The daily protest is still taking place every day 2pm-6pm.
The London ambassador is still loyal to Gadafi and still flying his green flag outside the London embassy.
People are still fighting and dying for their freedom in Libya right now.
Please come and protest alongside the people outside the London embassy and show solidarity with the Libyan people as they struggle to remove Gadafi.
It is rumoured that this coming Thursday March 10th there might be another pro-Gadafi counter-demo so please consider coming then to add some volume, numbers and moral support!
It is also rumoured that the "going rate" being paid to people to attend 'pro-gadafi' demos has risen from £300 to £2,500.
Unfortunately the anti-Gadafi protesters can't offer anyone cash to turn up, but they have definitely got the better songs!
All welcome.
Photo Monday 7th March: Songs of Revolution, Flowers for those who have died in Libya
Photo Monday 7th March: A car carrying visitors to Gadafi's London embassy faces cat-calls and shouts from protesters