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Queen Death: Thread for unhinged Tweets, opinions and behaviour

I've been hearing reports that the local supermarkets have silenced the checkouts beeping and turned off the children's rides for the duration of mourning.....what with weatherspoons announcing they will not be playing music in their establishments and the local community centre cancelling the bacon butty and tea chats in the morning as a 'sign of respect' I'm starting to wonder if there is a limit on the rediculous empty gestures
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In honour of her Majesty I'm going to play Overwatch on my ps4, but I'll only be playing Tracer, the British character. Though I might also play Symmetra, the character from India and call for independence

I’m going to play Dying Light, but my character will have the England flag outfit.
i know we should avoid twitter and stuff but this is one for the "aged well" category of liz truss, apols if already posted

I've been hearing reports that the local supermarkets have silenced the checkouts beeping and turned off the children's rides for the duration of mourning.....what with weatherspoons announcing they will not be playing music in their establishments and the local community centre cancelling the bacon butty and Tea chats in the morning as a 'sign of respect' I'm starting to wonder if there is a limit on the rediculous empty gestures

TBF, I hate all that background noise anyway. I don't think there is any crappier music than supermarket background music, with the possible exception of music played at funerals.
I've been hearing reports that the local supermarkets have silenced the checkouts beeping and turned off the children's rides for the duration of mourning.....what with weatherspoons announcing they will not be playing music in their establishments and the local community centre cancelling the bacon butty and Tea chats in the morning as a 'sign of respect' I'm starting to wonder if there is a limit on the rediculous empty gestures
Dare I say it... a lot of these gestures seem more out of fear of offending someone, than genuine respect.
Organisation I work for has come up with some 'respectful' teams backgrounds, rather than the standard one (don't think i've ever seen anyone use it) that's in corporate bilious green.

Choice is light grey, dark grey, black - presumably you choose one depending on just how upset you are

yes - and there's a certain competitiveness to it - the 'we care more than you do' - like how remembrance day / poppies has gone.

which of course is nothing like 'marxist virtue signalling' for BLM or pride month or anything like that...

You mean they say it's nothing like that, or you do?
Not really such a great time for free speech atm; reckon there's a lot of folk using that censor in their head.
and while i think the whole monarchy thing is bollocks, my inner pedant is annoyed by people referring to the late queen or the new king as 'HRH' not 'HM'

if you're going to do the toadying, get it bloody right...
umm - would have thought it fairly obvious i mean the former. the people who make the most noise about 'virtue signalling' and 'cancel culture' tend to be the same ones who start calling for people to be 'cancelled' if they don't wear a big enough poppy, or wear a black tie at the right time and so on

I don't think anyone has mentioned me not wearing a poppy since I started not wearing one.
I wonder if there might be something of a poppy-shagging resurgence this year.
and while i think the whole monarchy thing is bollocks, my inner pedant is annoyed by people referring to the late queen or the new king as 'HRH' not 'HM'

if you're going to do the toadying, get it bloody right...

Bloody peasants and their inaccurate toadying. :D
Re: the censor in everyone's head - I've been wondering whether keeping a firm line on patriotism is something expected more from men, because I've been totally uncensored on Facebook and most of the lols are from women. On the other hand, most of the expressions of upset are from women too (upset about the Queen, not about my antics).
Maybe it's just that men are meant to be quiet at such times. Or maybe there's some tradition of monarch mourning behaviour that I've forgotten.
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