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Political polling

One thing about the '+/- error'. If these statements of possible error really were true, then nearly all the polls would fall within twice the error margins of all the others. Since they don't, the statements of possible error margin by the pollsters are demonstrably false.
I think it’s probably to do with the standard error for the population drawn from not actually being the same thing as the standard error for the population as a whole, due to the conditions that would link them being violated. In particular, I don’t think they’re likely to be allowing for model error at all.
I think it’s probably to do with the standard error for the population drawn from not actually being the same thing as the standard error for the population as a whole, due to the conditions that would link them being violated. In particular, I don’t think they’re likely to be allowing for model error at all.
Indeed. ie if all our assumptions are correct, the standard error is...

And as we know, that's a whopping big If.
Upthread there's one poll that weights for age in a way that could lead to a very large error. Can't remember which it is, but whichever it is, its weighting could make a massive difference.

It depends on what you mean by weighting for age. Using weights to correct for sample bias can make a big difference, but it is absolutely legitimate and necessary. Weighting to correct what you think is a turnout bias is much more dubious.
It depends on what you mean by weighting for age. Using weights to correct for sample bias can make a big difference, but it is absolutely legitimate and necessary. Weighting to correct what you think is a turnout bias is much more dubious.
It was both.
Well...that's just fucking atrocious and doesn't bode at all well for the other "labour leave areas'.


I now think a hung parliament is out of the question, and I am starting to think it could end up being a lot more than a tiny majority.

It's a terrible poll. The only hope for it is I've been out in Cardiff North (one of the marginals Labour are set to lose according to that poll) and there's no sense on the doors that the Tories are going to retake it. Of course, if that poll is right (and in 2017 it underestimated Labour and Plaid and marginally overestimated Conservatives) and it's a non-uniform swing it's going to be a torrid night for Labour in North Wales.

I now think a hung parliament is out of the question, and I am starting to think it could end up being a lot more than a tiny majority.

I would remember polls are there to manipulate opinion, not to objectively represent it.

They want to demoralise the large number of Labour activists. It’s working on those that I know. If you’re a Labour activist stick to your plan.
This is pretty out of order.


It's all conspiraloon stuff about the polling companies existing to move opinion, rather than reporting it: who do you think our friend thinks is behind that - International finance or whatever is today's code word for the Rothschild's?

It's all conspiraloon stuff about the polling companies existing to move opinion, rather than reporting it: who do you think our friend thinks is behind that - International finance or whatever is today's code word for the Rothschild's?

Maybe ask rather than weirdly assume my post was based on bigotry.

It's all conspiraloon stuff about the polling companies existing to move opinion, rather than reporting it: who do you think our friend thinks is behind that - International finance or whatever is today's code word for the Rothschild's?
I dunno, why don't you ask him? It's out of order to jump straight to the antisemitism though - it's mostly connections to the tory party people tend to highlight IME.
Maybe ask rather than weirdly assume my post was based on bigotry.

Go on then, do you have any actual evidence (not four hour videos on YouTube) that polling companies seek to change opinion rather than just report it, and that they do so on behalf of shadowy groups or interests?
FWIW I don't agree that polls exist to influence opinion, although they are certainly regularly commissioned and reported in ways that do just that, so it's an easy conclusion to jump to without being a racist.
I mean I suppose if it was the Jews behind this, why would they be trying to demoralise the LibDems as well?

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