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Post-referendum HandWringo™!

Aren't these the people who we're going to have to persuade to vote the tories out next election? Is the left calling them a bunch of hand-wringing liberal remainder cunts going to help in this?
two sheds, I was indeed being ironic, and thank you. For the record, I am a remainer and stand by my views on 70's knitwear for men.

Was shown how your thinking coldly dehumanises people (it's acceptable and positive), so now attempting to cover yourself? Otherwise explain what your post meant.
Was shown how your thinking coldly dehumanises people (it's acceptable and positive), so now attempting to cover yourself? Otherwise explain what your post meant.

The original quote:

I had someone telling me today that we should "Just get on with it and make Britain Great again."

Surely, the last time Britain was truly great was when it had access to a large pool of cheap labour.

oh, hang on.......

How can you take 'access to a large pool of cheap labour' personally? The original statement one obviously referred to the 1900s before WW1 when 'Britain was Great'. At that time there was a large pool of cheap labour.

Are you offended by that statement? If so, please explain.

'Oh hang on ..' is clearly enough asking whether the person making the quote wants Britain to be Great by having employment conditions like those in Victorian times.

You want to know whether to be offended by this? It's a lighthearted throwaway comment. Get a fucking grip both of you.
Here's a quote I just came across from elsewhere on the boards:

we should have voted remain and told those angry poor people to suck it up and keep quiet, that would have sorted it.

Are we offended by this one, too? Dehumanizing to use the phrase 'angry poor people'?
Here's a quote I just came across from elsewhere on the boards:

Are we offended by this one, too? Dehumanizing to use the phrase 'angry poor people'?
i think that quote is from me. If so I would've appreciated you tagging me or something if you're going to take it out of context and use it in an argument I'm not participating in tbh.

If I remember rightly I was responding to another poster's use of the term, which is why I said 'those'. I've got a feeling I might have added the angry bit.
i think that quote is from me. If so I would've appreciated you tagging me or something if you're going to take it out of context and use it in an argument I'm not participating in tbh.

If I remember rightly I was responding to another poster's use of the term, which is why I said 'those'. I've got a feeling I might have added the angry bit.

Yes, sorry I should have tagged you - I didn't because what you've put is clearly not offensive to anyone with half a brain.
I am awaiting izz's explanation. Your understanding is not yet 'obvious.' Of course people are more than belonging to a large pool of cheap labour. Also, labour shouldn't be paid cheaply, from either here or abroad. I understood her post as being in relation to the EU leave vote partly based on the prospect of immigration restrictions (that large pool of cheap labour). What a horrible (and liberal) view of humanity. My personal feelings are not that important when looking at it like that.
I am awaiting izz's explanation. Your understanding is not yet 'obvious.' Of course people are more than belonging to a large pool of cheap labour.

where did she say they weren't?

Also, labour shouldn't be paid cheaply, from either here or abroad.

where did she say they should?

I understood her post as being in relation to the EU leave vote partly based on the prospect of immigration restrictions (that large pool of cheap labour).

Fair enough, it looks a bit of a leap to me though. We'll see what she responds.

And isn't that how companies have actually used immigration, though, to force down wages and conditions? I couldn't see anything in her post that suggested she thought it was a good idea.

What a horrible (and liberal) view of humanity. My personal feelings are not that important when looking at it like that.

Yes, by the companies doing it. Where is the problem with just commenting that this is happening which is all I see her post actually did?
It's not the reality of people's economic place/role I am denying but how people see it as alright, something good socially. Usually by those who aren't in those positions. I am waiting for her. Right now, though, I am off out to watch a giant evil alien mothership thousands of miles across attack earth.


Did you mean that you feel that the way to make Britain Great again is to have access to a large pool of cheap labour? I'd choose your words carefully :)

See I get confused. People from the left have for years been expressing the belief that diversity in makeup of the country's population has generally good effects and that we welcome immigration.

In reality, the way neoliberal governments and businesses have implemented it has forced down wages and conditions for workers and put pressure on housing and services that are anyway being starved out.

When workers have suffered from and objected to this, they have often by the left been labeled racist. They therefore see what they'd class as the 'liberal' left (i.e. including most people on urban) still encouraging a policy that - in reality - has forced down their wages and conditions, and abusing them when they object.

The 'liberals' are accused of abusing working class people when they associate a leave vote with immigration. But when anyone comes on urban who expresses that opinion they get told to fuck off.
I am not anti-immigration. I am anti-boss use of immigration to divide people. The w/c (not poshos wanking on about their relationship to MoP) is as diverse as you like, ime. Something the m/c liberals might not like.

I think there are less liberals in the politics forums, which is not representative of the site generally. Still got socialists/anarchists/communists knocking about.
We have aready been over this. We are in agreement. Still can't take it seriously when the poshos do it, though. It's another reason why the 'left' isn't taken seriously by working class people. Maybe it has something to do with there being a material basis to cultural differences and stratification within the working class. Also, the relative but very real privileges/advantages that are invisible to those holding them but stick out very clearly to others. Who gets to decide what is important. The actual real-lived experience of who is and who isn't on the sharp end of neoliberal politic/economics in this society.

Are you taking something personally, perhaps?
We have aready been over this. We are in agreement. Still can't take it seriously when the poshos do it, though. It's another reason why the 'left' isn't taken seriously by working class people. Maybe it has something to do with there being a material basis to cultural differences and stratification within the working class. Also, the relative but very real privileges/advantages that are invisible to those holding them but stick out very clearly to others. Who gets to decide what is important. The actual real-lived experience of who is and who isn't on the sharp end of neoliberal politic/economics in this society.

Are you taking something personally, perhaps?


No, nothing personal. I just worry that class could become reduced to yet another purely culturally defined identity to be chucked into the wheel of intersectionality. And on a vastly reduced basis to its actual size. That's all. It's the relationship to MoP that provides the foundation for what makes class different form cultural identities, and what gives the w/c a unique power to change stuff.
..and yes, on a thread about liberal m/c handwringing, and where there is discussion to be had about material interests and voting direction and the the whole thing referred to earlier about the confusion of the re-proletraianisation of middle-class millenials with generational stuff, I think this stuff is interesting.
I don't know any w/c ones. The left doesn't exist in my life or in the lives of anybody I know. It would be good if there was one that is actually relevant.
I don't know any w/c ones. The left doesn't exist in my life or in the lives of anybody I know. It would be good if there was one that is actually relevant.


The left doesn't exist in my life or in the lives of anybody I know.

...is true for me too these days. It did in Italy. It had a real, concrete, presence in my neighborhood and my workplace. But since moving back here its been utterly absent in my everyday life. In fairness, this is the first time in the 4 years that anybody has been interested in discussing politics. Interesting times.
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