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Queue Watch: Dedicated BBC Queue Tracking discussion and analysis - HRH Her Majesty the Queen (Dec'd)

BBC’s hyped up coverage of THE queue is something else. 4.3 miles is long, but it’s very spaced out. Aerial shots show about two people every yard - about 15,000 over all. 40,000 -50,000 on the TUC demo in June, hardly mentioned on BBC.
Any truth to this?
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I just went down to look at the queue , it isn't that far away tbf , saw it near London Bridge , accidentally joined it for a while , some ignorant people might call that pushing in 🙄 . Wasn't in it for very long.

Walked back to Liverpool St via Bank and there was an anti-vax protest in full swing outside the BoE, bit disrespectful to her Maj that 🤔

My mate's bf somehow found himself trapped in the Queue the other night somehow or other. Off his tits. I think it was a little bit traumatising. He's a big lad so took him a while to extract himself.

I got bought loads of drinks last night in Spain as I dealt with my grief (I didn't initiate this but just went with it - the friend I was with was crying - with laughter so that helped). People are genuinely upset here.
My mate's bf somehow found himself trapped in the Queue the other night somehow or other. Off his tits. I think it was a little bit traumatising. He's a big lad so took him a while to extract himself.

I got bought loads of drinks last night in Spain as I dealt with my grief (I didn't initiate this but just went with it - the friend I was with was crying - with laughter so that helped). People are genuinely upset here.
I've just realised I've been confusing you with petee - apologies to both of you :D
Has anyone died or given birth in The Queue yet?

Apparently yes. I was with a mate last night, who has a mate who works in A&E at St Thomas’. According to my mate, at least one person has died of a heart attack. And they’ve had loads of people brought in for dehydration and other stuff, exhaustion I guess.

Of course this comes from a mate of a mate, so it could just be a scurrilous rumour.

More likely, The Queue has restorative and curative properties and people are emerging the other end in a state of renewed vigour and relieved of all ailments and illness. Anyone born in The Queue is immediately whisked away to be anointed and beatified.
The queue is entering its last glorious day. Laying-in-state closes at 6.30am Monday morning, meaning any last-minute chancers will need to join the queue in the next few hours.

It can still be viewed live online at the moment and I assume they'll archive the footage too somewhere so we can all binge it at a later date
The beginning of the end..

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It's been a ride. I've seriously not laughed as much in a very very long time. I needed this. The interviews with the Queue People were utterly priceless. They're still going on the BBC news channel with people so honoured for the opportunity to inch their way along for 24 hours to look at a box for a few seconds. The ones who won the lottery and got to see the parasitic grandkids standing there were in tears, floods of them, on emergence. The greatest moment of their lives.

Sad to see it all end. We'll never see its like again I dont think.
I thought this deserved cross posting from the other Queue thread

I don't know. There was a woman on the news yesterday, from Salford, getting the coach down. She said she'd never been to London before, knew nobody in town, and was only taking a bottle of water and a fleece onesie. She said she'd been crying since last Thursday, and seemed quite wired. I do mean wired rather than weird, although that too. Honestly, I was quite worried for her. I'm sure she'll very likely get home in one piece, but I wouldn't be massively surprised if I heard she'd tried to swim across the Thames because she couldn't see any bridges.

The NZ PM is on the news now bigging up the Queue while also saying NZ will soon be a Republic. Weird. I can't tell if she's joking or not as her stock face is this enormous grin so she could probably get away with saying the Earth's flat.

I know she's a politician but why not take the opportunity to say what she clearly really thinks.
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