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President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe is 89 and running for another term.


Serious question, then. Why are you bothering, instead of moving straight to twitter? The online forum scene is like the CB scene of the mid 90s.

A friend has been a member of this forum for ages and suggested I join. I'm also on Twitter too but hate the word limit haha!
The mining corps are still sat on all the stuff refusing to dig (or even declare findings) cos it'll all get "taxed". They're waiting.
Given the state that Zimbabwe is in now, it is hard to imagine how much worse he will make the country if he stays. There can't be many worse people than him.

Unfortunately not true, there's an entire heirarchy of kleptocrats waiting in line behind Mad Bob, itching to get the reins of power in their hands, and the wealth of Zim in their pockets.
Listen guys. I just wanted some friendly chat on the subject. I not a 'troll' or a 'nutter'. I was under the impression that this was a democratic forum and that everyone was entitled to express their views. By trying to get me banned I don't see that as very fair do you?

Don´t worry about it, this forum is allowed to be a bit of a zoo at times, it´s really the better for it actually.

Your post was very interesting.

It seems to an outsider that there is a anticolonial logic to land redistribution. It´s exactly the policy you´d expect an anticolonialist to follow. And of course one would expect the Western media to portray a leader who followed it as a madman, tyrant etc.

But as I understand it, there are major problems with the way in which Mugabe is carrying out this policy. In fact it appears that it is weighed down with so much corruption as to devalue the entire idea. Although the idea itself still seems valid in principle.

Is that a fair summary of the situation?
My limited understanding of the land redistribution was an uprising of veterans (and hangers on) from the war of independence wanting to know where their share of the spoils of war were and mugabe basically buying them off with that land. When the white settlers lost their land Mugabe took the position that it should be the UK who compensate them as the land was originally stolen, not Zimbabwe.
When the white settlers lost their land Mugabe took the position that it should be the UK who compensate them as the land was originally stolen, not Zimbabwe.

Sounds reasonable enough to me.

My understanding is that Mugabe has messed up this basically reasonable policy by giving special favors to his cronies. But then again, I assume that most of his cronies are genuine war veterans.

I certainly don´t trust the Western media on Zimbabwe, and I have few other sources of information, so this could be a very interesting thread.
He's an evil dictator and incompetent to boot, he's destroyed what was once a very successful country and killed God knows how many of his countrymen in the process.
He's an evil dictator and incompetent to boot, he's destroyed what was once a very successful country and killed God knows how many of his countrymen in the process.

What? He's a mis-understood freedom fighter and his commitment to education, land reform and democratic transparency is dismissed by colonialists as murderous tyranny, racism and genoicide. And it's his birthday. For he's a jolly good fellow...etc
I've visited a white owned farm in Zim. I can see exactly why they needed redistributing.

On the other hand I 've seen some of the fams they' have redistributed. I can see why it was a disastrous move.

Fucked up.
Land redistribution was one of the core issues that needed grappling in 1980, when Bob came to power. I believe white land ownership actually increased in the decade that followed, alongside an agricultural export boom.

Mugabe has used the land issue as a convenient whipping boy for many years; it helps distract from the wider ethnic violence and oppression carried out by ZANU-PF and the military North Korean trained hit squads. The "veterans" were a segment of Mugabe's core support (many of whom would have been in nappies at the time of the war against Ian Smith's racist regime) that simply occupied white-owned farms with government support.

He's the last of a breed, Mugabe. The last surviving liberation era African leader. And in his mind, he's still fighting the anti-colonial battles like in the old days, with Nyerere, Nkrumah, Kaunda, Karume and the rest in the 1960's. Admittedly, his battles lasted longer and generated much more bitterness. His rants at homosexual plots by gay British politicians give the game away. Everywhere, plots and calumnies generated by external threats.

Mugabe has presided over the destruction of the democratic and legal framework of Zimbabwe, extended a regime of terror and run the economy into the ground. His life experience was framed in an equally vital battle against a racist, provincial white Rhodesian regime that had weighed the institutions of state against the black majority. The hunted became the hunter.

I don't know how Zimbabwe moves on from this. The Ndebele/Shona divisions, the lack of political infrastructure, the poisonous past. Nyerere said to Mugabe in 1980, "You've inherited a jewel. Keep it that way". For a host of reasons this wasn't possible.

I suspect that whether he gives up the presidency or not, Mugabe's influence will only end when he dies.
I elive The uk did help fund land redistrubition but stopped when ministers and bobs mates were first in the line:(.
I elive The uk did help fund land redistrubition but stopped when ministers and bobs mates were first in the line:(.

This is the first I've heard of it. As I understand it, funding for land reform was a key part of the Lancaster house agreement, but it was never put into practice.

Anyway recent research on Mugabe's "land reform via thuggery (Scoones et al, 2010) argues that not all of the seized land was given to Mugger's henchmen (though a lot of it was), with some of it actually reaching at least some of the landless masses for whom the reform was originally intended.

See here:


Also, this looks interesting, but I don't have time to read it right now:

Mugabe is certainly an improvement on Ian Smith and the murderous Cecil Rhodes. Re distributing land is something the South Africans would do well to emulate. The sanctions regime is responsible for the fucked economy.
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