dennisr said:durruti - you and your one issue.
Yes, SP and yes migrant workers can be used - as can 'local' workers. I would agree with MC5 though that this is only one factor among many and one that is completely overstated. You are one of the classic examples of that overstatement - its almost obsessive mate.
I'd prefer to respond to the fears of folk not on this website, I think it is a bit pointless responding to you personally - you have clearly got a bee in your bonnet on this one issue. I wonder if this is anything to do with some sort of need to beat what you see as a failure of the liberal left (to which I think you would include the SWP).
On your other point about the role of the soft left - I don't think they are the main cause of peoples fears. The lefts ideas (liberal or otherwise) are, largely, irrelevant when you look at the actual source of many of these fears - a constant media campaign and that of a government that is anything but 'left' alongside the actual economic policies and the actrual insecurity that creates. The government is the ex-party of the working man in the eyes of most - now its the party of neo-liberalism. At least work out what the real target is before shooting at it endlessly. They want fear - your endless round arguements about immigration help to reinforce that.
You are not encouraging 'honest' debate - you seem to be obssessing on a single point, and have done for months, that plays some role in your own rejection of a particular politics you now disagree with. What do you do practicaly apart from posts on this bulletin board?
What about the other issues working class people face? what about the things that could cut across division between workers? why after all these months are you still obssesed with this one theme - do you really think it is the major one in the majority of peoples day-to-day lives? (I hope you don't say 'culture' and 'history' )
oh - and the other point about the union leaderships being crap - surprise me...
me and my one issue??? in recent weeks i have posted about the bnp ( against by the way) , harmansworth ( supportting it being burnt down b4 you ask) , ISS workers at goldman sacks ( supportting b4 u ask), rod stewart ( er supportting b4 u ask!!) and a HI public meeting.. however i do think this is a key issue which needs resolving
i work with HI and am a shop steward and have been off and on at the same place for many years. the work force where I am is low waged and has along with other manual sections been at the brunt of neo liberalism for many years and we have seen our wages go down significnatly as part of this process.
i have NEVER suggestted that immigration is more than just one part of the neo liberal platform .. however in recent years it has become a key one .. do you deny that on a league table it would currently be near the top of tools the bosses are using?
i am only too aware of ALL the other issues people talk about .. i deal with them day in day out inmy life and work and political activity and it is that that teaches me my politics .. unlike most people on here who i suspect have a purely academic interest .. at work it is pensions and outsourcing ( AGAIIN!!) and with HI it is housing conditions, asb etc etc
BUT it remains a fact that the inability to resist neo liberalism is today significantly due to the fact that we have lost control of labour , something we took for granted and what trade unions spent almost ALL there effort on, as they understood that once you have lost this, YOU CAN NOT WIN ON ANYTHING ELSE!!! ( EMPHASIS, NOT SHOUTING ) .. note e.g. the South Wales Miners Fed campaign for 100% union throughout the 30ts ... a long hard slog but it paved the way for the NUM and way higher wages and TnCs
where we once had the closed shop we now have a race to the bottom with the bosses importing labour at will whether at irish ferries or heathrow or wherever. untill we challenge the ability of the bosses to import labour at will EVERYTHING else is useless. sure we casn attempt to unionise , but many short term immigrnats are not interested .. and why should they?? they want to make some money and go home .. and fair play to them , but it progreses the class struggle not at all
mate we NEED to talk openly about this to people. the left have become a laughing stock at this denial that i) initially it was happenning at all 2) that it has any affect on wages..
THAT is why i bang on about it on urban ..