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Police tactics/reaction to 'illegal' Raves

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Why? Who would have a problem with it? It's unused land. Nobody will hear us.

The MOD site is unused. There is no camp. It's quite remote, fenced off and there are warning signs about undetonated explosives. Good, because there will be no dog walkers. I'm almost certain that the MOD never use it for exercises. This would be without any permission.
If there are signs up warning of undetonated explosives, and you throw a party there, and someone does somehow end up accidentally setting off one of these explosives you'd be so fucked it'd not be funny.

however remote the possibility, if there are signs like that up, then the second a copper see's them they'd be straight on the radio to hq, and you'd have both the MOD police and standard police to deal with.

then they'd take you to court and through the book at you for being irresponsible pricks - unless you've had an explosives expert scouring the site for you, ad signed off that it's safe you have to go with the warning signs - at least that's the way the police and courts would look at it.

Other thing is that while you may not thing that the MOD police bother with the site at all, if there's a base within 20 miles of it then I'd lay odds that the MOD police do at least a drive by every evening - this from discussions with the MOD police last year when I was working for a proper festival on MOD land - they do a sweep every night of every bit of mod land in the area to check for travellers etc.

as Snadge says, you'll be doubly fucked, and I think he's understating the risks... and as dan u says, google earth is your friend;)
Just reading again...

I think if you get caught in an area labelled as such, you are not going to get any kind of "oh carry on until the morning then" type response. They will want you off immediately, will have you for everything, and any judge will come down like a ton of bricks, because they'll see you as recklessly endangering other people's lives.

Whether or not there really are any explosives is besides the point.

Maybe scout for another site? There's plenty around if you do your research.

yep... those signs are a 100% show stopper - no if's no buts, even if you're lucky and nobody get's hurt you're opening yourselves upto so many extra legal problems - plus the press will probably pick up on it, and you'll find yourself having to explain to your mum why you thought it was a good idea to throw a party in a field that was clearly marked as having unexploded ordenance in it, plus it's an instant way to get a bad rep with your crowd.

don't be a muppet, find somewhere else;)
as Snadge says, you'll be doubly fucked, and I think he's understating the risks... and as dan u says, google earth is your friend;)

Yeah I am understating the risks, as one who had to talk to MOD cops whilst off my face, in the time before it all got crazy about the party scene.

I can't imagine how much pain would be dished out to cheeky, off their face, "we're only having fun" ravers on MOD land with clear warning signage about unexploded munitions in this day and age.
Yeah I am understating the risks, as one who had to talk to MOD cops whilst off my face, in the time before it all got crazy about the party scene.

I can't imagine how much pain would be dished out to cheeky, off their face, "we're only having fun" ravers on MOD land with clear warning signage about unexploded munitions in this day and age.
ay - there's a reason I've been keeping my head down lately... can't believe the amount of shit we got away with.

It still bugs me that the party they finally got me for was one that I wasn't even fucking running, but I ended up having to take the rap coz the guy who was meant to have been doing police liason and taking the rap had fucked off, still I reckon I had a good innings.

I'm getting a distinct urge to go to the beach again soon after this thread though:hmm:
not an official asbo, was a bit odd as it was done by a council licensing officer that I actually know quite well from legit stuff, so it was more done as a formal caution followed by warning that they'd throw the book at me if I was even seen near a warehouse party again in newcastle (plus loose any future council events work, which at the time had been a fairly good money earner for me)

they'd have let me off if I'd given them the names of the people who'd done it as well... grrr *shrugs*
not an official asbo, was a bit odd as it was done by a council licensing officer that I actually know quite well from legit stuff, so it was more done as a formal caution followed by warning that they'd throw the book at me if I was even seen near a warehouse party again in newcastle (plus loose any future council events work, which at the time had been a fairly good money earner for me)

they'd have let me off if I'd given them the names of the people who'd done it as well... grrr *shrugs*

at least they warned you off eh.

a few of us got letters from one Police force warning us of this nice new power they had called 'ASBO' and to give it a rest.

these days i don't think you'd get the polite warning, not in some areas down south anyway.
Some great posts and info Free Spirit.

ste9 said:
The MOD site is unused. There is no camp. It's quite remote, fenced off and there are warning signs about undetonated explosives.

LOL is this a wind-up??

If not - seriously - get on the Google Earth and find another site.

If you are prepared to bring hundreds of people onto an MOD site with unexploded munitions on it - you're a twat, plain and simple, and I hope the cops nick you before you even plug the decks in.

What the fuck is the world coming to???
If each person at the rave owns only a tiny part of the rig, is it impossible for them to go through all the paperwork? What if alcohol is sold at the rave, does this change anything?

Recent precedents? Info much appreciated, TIA.

Can't quite believe them need to fess all to someone whose prolly a fed.....:confused:
The MOD site is unused. There is no camp. It's quite remote, fenced off and there are warning signs about undetonated explosives. Good, because there will be no dog walkers. I'm almost certain that the MOD never use it for exercises. This would be without any permission.

There are all sorts of remote stretches of MOD land up here - Some with signs, some without & often formal arrangements with landowners that let them train over the whole surrounding area.

As I've found on various fishing/walking trips, the forces can pop-up just about anywhere & on one memorable occasion, when several choppers set down on a hilltop, right beside the last dregs of a particularly good & remote party packing-up, being apparently unused for most of the year is absolutely no garuntee that it won't be active when you get there. This time of year is also particularly good for them.

Also, there are excercises & excercises - Not all of them involve things that go bang & sometimes, the intention is not to be seen at all - by anyone, including getting there & getting back. ;)

Another factor we have to consider round here is royalty & other VIPs. They are normally pretty good at hiding themselves well away from us oiks but if you do inadvertently blunder into any of their activities, the police & forces around them really don't mess about.
There are no explosives on the site. The signs only went up fairly recently. Kids used to play there. Locals walked their dogs there. There have already been smaller parties on the site. There is strong evidence that it is not used for military exercises.
There are no explosives on the site. The signs only went up fairly recently. Kids used to play there. Locals walked their dogs there. There have already been smaller parties on the site. There is strong evidence that it is not used for military exercises.

I'd still be wary. The recency of the signs won't give you a get-out-of-shit card. It's a very complicated argument if you get had, and one you'd probably lose. (Other parties there previously might seem like an encouraging thing, but I'd say it's not. That makes things more difficult. Virgin sites are muuuuch better.)

Again I say this based on doing a shit load of tresspassing, where we are verrry discreet.

If the main thing you want to do is run a party, then you should be able to find somewhere less problematic. If you've not done one, and have latched on to the idea having seen this possible plot, then I think you might have your priorities wrong. I say that respectfully - it's 20 years since I've done one, so peace and all that.
"but they will still probably want someone to take the fall for it (bollocks, forgot to point that out above... you always need to have someone who agrees in advance that if it comes to it, they will take the wrap for it - should be someone with no previous ideally, preferably on the dole - to minimise the size of any fine - and not the rig owner if poss)."

Freespirit, Can you explain the theory behind this? What if there is a spokesperson but they tell the police that nobody organised the event, nobody is responsible, and that it all just happened spontaneously. Obviously you'd need to go to a lot of trouble to make sure they can't blame any one individual, but I think it's possible.
There are no explosives on the site. The signs only went up fairly recently. Kids used to play there. Locals walked their dogs there. There have already been smaller parties on the site. There is strong evidence that it is not used for military exercises.

People who clearly know a shitload more about this than you are telling you not to hold your party there.

I'd listen to them if I were you.
Freespirit, Can you explain the theory behind this? What if there is a spokesperson but they tell the police that nobody organised the event, nobody is responsible, and that it all just happened spontaneously. Obviously you'd need to go to a lot of trouble to make sure they can't blame any one individual, but I think it's possible.

Then they will just confiscate everything.

BTW, newish signs going up somewhere is a bad sign, especially for unexploded munitions, it's a "get to fuck off our land" and if you try arguing that with a MOD plod you're likely to end up with a rifle butt in the mush.

hope this helps.
Please don't make life harder for yourself by partying MOD land with signs up about unexploded munitions.

your feet just won't touch the floor. and then in a few months something like this will appear in the paper

Originally posted by edp24.co.uk

28 June 2008 15:55

Organisers of illegal raves were today given a stark reminder of the tough line taken by Norfolk police with the destruction of seized equipment valued at more than £30,000.

A giant scrap grabber scooped up the costly speakers, sound amps and electronic equipment and hoisted it into an industrial shredder at recycling company Pearsons's centre at Thetford where they were rapidly reduced to fragments.

Norfolk Police have a zero-tolerance to illegal gatherings in the county, and a van belonging to the organiser of an unauthorised rave on farmland was also crushed so it could not be used for unlawful purposes again.

Sgt Colin Barratt, of the Breckland area team, said: “We are sending out a clear message to rave organisers that their actions will not be tolerated. Knowing their equipment will be seized and disposed of will hopefully make them think twice about holding their

illegal events and fully realise the cost.

“For the public and landowners it is further evidence of our commitment to stopping raves from taking place anywhere in the county.”

All the equipment destroyed had been seized during the successful disruption of three unlicensed events held at Drymere and Cockely Cley in September and November last year. This also resulted in seven arrests, with the people involved being banned from rave events for two years. All of those arrested were also ordered to pay compensation to the landowners.

Sgt Barratt said the tough line is certainly paying dividends as demonstrated in the western area of the county where he and his team are based.

“Last year we had in the order of 35 raves in our part of the county. This year, to date, we have only had three. The big speakers are £1,000 each and it costs £10,000 for a rig, which is the whole kit and caboodle, so it is certainly hitting them in the pocket,” he stressed.

Sgt Barratt added that the police had offered the confiscated music equipment to various charitable organisations but none had declared any interest. “There comes to the point you have just got to shred it, to prevent it being returned to people who might try and use it again at other illegal rave events,” he explained.

The recycling firm's managing director, Jo Pearson, said the shredded material would be put to good use. Salvaged metal will go for smelting and the wood will be sent to a power plant for fuel.
Then they will just confiscate everything.

BTW, newish signs going up somewhere is a bad sign, especially for unexploded munitions, it's a "get to fuck off our land" and if you try arguing that with a MOD plod you're likely to end up with a rifle butt in the mush.

hope this helps.

So, if one person admits to owning the rig and being the organiser, they won't confiscate everything. But if they're told that everyone owns the rig and that everyone spontaneously decided to have a party, they will confiscate everything?

How does that make sense? How are we better off having one person to 'take the wrap'?

The signs are just there because people are paranoid about health and safety these days. There is a tiny chance that there are any explosives, and an even tinyer chance that someone could actually set one off. I would quite happily let my kids play on the site.
So, if one person admits to owning the rig and being the organiser, they won't confiscate everything. But if they're told that everyone owns the rig and that everyone spontaneously decided to have a party, they will confiscate everything?

How does that make sense? How are we better off having one person to 'take the wrap'?

The signs are just there because people are paranoid about health and safety these days. There is a tiny chance that there are any explosives, and an even tinyer chance that someone could actually set one off. I would quite happily let my kids play on the site.

If you are simply going to ignore the advice of people who know what they are talking about and have been doing this for years, why are you bothering to even ask?

Doing it on the site you talk of is a stupid idea. End of.
People who clearly know a shitload more about this than you are telling you not to hold your party there.

I'd listen to them if I were you.

They don't have all the facts. Other people with experience believe that it is a good site. We just like to do our research thoroughly. Some of the posts here have been very useful, thanks guys. Some, not so useful. But that is to be expected.
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