Hawking's Angry Eyebrow
WEll tbaldwin has said on a number of occassions that the free movement of people is wrong...
kyser_soze said:WEll tbaldwin has said on a number of occassions that the free movement of people is wrong...
As a Socialist i oppose the free market and believe it should be regulated to protect those most in need.
kyser_soze said:Well that's a shock - a socialist who wants to tell people what to do 'for the good of themselves and others'
treelover said:with some exceptions it is the unreconstructed left who frame all politics these days in terms of 'race' instead of class.
I'm all for a working people getting a better deal.But Internationally and that means you have to look at the International consequences of the policies you support.dennisr said:Baldwin follows this safely to one conclusion, the BNP to another, the local govenment bureaucracy to another, the dishers out of money to another, the media to another.What they all have in common is the results of thier ideas assist division and weakening of any possible fightback by the working class
tbaldwin said:I'm all for a working people getting a better deal.
tbaldwin said:But Internationally and that means you have to look at the International consequences of the policies you support.
dennisr said:unless it those feckin cheap labour poles eh? "send em back", eh?? - and you wont even give them a break when they attempt to join up with the wider british working class
By sending the british prolatarians you love so much (well, except when it comes to actually doing feck all for them) to physically kick johnny foriegner out?? - yep, whole heap of good that'll do
hmm, thoght someone might say that...kyser_soze said:There haven't been socialists for 'centuries' yet Tax...
i've been reading thriugh the immig threads all day (and they go back for months on this debate): it would help then balders, if you said what you are proposing.tbaldwin said:1 er Where have i said i oppose poles being organised dennis?
2 Yeah course dennis thats it im always going around organising people to kick jonny foreigners out...
Your talking shit,you cant counter the arguements ive put so youve tried to pretend im a closet right winger/racist....Not too smart dennis...
How long have you been in the SP,dennis?
I wonder if weve met?
treelover said:In fact going by posters on here and meetings i have attended there does seem to be an inverse racism by many of the left particualrly that of the far left.
MC5 said:Baldwin, what is your position on skilled workers migrating from this country?
tbaldwin said:1 er Where have i said i oppose poles being organised dennis?
2 Yeah course dennis thats it im always going around organising people to kick jonny foreigners out...
Your talking shit,you cant counter the arguements ive put so youve tried to pretend im a closet right winger/racist....Not too smart dennis...
How long have you been in the SP,dennis?
I wonder if weve met?
MC5 said:Baldwin, what is your position on skilled workers migrating from this country?
tbaldwin said:dennis.Im an international socialist therefore i talk about the international consequences of policies..You seem to be something different and most of your posts seem to be based on national arguements.
Poland needs skilled workers. The Economic growth of a nation like the UK is boosted but in the country you come from there is a shortage of skilled workers. Thats why various govt and local mayors etc have to the UK to try and tempt Polish workers home.dennisr said:.
Try explaining you 'internationalism' to one of those polish workers you will be supporting bosses laws to stop coming to britain and see how much international solidarity that provokes.
tbaldwin said:If they are going to countries where their skills are needed eg vso etc i think its a good thing...
If there just going to make us much money as they can in Australia the US,Hong Kong etc i dont think it is...But i wouldnt blame them individually for doing whatever they thought was best for themselves, but i would argue that politically we should not be encouraging this to happen...
And im strongly against giving a free H/E to people who then go to the US etc and make loads of money...
dennisr said:its a shame people don't start recognising that these migrants ARE PART OF the self same working class and that that working class is what can challenge the neo-liberal agenda. The unionisation of east euro workers is a good start.
Gramsci said:Some posts come across as saying these East Europeans are "integrating" to our ways they are now joing Trade Unions.Whats missing from many of these threads is that these people have a long history and culture that is there own.
dennisr said:the general level of understanding on urban 75 has really been coming on in leaps and bounds in the last year...
first someone points out the simple fact that migrant workers are getting organised in the british trade union movement - a very useful move and one that will cut across the divisions created to keep us fighting one another over the crumbs falling from the employers tables. Its nothing new in british labour history - new migrants have always arrived, been used or/and been integrated into the organised working class.
This example is a useful, practical counter-weight to the endless threads on how we should all be joining in the chorus of 'brit jobs for brit workers' and playing the little englander like moronic king canutes doing the dirty work of the employers on thier behalf (often with the 'i'm not a bigot' proviso that 'one of my workmates is black and s/he is even more determined to stop jhonny foriegner taking our jobs then I am'... well blow me down with this wonderful revelation - yawn)
within a couple of posts we have the 'foriegners taking our jobs' crap and not much further the oh so original 'greedy british worker' crap (so what about the greedy british bosses????) and slipped in there somewhere the 'well they ain't white working class are they?' crap (well, actually they are, but anyway...) and the inevitable (on a site dominated by cynical do-nothing wankers) 'the left is all inverted racism and its ideas are out modded (well could we hear something from you about what the possible alternative answers may be? - rather than your constant excuses, diguised as 'critic', for being part of the problem...)
None of us needs any help in keeping ourselves under-thumb if these voices of 'reason' represent the pinnicle of 'independent thinking' in this country . It seems that many of the internet warriors (luckily they usually do nothing practical to defend thier fellow white or any other working class people and communities) here can do a good enough job of keeping themselves down without any help from the bnp lies, boss politicians lies, media lies, employers lies or cheap labour being bought in from elsewhere to confuse them.
you servile wankers
MC5 said:Inverse racism?
So, has any group on the far left organised on the basis of accepting only one particular race for membership? No. Has any far left group campaigned to repatriate any particular race? No. Does any far left group think one race is superior? No. Does any far left group target one race for vilification? No.
So, wtf are you on about?
MC5 said:Baldwin, what is your position on skilled workers migrating from this country?
dennisr said:I thougt it was the 'left' who evade arguements? - is that a 'reply', part of your 'challenge'??
The weirdest thing about your train of thought mate is how you constantly argue ideas as thier opposite.
As an internationalist I am opposed to attempts to control working class people - including thier movement. As an internationalist i am opposed to attempts to differenciate different levels of oppression of different sections of the working class - weather that be the place an individual member odf the working class happens to be born, the pigmentation in thier skin, etc etc etc etc. As an internationalist work towards an agenda which will assist that international working clas in working out the problems they face by unifying action - not by setting one section against another.
Try explaining you 'internationalism' to one of those polish workers you will be supporting bosses laws to stop coming to britain and see how much international solidarity that provokes.
Sorry, but do you want me to continue this circular arguement forever under the illusion we are having some sort of 'dialogue' when it is clear we are never going to agree. I am afraid I am not that interested having read your posts for months - i don't see nothing new.
The one thing of substance is the idea that it is not in the bosses interests at the moment in the uk to stop the arrival of migrant workers. You seem to feel this is something only you understand. I have never disagreed with the fact but my conclusion is completely different. I want to take the agenda out of the hands of the boss class and boss class ideas. The question is - how do we change the situation both migrant and non-migrant workers face as a result. The example from the original post is the approach I would support - not assisting division by talk of stopping foriegn workers, by pandering to boss created divisions. The end result of such a dirty compromise is not in the interests of working people and that is clear to just about everyone here except you
dennisr said:Talk about missing the point...
Not one of the posts talk of integrating into 'our ways'. No one has ever said people do not have different experiences. Have you ever read a single word of your online-namesake Gramsci, mate???
I wish the liberal angst about 'respect for difference' was half one tenth as strong when it comes to genuinely supporting working people - whereever they are or wherever they may be from.
Not one of which posts?. What I can see sometimes is Lefty angst about the "self same working class".I sometimes wonder how many posters here know East Europeans that well as I do or in actual fact know much about East Europe.So dont give me stuff implying Im suffering from "liberal angst".
Gramsci said:Not one of which posts?. What I can see sometimes is Lefty angst about the "self same working class".I sometimes wonder how many posters here know East Europeans that well as I do or in actual fact know much about East Europe.So dont give me stuff implying Im suffering from "liberal angst".
durruti02 said:i asked MC these questions the other day .. how do you respond to them?
durruti02 said:my position is that UNTIL we are honest about immigration and how both that immigration DOES effect w/c people here , AND that immigrnats are used and abused, we can NOT hope to get the ordinary w/c person to support us in supportting immigrants rights ..