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"Please don't riot, it's just what they want"

Equating questioning of the many and complex official narratives surrounding 911 with blaming "the jews" would be equally inaccurate and lazy.

9/11 was committed by Islamists - and the only people who were surprised by this, or seriously considered any other explanation (especially after several very credible people had investigated it and found this to be the case) were either 1) thick fuckers who were totally ignorant of the fact that the US had been bombing people, supporting coups and propping up hated dictatorships in the middle east for fucking ages or 2) people who, knowingly or not, have a deep seated racist mindset that leads them to believe that no "Arab in a cave", to quote Alex Jones, could possibly be capable of pulling off a terrorist attack on obviously superior American white people.

Just because it was useful for the neocons that doesn't mean they did it. I can't believe any informed person swallows the "inside job" crap. Even if the empirical evidence wasn't so clear cut as it is, it just doesn't add up, for myriad reasons. And interestingly the first 9/11 "truth" documentary to go viral was, as far as I know, called 9/11 Missing Links - take a look and you'll see exactly what I mean when I connect it to antisemitism.
I do believe that. I think I've said as much on this thread. There are bound to be competing factions and little conspiracies among and between them.

I think you're being deliberately disingenuous now. You know exactly what non-mental people mean when we talk about conspiracy theory. What you're doing is using the obvious fact that groups of people plan shit in secret to argue in favour of mental shit like holographic planes or whatever your 9/11 nonsense of choice may be.
I think you're being deliberately disingenuous now. You know exactly what non-mental people mean when we talk about conspiracy theory. What you're doing is using the obvious fact that groups of people plan shit in secret to argue in favour of mental shit like holographic planes or whatever your 9/11 nonsense of choice may be.

Well I'm not being disingenuous. There are elites. They might conspire. There are factions among elites and competing elites.

"You know exactly what non-mental people mean when we talk about conspiracy theory."

Oh, an inappropriate use of the word "mental", anyhow - a logical understanding of the term conspiracy theory is "a theory about a conspiracy". If it is "mental" to think it means "a theory about a conspiracy that is absurd" then that might demonstrate where the world has got to.

It is as outlandish to equate all queries about 911 with hologram planes as the hologram planes theory is itself.

But I have a feeling 911 is going to be discussed anon fully anyway, so there is no need to do so here.
Well I'm not being disingenuous. There are elites. They might conspire. There are factions among elites and competing elites.

"You know exactly what non-mental people mean when we talk about conspiracy theory."

Oh, an inappropriate use of the word "mental", anyhow - a logical understanding of the term conspiracy theory is "a theory about a conspiracy". If it is "mental" to think it means "a theory about a conspiracy that is absurd" then that might demonstrate where the world has got to.

It is as outlandish to equate all queries about 911 with hologram planes as the hologram planes theory is itself.

But I have a feeling 911 is going to be discussed anon fully anyway, so there is no need to do so here.
no, a logical understanding of 'conspiracy theory' is that a presupposition of a conspiracy with at best circumstantial evidence.
Well I'm not being disingenuous. There are elites. They might conspire. There are factions among elites and competing elites.

"You know exactly what non-mental people mean when we talk about conspiracy theory."

Oh, an inappropriate use of the word "mental", anyhow - a logical understanding of the term conspiracy theory is "a theory about a conspiracy". If it is "mental" to think it means "a theory about a conspiracy that is absurd" then that might demonstrate where the world has got to.

It is as outlandish to equate all queries about 911 with hologram planes as the hologram planes theory is itself.

But I have a feeling 911 is going to be discussed anon fully anyway, so there is no need to do so here.
tsk. OK, there will be the last bit of evidence that proves 911 was an inside job. It's coming. You're not well. Are you?
I have no firm beliefs on that stuff.

Nobody can prove that there aren't invisible, intangible monkeys that come and jump on my head when I've been out on the lash, which is what causes me to get hangovers. So, being non-dogmatic and beyond this binary choice of anti-monkey theory and pro-monkey theory I rise above dismissing it, what with being all smug (and a bit dishonest for the sake of looking more reasonable than I really am on the internet) and superior, I keep an open mind when it comes to the monkey theory of mornings after.
Nope - people who believe there's a living city under the sea, that aliens were assisting the Nazis in world war two and that teh jooz did 9/11 in order to fulfill the plans in the protocols are loons.

Sorry if that makes you feel all oppressed you whining div.

Oppressed? What the merry hell are you on about? I don't believe there's a living city under the sea. I don't believe in aliens assisting anyone anywhere, or 9/11 buffoonery. Get your facts right before posting please.
Oppressed? What the merry hell are you on about? I don't believe there's a living city under the sea. I don't believe in aliens assisting anyone anywhere, or 9/11 buffoonery. Get your facts right before posting please.

But you do keep an open mind, don't you maaaaan?
Just spotted:

Flash Mob Attacks The Beginning of Class Warfare

We need peaceful real change not mob rule and lawlessness grow up people these Flash mobs are going to give the government a reason to enforce curfews and martial law ! THIS and cases like this WILL be used as the excuse to let government look into and control your use of social networks and mobile phone communication. Make no mistake, the SAME thing is happening around the world right now. The real issue is paid lip service and the government grabs more of your *civil rights* these idiots. robbing a 7-11 is NOT going to do anything but strengthen the government's fascist programs. they should stop being ignorant and do something on a political level go flash mob the mayors house or the white house for that matter.
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