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Post-referendum HandWringo™!

"Forgive them Father, for they know not what they have done..........."

"As Johnson and Farage celebrate the rest of us are kissing goodbye to the value of our Pound, homes, pensions, NHS and rights!!
This can't be real life?!"

"Never felt so ashamed."

"Well then Leavers, are the steel works open this morning? Or the coal mines? Is the Empire great once more? Do we now own our water again? Gas? Electricity? F****** Landrover?!
I hope anyone planning a holiday has already got their money exchanged? Still, might not need it now, let's have a wee look at the soon to be released emergency budget and find out if you can afford to go on holiday at all.
Ignorant, moronic people waving flags. Thank you very f****** much."

"I feel partly responsible for this. For all the times I didn’t speak out against racism and xenophobia. All the times I bit my lip when my next door neighbour talked about ‘them Polish’. I should have told him his views are disgusting. I will from now on."

"So our future is decided on a 4% majority?! Ignore just short of half the population? Seriously, we have a ridiculous system...For 48% their vote pretty much didn't count. That's not my idea of fair or just. This isn't a sports day, first past the post just isn't democratic...There should be a clear majority if we are a true democracy. Less than 4% is hardly a clear majority!"

but finally from a work colleague, a genius bit of lollery

"So how is this going to affect me signing lower league Scandinavian players for Town on Footy Manager?"
"So our future is decided on a 4% majority?! Ignore just short of half the population? Seriously, we have a ridiculous system...For 48% their vote pretty much didn't count. That's not my idea of fair or just. This isn't a sports day, first past the post just isn't democratic...There should be a clear majority if we are a true democracy. Less than 4% is hardly a clear majority!"

Genius stupidity.
Time for some unwarranted enthusiasm to balance all the unwarranted gloom. A former colleague has spent years fruitlessly fighting elections against the Tories intheir heartland somewhere just North of London. He managed the local remain campaign in an area that saw one of the highest turnouts and remain percentages. No hand-wringing from him, Infact, he's probably the only jubilant remain campaigner in the country.

"Locally, a really good solid result!"
Roberto Saviano, chronicler of the Cammora whose reportage of violence and duplicity has been lovingly bought back to life on TV and film notes that "The people have spoken". But also comments that he remembers that in 1938 the people acclaimed Hitler and Mussolini when they stood side by side on a balcony in Piazza Venezia.

Odd comparison really as the folk in the Square were probably not all cheering of their own volition. Being a tad cowardly, I'd have just been trying to cheer louder than anyone else.
Roberto Saviano, chronicler of the Cammora whose reportage of violence and duplicity has been lovingly bought back to life on TV and film notes that "The people have spoken". But also comments that he remembers that in 1938 the people acclaimed Hitler and Mussolini when they stood side by side on a balcony in Piazza Venezia.

Odd comparison really as the folk in the Square were probably not all cheering of their own volition. Being a tad cowardly, I'd have just been trying to cheer louder than anyone else.
Why did he illustrate the people speaking with an an example of people being forced to speak?
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Why did he illustrate the people speaking with an an example of people being forced to speak?

How the fuck would I know the answer to that?

This is the Brexit hand-wringing sillyness thread; not the thread highlighting articulate reasoned responses to the recent British Referendum from prominent members of the European commentariat.

Ask him if you want he pontificates on facebook and presumably Twitter too.
Time for some unwarranted enthusiasm to balance all the unwarranted gloom. A former colleague has spent years fruitlessly fighting elections against the Tories intheir heartland somewhere just North of London. He managed the local remain campaign in an area that saw one of the highest turnouts and remain percentages. No hand-wringing from him, Infact, he's probably the only jubilant remain campaigner in the country.

"Locally, a really good solid result!"
I love this. That's lib dem level fixed grin.
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How the fuck would I know the answer to that?

This is the Brexit hand-wringing sillyness thread; not the thread highlighting articulate reasoned responses to the recent British Referendum from prominent members of the European commentariat.

Ask him if you want he pontificates on facebook and presumably Twitter too.
I was going to watch the last episode of Gomorrah tonight, Don't think i'll be bothering now.
Why do these cunts continue with these lies?

View attachment 88842
I for one am intrigued to know what this millionaire ex-pat Old Etonian Oxbridge graduate has to say on the matter, almost as much as I was to hear more from the millionaire Old Etonian Oxbridge graduate who led the Remain campaign and the millionaire Old Etonian Oxbridge graduate who led the Leave campaign. For too long these brave millionaire Old Etonian Oxbridge mavericks have been silenced. BUT NO MORE!
"Being out here is like being on land watching your ship sink at sea." (friend on holiday. I mean travelling.)


"being in this country right now is like watching a neighbour bulldoze their house down and errect a gazebo in the garden coz it's cheaper to run day to day and they didn't like someone who lived in a house over the road."

"It's like your neighbour boulldozing the whole street down in case any immigrants move in, then waving a union jack around going "that showed 'em". I'm fucking ashamed to be British."
No need to trawl facebook for this stuff when daftness like this can be found on a neigbouring thread:

With the EU's death penalty ban for member states out of the way when Brexit is finalised, how long before motions to bring back the death penalty are tabled? At the end of the day many of the cunts who've campaigned or voted to leave are the kind of cunts who would like nothing more to reintroduce it.

Fucking grim times ahead :(

Can a return of the death penalty be far behind?
Time for some unwarranted enthusiasm to balance all the unwarranted gloom. A former colleague has spent years fruitlessly fighting elections against the Tories intheir heartland somewhere just North of London. He managed the local remain campaign in an area that saw one of the highest turnouts and remain percentages. No hand-wringing from him, Infact, he's probably the only jubilant remain campaigner in the country.

"Locally, a really good solid result!"

"So our future is decided on a 4% majority?! Ignore just short of half the population? Seriously, we have a ridiculous system...For 48% their vote pretty much didn't count. That's not my idea of fair or just. This isn't a sports day, first past the post just isn't democratic...There should be a clear majority if we are a true democracy. Less than 4% is hardly a clear majority!"

Genius stupidity.
Is it?

I'm not sure. I don't have any answers, and this isn't specific to this issue, but a decision based on a slim majority maybe ought be handled a little differently? Maybe not immediately go ahead just as if the result was much higher?
From another still-spitting-out-dummy liberal on Fb, in response to someone pointing out that the referendum is done with:
I think you'll find the UK constitution states a referendum where the vote is under 60% from a turnout of under 75% can go to a second referendum. Just stating facts and policy.
Er, no, that's what this petition that's doing the rounds is calling for. Also the UK doesn't HAVE a constitution.
Is it?

I'm not sure. I don't have any answers, and this isn't specific to this issue, but a decision based on a slim majority maybe ought be handled a little differently? Maybe not immediately go ahead just as if the result was much higher?

There is, clearly, no political desire to do anything "immediately"
Is it?

I'm not sure. I don't have any answers, and this isn't specific to this issue, but a decision based on a slim majority maybe ought be handled a little differently? Maybe not immediately go ahead just as if the result was much higher?
How would PR have effected the result of this vote do you think?
From another still-spitting-out-dummy liberal on Fb, in response to someone pointing out that the referendum is done with:

Er, no, that's what this petition that's doing the rounds is calling for. Also the UK doesn't HAVE a constitution.
It does, it's just not codified in one document - and nothing written or common states any such thing. These people.
(Rugby time now anyway)
Also the UK doesn't HAVE a constitution.


Well, it doesn't have a discrete written constitution in the manner we commonly think of, say the American one (which itself can be said to comprise of separate documents formulated at different times in addition to the ‘original’ Constitution, such as the Bill of Rights and other Amendments), but it does have an uncodified constitution, comprising elements such as common law, statute, legal authorities and convention.
View attachment 88852

Well, it doesn't have a discrete written constitution in the manner we commonly think of, say the American one (which itself can be said to comprise of separate documents formulated at later times, such as the Bill of Rights and other Amendments), but it does have an uncodified constitution, comprising elements such as common law, statute, legal authorities and convention.
Yes, I know. Was refuting the Fb person's statement in the manner in which she used the term :p
I'm getting slightly concerned that some posters on facebook are preparing to enact something out of Logan's Run

People are now saying it's time to 'unite the country'. What a load of rubbish. Why should the 75% of young people who wanted to remain meekly submit to having their futures ruined just because extremely elderly people were able to produce a wafer-thin majority at this particular point in time, for an irreversible decision that will affect us for the rest of our lives?

This referendum is not legally binding. We need to fight tooth and nail to delay and frustrate any effort to implement its result. In committees, in the Commons, in the Lords, and through campaigning and direct action. Young people need to make it clear - we are not going to let nostalgic people steal OUR futures.
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