cat is proper poorly at the mo so I sympathise, it's not easy is it?

(((Rachel and Yelkcub)))
Oh poor lovely Rachel :( I hope everything's okay and she's back to being lazily indifferent and snugglesomely regal soon.
Poor you, poor Rachel. :(

My cat is proper poorly at the mo so I sympathise, it's not easy is it?

(((Rachel and Yelkcub)))

No, definitely not easy. She's wet herself on my bed twice with the stress of it all.

Hope your cat is doing better now?
No, definitely not easy. She's wet herself on my bed twice with the stress of it all.

Hope your cat is doing better now?


Why do they always pee/vomit/crap in the least helpful places? We awoke the other morning to find our Donut had vomited copiously all over the duvet :facepalm:

Donut has cancer - she's had an operation but we've got to feed her through a tube in a her neck until she's well enough to eat. It's horrible making them unhappy when they don't understand why.

Fingers crossed Rachel's results aren't bad news.
Rachel's lumps were cancer! But they think they've got it out in time and took enough margin to avoid it spreading. Another check up tomorrow.
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