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"Please don't riot, it's just what they want"

yeah of course i do :rolleyes:,
ive explained what i meant but you dont seem to be able comprehend it , you dont seem to be coming across that bright tbh.

i was talking about the authorites not the jewish etc

Yeah, I must be thick as shit because I thought you believed the post you quoted with the comment "call me a loon but i find this believable..."
What i find interesting about that article is the fact that Icke didn't seem to feel any need whatsoever to disguise it's anti-semitic content. None whatsoever. he used to. What does that suggest about the way his market has developed over the last 10 or so years?

I don't know, it may tell us more about how his sickness has evolved over time than anything else. Or he has just been influenced/copied from some of the internet stuff that has become more visible in recent years, he has been heavily influenced by the paranoid strain of American politics. Or he sells more stuff to the Americans now and has adjusted accordingly. 15 years ago I seem to recall his books lurking in the new age spiritualism section of Waterstones, but I wasn't paying enough attention to note when the emphasis moved away from this stuff.

The fact that he retains some of his earlier spiritual 'lets all come together as one' stuff does set him slightly apart from the likes of Alex Jones and the others whose right-wing politics, libertarianism etc can be a great fit for the paranoid bullshit they peddle. For Icke its not so simple, some giant contradictions that must lead to a lot of conflicting ideas. Just take this paragraph from near the end of the article thats being discussed in this thread:

We can come together, we MUST come together, putting aside the fault-lines of race, religion, culture and income bracket. These are just illusory labels through which we are divided and therefore ruled. Believe in them if you wish, and enjoy them if they make you happy, but don't let them divide us any longer.

Says the man who used the label Zionist about 8 gazillion times earlier on in the article. :facepalm:
Yes, "Zionism" really does shift units in the US conspiracy market, doesn't it? I don't think he even believes the shit he's peddling now.
Yeah, I must be thick as shit because I thought you believed the post you quoted with the comment "call me a loon but i find this believable..."

no i said youre not coming across bright as I had explained what i meant but you still didnt get it , anyway bored now !
Yes, "Zionism" really does shift units in the US conspiracy market, doesn't it? I don't think he even believes the shit he's peddling now.

I can never quite judge, when I've seen video of him in the past there were signs of charlatan-like salesmanship, mental health problems including paranoia, messiah complex and maybe even a bit of genuine heartfelt concern for the world, along with some depression and loss of humour.

Some things he says even allow for the possibility that he is taking the piss, I fear this is probably not the case but once in a while I can have some fun with it anyway.

For example, on his website banner it says:

'Exposing the dreamworld we believe to be real'

OK then, you believe in a dreamworld, congratulations.

'What you fight, you become.' - David Icke

In that case... Tonight Matthew, David Icke is the New World Order.
Considering he is off his head, Icke is remarkably coherent in expressing his ideas.
Usually with nutters, it's near impossible to decipher their illogical drivel but Icke is extremely readable.
I think I love him.
Stargate SG1 called. One of their story editors is AWOL.
Considering he is off his head, Icke is remarkably coherent in expressing his ideas.

Usually with nutters, it's near impossible to decipher their illogical drivel but Icke is extremely readable.
I think I love him.

Really? I've never tried to read one of his books, and videos of his public speaking leave me with the impression that he has far more enthusiasm than ability, he is very Alan Partridge sometimes.

I suspect that one of the reasons I so often start ranting in conspiracy etc threads is because many of these belief systems are such a waste. A waste of people who may yearn for justice, truth, progress, of an escape from some of the horrors of the past. People who are inquisitive and interested in making a difference. And all that potential turns to shit when mixed in with the paranoid strain of politics.

So Icke should be of interest to me because he blends together several different forms of this stuff, and unlike most modern conspiracy pedlars he includes hope in the mix as well as fear. I think he has joined way too many dots, and has some serious issues, but there are signed that some of his beliefs (only some, not his anti-semitic crap) came about as a result of sane realisations about the insane way humans manage our affairs. Its extremely frustrating when someone is coherent and incredibly sane and aware on one level, but staggeringly far off the mark and batshit crazy on other levels.

In any case, talk is cheap, and its possible some of these dangerous chumps may yet end up on the right side of things when the going gets tough. Their biggest and most dangerous fault is the mischaracterisation of the enemy, what it consists of, or in most cases who it consists of. Dramatic future events could yet cause them to reevaluate their scapegoats, and at least a portion of those currently unavailable for sane struggles due to their sick hates could be salvageable.
I never can quite grasp the steps between correctly identifying something 'states react to riots by tightening the screws' and deciding 'joos and satanists want this to be so'

Perhaps I need to purchase moar icke DVD's
Ignoring all of the arguements over Icke's anti-semitism which have been gone over gazillions of times and probably don't need to be gone over again, has anyone picked up on the idea of how ludicrous it is that the rioters are all "agents of the state" lol?
There is a notable rise in extreme right wing politics with idiots such as the Tea party in the US and our very own EDL. Don't ever become too comfortable with the thought of them being a bunch of unelectable thugs because there is an underling support by many who need a reason to blame someone for any given country's problems.

phew, what a loony.

There is some light to be seen at the moment. Hollywood has a tendency to follow US government lines as we saw with Top gun, Rambo 3 and all those Islamic terrorist films.
Now were're starting to see right wingers in the terrorist role in films like Airline disaster. True it's a 'B' movie but it shows an interesting trend.
We also saw films including 'Green zone' and 'Against all enemies' that seriously knocked bush and his daft wars.
If Hollywood is the compass, perhaps world opinion is heading away from the far right.
I'm actually with Icke on some of this (I think i just threw up a bit in my mouth). Riots do make it very easy for the gov't to introduce draconian laws on the back of outrage
but that's not the same thing as riots being deliberatly encouraged/caused by the evil jew lizards.
There is some light to be seen at the moment. Hollywood has a tendency to follow US government lines as we saw with Top gun, Rambo 3 and all those Islamic terrorist films.
Now were're starting to see right wingers in the terrorist role in films like Airline disaster. True it's a 'B' movie but it shows an interesting trend.
We also saw films including 'Green zone' and 'Against all enemies' that seriously knocked bush and his daft wars.
If Hollywood is the compass, perhaps world opinion is heading away from the far right.

Or it has gone so far right it is now attacking itself.
Ignoring all of the arguements over Icke's anti-semitism which have been gone over gazillions of times and probably don't need to be gone over again, has anyone picked up on the idea of how ludicrous it is that the rioters are all "agents of the state" lol?

Well most are on the dole, so technically...
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