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I have a bit of a habit. These are some of the better ones that I'd recommend.

Ones I recommend

Audio Drama:

There is a really rich ecosystem of audiodrama podcasts out there. It's my favourite type of podcast by far.

Wooden Overcoats - Sitcom about the only funeral directors on a small channel island, who are suddenly joined by competition who are good at their job
The Bright Sessions - Like X-Men, but from the point of view of the Psychologist who has to councel people who've discovered their abilities and have to deal with the social fallout
SAYER - Kind of like portal? Darkly funny with horror elements. About an all powerful AI that runs a space station owned by an Alien franchist-style company.
Girl in Space - Space mystery; story of a girl in space. Well acted, very good.
EOS 10 - Like Scrubs in space
Death by Dying - Like if Dougla Adams wrote Dirk Gently but with dirk being an obituary writer and the setting being Nightvale (as in the podcast Welcome to Nightvale)
The Magnus Archives - Not quite as well recorded but well written. X-Files style monster-of-the-week horror stories with an overarching plot threading the series together
The Truth - Very well acted and recorded short audio fiction
Earbud Theatre - Similar to The Truth, more focus on horror
The Orbiting Human Circus of the Air - Just... A really nice, if occasionally emotional experience. Magical realism from a radio station at the top of the eiffel tower
The Phenomenon - Based on the book of the same name. Well acted, a mystery about a global phenomenon that kills people by just looking at these... things. Do not look outside. Do not look look at the sky. Do not make noise.
Ars PARADOXICA - Time travel story, gets a little complicated toward the end. High drama; deals with the effects time travel has on people. An attempt to follow a mostly-realistic idea of how time travel might work.
Our Fair City - Wacky comedy about a dystopian future where everyone lives under the ground in an old insurance company. Civillians are known as 'policies'.


I like to stay updated, if anyone can recommend something mroe europe focussed (that isn't Novara) though I'd appreciate it.

Novara Media - I was a the UCL Occupation with these guys, nice to keep up with them. Glad they're doing well.
The Antifada - Nicely produced, american-centric anarchist news
The Bugle - Very liberal political comedy. Good for a laugh.


I like the odd specialist interest show

Darknet Diaries - Interesting short programs about hacking and computer security.
Ear Hustle - Podcast about living in prision, produced mainly by prisioners themselves.
Hardcore History - 3-4hr + long epic episodes that make up multiple chapters about a historic period. Good but looooooong.

Interview Format:

Not a fan of interview shows in general. But I listen to a couple

The Adam Buxton Podcast - If you like Adam Buxton you'll enjoy this.
Rantbox TV - Subculture centred around the UK mostly. I was on an episode so I'm invested.

Actual Play:

Very nerdy - people playing tabletop RPG's like D&D. In general I'm more interested for story as I don't really play these games.

The Adventure Zone - Very funny, very tongue-in-cheek. The actual play podcast I'd recommend for people who've never tried them or even have a passing interest in RPB tabletop games.
Rusty Quill Gaming - By the people who do The Magnus Archives. Nice sound design, less boring than most D&D/D&D-like podcasts.

Spanish Language Learning:

I'm learning Spanish, go figure

Duolingo Spanish - Really well produced shord stories in spanish and english. Reportage with a language learning angle.


I could really do with some more of these that are more focussed on upcomming music, especially alt-rock/punk/etc in the UK.

Punks in Pubs - Interview format, held in pubs, mostly with established musicians. However they plug up-and-comers. My band's going to have a spot on a show in December!
If There is Hell Below - Sadly no-longer releasing on RSS - making it not a true podcast - so I can't listen. New music from mostly indie labels presented by two best mates.
The Curator Podcast - Longform interviews by a scot talking to mostly mid-level established artists.
Open MetalCast - Discontinued; a podcast that plays CC licensed metal music.

Adding links to shows for easier reference.

I'm thinking of taking the best shows and turning it into searchable database a bit like the film recommendation system I made for my wife:

Considering I listen to so many it could be a good idea 🤔
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I bloody love The New Yorker's fiction podcast: Fiction Podcast | The New Yorker

and their Writer's Voice podcast (author's reading their own work) The Writer's Voice: New Fiction from The New Yorker | The New Yorker

There are loads from these series that I could recommend so I will limit myself to just one.

This guy just won the Booker for his debut, Shuggie Bain:

I listen on Apple's podcasts app but I am sure these are available elsewhere
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Qanon Annonymous..

Chilling and fascinating. Three journos whose full time job is to delve deep into the mad world. They go undercover at events etc. Absoloutly brilliant, indepth journalism (and can be very funny). If you get a bum episode, try another, you'll strike gold.

(incidently, they make 30 odd k a month on patreon. maybe democrat backers? can't believe that sort of wonga for a weekly hour show)
This one sounds proper interesting:
It Did Happen Here is an independently produced podcast that documents the fight against racist white skinheads in the 1980’s and 90’s. The 11 episodes feature interviews with many people who worked together in those days and reveal the unlikely collaboration between groups of immigrants, civil rights activists, militant youth and queer organizers who came together to successfully confront neo-nazi violence and right wing organizing in the Rose City.

The podcast talks to three core groups: the Portland chapter of Anti Racist Action; SHARP- Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice; and the Coalition for Human Dignity. In out-and-out brawls on the streets and at punk shows, and in behind the scenes intelligence gathering to expose right wing and white nationalist organizing, the three groups united on their home ground over and over to attack fascists—and they won it back.
I really like “acceptable in the 80s” which features Kunt from Kunt and the Gang and his best mate having a jaunt down memory lane, looking back to what was happening 40 years ago that month - film, music, tv and general wormholes from there. A lot of swearing and the tone is much like his music but very funny.

It's good - checked out the first few episodes on my walk this morning. First ep is not on the apple podcast app oddly but is on their website. Lots of people interviewed, well stitched together. Thanks for the tip!
Yeah, I've been slowly working my way through it, I like the format of having shortish episodes instead of the hour-plus that lots of podcasts seem to go for. And good to have a bit of historical background for the context that The Dreaded Portland Antifa came from.
I quite like the Mansplaining Feminism podcast:

It's two self-deprecating English (Anglo-Indian maybe?) guys working through the key texts of feminism. The reasonably standard format is that one of them knows a decent amount about the subject and the other guy is clueless and needs it explaining.

They are quite funny but not in a shouty "comedy" way, it's quite humble and endearing.
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I've just started doing Time Clare's 'Couch to 80k' creative writing podcast class.

It has been around for a few years now and I've been meaning to do it for aaaages. Loving it so far.

If you're into creative writing, trying to write, want to build a writing habit, whatever - have a look/listen.

This podcast is an interview with Tim where he talks about the free, 8-week course.

C280k is available on many pod platforms - Soundcloud, Spotify and Tim's own website.
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