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Post-referendum HandWringo™!

From this pile of hand ringing liberal tripe Glastonbury Festival has sombre opening - BBC News

"Democracy has failed us because it was ill-informed. I just want all of you to know that when you leave here we can change that decision. It is possible."

His comments were met with a resounding round of applause.

"it" was ill-informed. Code for thick plebs again.
Fuck da fuck off.
From this pile of hand ringing liberal tripe Glastonbury Festival has sombre opening - BBC News

"Democracy has failed us because it was ill-informed. I just want all of you to know that when you leave here we can change that decision. It is possible."

His comments were met with a resounding round of applause.

"it" was ill-informed. Code for thick plebs again.
Fuck da fuck off.

Crikey. Not sure you can change this decision, unless you all secretly join the Tories and work your way up the party hierarchy very quickly.
"I loved my Erasmus scholarship / my uni year abroad / my stage at the Commission and I'm gutted others won't have the same opportunity"

I did love my Erasmus scholarship! To be fair back when we first started discussing this, I "declared my interests" and freely admit than the European Project has been personally beneficial to me in a number of ways.

I'm not daft enough to give that as a reason to advocate a Remian vote though.
I wouldn't feel so bad about it apart from I feel like 25% of the people who votes leave are chavs who are probably sat outside the shop right now with a can of cider who just hate immigrants and think voting leave will mean "people can have jobs again" even though they have no intention of working anyway.
Only had the Nazi Germany one:

Found myself humming Edelweiss to myself while hanging out the washing this morning. Then later realised I'd put a brown shirt on to go to work.

Nicely done, I think.
@jonsnowC4: No wonder the young voted so strongly to Remain: they are now about to lose the right to study, live, love, and work in 27 other countries

Might have missed the small print about Article 50 but does it insist we become some sort of East German state?
@jonsnowC4: No wonder the young voted so strongly to Remain: they are now about to lose the right to study, live, love, and work in 27 other countries

Might have missed the small print about Article 50 but does it insist we become some sort of East German state?
+US. Ultra-libertarian stalinists.
This one is planning to get into Sturgeon's Scotland under the grandparent rule:

Sorry world that my compatriots have turned out to be as stupid as I feared they might be
I didn't post on Facebook so I got this on messenger because I should have been on there gloating apparently:

"Crumbling economics, oblivion, what are you going to fund the NHS with when there's no money left?"

On Facebook:
"To all my friends in England. My decent, liberal friends come to Scotland - you will be very, very welcome."
Won't someone think of the Quinoa?

I didn't post on Facebook so I got this on messenger because I should have been on there gloating apparently:

"Crumbling economics, oblivion, what are you going to fund the NHS with when there's no money left?"

On Facebook:
"To all my friends in England. My decent, liberal friends come to Scotland - you will be very, very welcome."
Pass me the sick bag Alice
Marlon 'black gay and middle class' James:

This is why all this demonizing of the Bernie supporters (many of whom were not even democrat) always struck me as a disastrous move. If people are angry with the establishment, let them be angry, better yet go past the anger and really listen to what's going on, instead of dismissing it as just some racist, sexist, white male disease. Bernie Bros? seriously? Liberals like Hilary Clinton and her supporters have always sucked at reaching the working class. They sucked then, they suck now and has always looked for some third or fourth option (coloured folk!!! the gay!!!) in order to not deal with them. That's why gerrymandering works so wonderfully. Well, if anything, Brexit proves that you ignore the mostly aging, mostly white working class at your peril. And calling it the "racist, xenophobic vote" is not just simplistic, it plays right back into the liberal exclusiveness that makes people vote against you in the first place. The irony is that liberals, while better for the working class, have since Roosevelt, always sucked at appealing to them, right down to acting as if that's the working class' fault. Conservatives, horrendous for the working class, have always had a genius for reaching them, convincing them to vote for their fears and against their own interest. You can sit on your elitist white horse and watch them vote you into irrelevance, or you can start taking these people seriously.
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