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    Lazy Llama

Police or Armed Forces

Police or Armed Forces

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Worked as a civilian chef with the army for a while so voted that way. Both organisations are a fairly awful prospect so hard to add much more to that decision.
I couldn't join the police. Although I did consider it. I enquired about joining the Met but at the basic are you insane part of the conversation decided against it. Anyway my parents were married so I didn't qualify.

Thinking back I'd have liked the RAF I think. My father was RAF and his biggest regret in life was leaving. I ballsed up my officer selection interview by arriving one day late.

I liked being in the Army. It was fun and I still have fond memories of it, even though my time was very short.
You don't have to be a soldier to be in the forces. It's probably a better idea for most school leavers than university or a call center
Learn a skill and do excercise for a living.
An almost 15 year bump on this thread! Is that a record?!

This is a record

Especially if they are lazy, incompetent, or criminally disposed.

The British forces are highly trained, motivated, professional outfits, not dumping grounds for fuckwits and ne’er do wells.

I don't dispute the forces being highly trained & professional as an organisation but would dispute the no fuckwits or ne'er do wells stance. Every wrongun I grew up with either ended up in prison or the forces (sometimes both obv)
Militaries need loads of food and equipment and planning and infrastructure. I bet way more than half of the soldiers in the British army have never fired a gun in anger
Perhaps not in anger but that’s true of any army. But whether they are cooks, administrators, medics, whatever, they are all trained soldiers.
There are
Some good reasons why young people shouldn't
Do this

I've always thought that if they sent the army to places like Afghanistan without guns and had them fixing infrastructure instead of trashing the place then the 'war on terror' would be finished by now
Perhaps not in anger but that’s true of any army. But whether they are cooks, administrators, medics, whatever, they are all trained soldiers.

'in anger' is a phrase that means 'at somebody'
I know that they all do training to run and fight, I don't think that is a bad thing, it's not like anyone is safe from violence by not joining the army
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