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Police tactics/reaction to 'illegal' Raves

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It seems like an awful lot of altruistic effort for something that could go horribly wrong.. not that I don't enjoy a good free party mind. In fact I am amazed at the risks and effort that go into them, after reading Free Spirits very interesting posts!! Also I find it very interesting the way the Police can oscillate from being reasonable and nice to complete bastards so quickly... just a general point rather than a party one.
It seems crazy that people go to clubs and give money to evil capitalists when they could be having a much better time outdoors and giving the money to charity. It's sick that they try to make this illegal.
BTW, we're having a revolution, too. It's going to be an interesting summer.

What sort of revolution? No offence, but if you don't know how to run a free party, can you run a free country? :D
Free Spirit, they are the two single most informative and useful posts I've ever seen.

Thanks for all your info ;)
I don't know anything. I'm just a spokesperson/researcher. If the people that I work for try to run a free party, and it fails, then you can say that they don't know how to run a free party. Also, they don't want to run the country. They want philosophers to run the planet.
TEN? What's that?
temporary entertainment notice

basically it's a license for music and dancing for upto 72 hours for upto 500 people, and anybody can apply for upto 5 a year, with a max of 12 on any one piece of land / building per year.

it's issued by the council, should take no longer than 10 working days to process, and only the council and the police have input into it - no requirement for public notification etc.

It should also only cost about £20-30 to apply for it.

The good thing with doing it this way is that providing you get it granted, and stick by all he terms of the license then you know the party isn't going to get busted, and there's no chace of kit getting seized, big fines, criminal records etc.

the downside is that you'll need to pay for toilets, insurance, waste disposal (?), security etc

The other problem that I can see councils throwing at you is how you intend to limit numbers to under 500 people - it all really depends on how sympathetic they are to you, but years ago (before tens existed) we got a license for a 200 people warehouse party, and the police and council basically sat there and actually counted the numbers of people going in and out on cctv... so don't get a ten, then go overboard with the marketing as you'll be breaking your licence if you end up going over 500... 501 people wouldn't be an issue, but a thousand probably would, but it depends on the police and council and how they're viewing it.
If you put on a free party, on farm land, with written permission, then asked everyone who attended to donate 5 quid to a particular charity, do you think people would?

It could be a small charity so the party donations (or lack of) would be very noticable.

I like the idea of trusting people. I think it would be an interesting social experiment.
from experience no... though it depends on how you do it - if you have someone at the entrance collecting £5 from everyone coming through, then you may have a reasonable hit rate - though that all depends on how good the people are doing the bucket shaking - if you wait til 5 am when everyone's fucked to go round with a bucket you'll be lucky to get more than £50.

And don't forget that a free party ain't free... it actually costs a fair amount of money to put on when you factor in petrol for the genie, van hire, petrol for the van, hire of kit - or setting aside money for repair / replacement of kit that get's broken if you actually own it etc.

giving to charity's a nice idea if you've got anything left, but you'd need to be realy careful about how you phrased it as '£5 donation to charity' would then leave you open to people giving you shit if you take your costs out of the money, and it's entirely possible (likely) that you won't even cover your costs, so will have nothing left over to give to charity, which then makes it a bit awkward when someone asks the inevitable question of how much you actually gave to charity etc.

Best IMO to stick it all into a pot to build up to cover kit when it gets broken, buy new kit, pay any fines if it came to it etc. then maybe at the end of the summer if you've got some left over make a donation to charity if you really feel the urge.
Right. This website: http://www.greenwich.gov.uk/Greenwi...LateNightRefreshment/TemporaryEventNotice.htm


"However, you can only do this if:

* less than 500 people are attending, or
* the event lasts for no more than 96 hours, with a break of at least 24 hours thereafter."

There are likely to be more than 500 people attending. But it says 'OR the event lasts for no more than 96 hours'. 'OR', not 'and'.

Does that mean it's OK to have more than 500 people if it only lasts 24 hours? Or is this a typo and they mean 'and'?
what Free Spirit said basically.

not sure i agree with the Convoy/meet up bit, that is my only quibble. it's dead easy to get spotted/reported by the police and crowd dispersed or held in for ages.
ah... yeah sorry, not quite sure how that crept in there.

We've never actually used the convoy tactic as subtlety really is the key these days, and convoys are as subtle as a brick.

I think what I more meant was having a meeting point for people who don't know where the site is, then people who do know where it is can pop in on route and check if anyone wants to follow them up - so groups of 3-5 cars, that way you avoid having so many cars driving round looking lost, stopping in pubs asking for directions etc. this is particularly useful if there's one route that goes through a village that you want people to avoid, and another that avoids the village.

the public transport one though is a great tactic... particularly if it's the last train / bus of the night as essentially the police have no clue what's going on until suddenly a load of people are there that are then stuck til the morning... so in many ways it's going to be more hastle for the police if there's nothing for people to do and they all end up in the village pubs / causing shit than if they're at a relatively well controlled party. It also means that you can announce a meeting point without actually announcing where the venue is... it does depend on the site though, as if public transport involves everyone getting dropped off in the local town then walking, it'd be a bad move as all the locals would spot what was happening, so you'd end up with all the pissed up locals after kicking out time to deal with, and the police would also realise this and try to knock it on the head before kicking out time.
They/we have the money to pay for everything upfront and can afford to lose it. The party goers will simply be told that if they do not donate, then there will be no more parties. We'll know how much money was donated because it will be a small charity and they will publish their income. If the ravers are sensible and they enjoy the party they wont have any problem in making the donation. If the target goal is not reached, then fuck 'em. No more parties. We want to trust YOU. Don't let us down.
Right. This website: http://www.greenwich.gov.uk/Greenwi...LateNightRefreshment/TemporaryEventNotice.htm


"However, you can only do this if:

* less than 500 people are attending, or
* the event lasts for no more than 96 hours, with a break of at least 24 hours thereafter."

There are likely to be more than 500 people attending. But it says 'OR the event lasts for no more than 96 hours'. 'OR', not 'and'.

Does that mean it's OK to have more than 500 people if it only lasts 24 hours? Or is this a typo and they mean 'and'?
it's a typo, it means 'and'
I went to a GASH warehouse party that told everyone to meet in the center of Manchester and use the trams to get to the warehouse. The problem was they massively underestimated the numbers attending (or overestimated the trams capacity). People couldn't get to the warehouse and the police ended up shutting it down.
'stole' their soundsystem....ROFL

well i wasn't going to name them.

Free Spirit
- worth keeping an eye on this bloke


early every weekend, winter and summer, another rave takes place with resultant damage and destruction. Christopher receives countless letters from distressed constituents who face unbearably loud music, antisocial behaviour, hundreds of revellers just yards from their front doors and the prospect of clearing up drug paraphernalia and human waste afterwards.

Christopher says: “These events trample on the rural economy, which is already struggling as a result of extreme weather conditions and animal disease. Rave organisers reap the benefits of minimised costs and no tax, yet landowners and farmers constantly have to pay huge amounts of money in clean-up costs after raves on their land”.

Last summer Christopher secured a Parliamentary debate on this issue. Although the Minister was supportive, there has been little progress since, so in February Christopher presented to Parliament a Ten Minute Rule Bill that seeks to amend the current regulations. Speaking about the Bill, Christopher says:

“If successful, my Bill would expand the definition of a rave, and would create two new offences of organising a rave and transporting sound equipment for use at a rave. By clamping down on the organisers it will be much easier for the Police to use intelligence gathered to prevent raves and penalise appropriately those who see raves as a get-rich-quick formula, irrespective of the nuisance they cause. I have urged the Government to support my Bill. It is high time the rights of the law-abiding majority were protected.”

his bill -


this has all come about because Norfolk/Suffolk has been rinsed.

As ever people like him think rigs get rich from doing parties :hmm:
Interesting. But then you'd have to tell officials the location in advance. And if the site is MOD land...
MOD land eh?

with the farmers permission?

in that case what you need to do ideally is get the farmer to tell the camp commander / head boy at the army base that he's planning to have a party on his land for his sons birthday / engagement party / whatever on x date for a couple of hundred people, and get permission.

Providing the farmers not having problems with the camp commander, the chances are that he'll be fine with it - bigger things to deal with - so long as it doesn't conflict with any military exercises etc. and let's be honest, you don't really want to find a load of squaddies storming through your party on exercise do you.

the beauty of this situation is that the normal police can't come onto MOD land without getting permission from the camp commander / head of the MOD police. and basically so long as you've got permission for the party, it'll be a brave local plod that forces them to wake up the camp commander at 3am to get permission to come on site to close down a party that he's given permission for.

It's not a total get out clause, if you're getting loads of noise complaints then either the mod police will give the normal plod permission to come on and close it down, or more likely the mod plod will come and have a word - if this happens don't piss them about, they're used to dealing with squaddies.

We did one years ago on mod land like this, and the only thing the local police could do was blocade the end of the entrance road for a couple of hours - but after we'd got pretty much everyone in anyway. We'd had a visit from the mod police in the afternoon, when we actually had a band on, so had them do a half hour accoustic no beats set( so the Criminal justice bill couldn't apply) while they were there, then cranked it up in the evening / night. the next time the mod plod came down was the next night when we were just finishing packing up to tell us that there were a few hundred squaddies about to come over the hill on exercise, so we might want to get the fuck out of there. We did then get loads of hastle from the local police when we camped up nearby for the night, with them doing a drive past every half hour til we'd left... they were looking for the rest of the new age travellers convoy that they presumed was somewhere about. We did try to tell them that everyone else had gone home, and there was no convoy, but they didn't believe us:D

basically using MOD land with the farmers permission, if the farmer get's permission from the mod camp commander is a good blag, and it's less likely you will get busted, but you do need to do it properly, and make sure there is no comeback for the farmer from the mod. If you take the piss, then you'll not just have the local plod to deal with, you'll have some very pissed of military police and a camp comander on the warpath because he feels he's been made a fool of. Generally though the military have got bigger things to worry about, and want to keep the farmers happy.
I went to a GASH warehouse party that told everyone to meet in the center of Manchester and use the trams to get to the warehouse. The problem was they massively underestimated the numbers attending (or overestimated the trams capacity). People couldn't get to the warehouse and the police ended up shutting it down.
erm yeah, a bit of planning and forethought does help... having some room for the inevitable fuck up factor is always good too.

like the time we'd got 3 minibuses to act as shuttle buses too and from this party, midway through the party we realised we'd no clue where 2 of them were... turned out one of them had broken down, the other had gone to meet that one to pick the driver up, but they'd then got stoned and fallen asleep. they did show back up in the morning with one minibus, but that was well confusing. We got round that by shuttling people the 5 miles to the nearest bus stop to get back rather than 40 miles back to the city... not ideal, but it worked.

Having minibus taxi numbers for back up is also a good plan.
The MOD site is unused. There is no camp. It's quite remote, fenced off and there are warning signs about undetonated explosives. Good, because there will be no dog walkers. I'm almost certain that the MOD never use it for exercises. This would be without any permission.
erm yeah, a bit of planning and forethought does help... having some room for the inevitable fuck up factor is always good too.

like the time we'd got 3 minibuses to act as shuttle buses too and from this party, midway through the party we realised we'd no clue where 2 of them were... turned out one of them had broken down, the other had gone to meet that one to pick the driver up, but they'd then got stoned and fallen asleep. they did show back up in the morning with one minibus, but that was well confusing. We got round that by shuttling people the 5 miles to the nearest bus stop to get back rather than 40 miles back to the city... not ideal, but it worked.

Having minibus taxi numbers for back up is also a good plan.

LOL, that reminds me, I got the blame for nicking one of them minibuses to go home in.

The MOD site is unused. There is no camp. It's quite remote, fenced off and there are warning signs about undetonated explosives. Good, because there will be no dog walkers. I'm almost certain that the MOD never use it for exercises. This would be without any permission.

You would get double fucked then.

We done this successfully about 4 times on a disused airfield, other "crews" clicked on, we stopped and they got loads of shit.

The writing was on the wall at the last one we did, loads of scrotes trying their luck, police everywhere etc etc.
LOL, that reminds me, I got the blame for nicking one of them minibuses to go home in.

lol - I can't actually remember the specifics, just being stuck in a field with hundreds of people starting to want to go home going erm where the fuck are the other minibuses:D
You would get double fucked then.

We done this successfully about 4 times on a disused airfield, other "crews" clicked on, we stopped and they got loads of shit.

The writing was on the wall at the last one we did, loads of scrotes trying their luck, police everywhere etc etc.

Why? Who would have a problem with it? It's unused land. Nobody will hear us.
I'm fairly sure you're into criminal tresspass territory on MOD property, and MOD-plod can be shitty if they want to be (I speak from doing alot of tresspassing with very small numbers of people... not running parties).

Good luck. Hope it passes off OK.
Just reading again...

warning signs about undetonated explosives.

I think if you get caught in an area labelled as such, you are not going to get any kind of "oh carry on until the morning then" type response. They will want you off immediately, will have you for everything, and any judge will come down like a ton of bricks, because they'll see you as recklessly endangering other people's lives.

Whether or not there really are any explosives is besides the point.

Maybe scout for another site? There's plenty around if you do your research.
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