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"Please don't riot, it's just what they want"

You can't win full stop. You can demonstrate to people who aren't loons where the loons are being loons. There's nothing else. You might as well have a crack at them, as we both now it doesn't matter. It changes nothing.
As you know, I have no time for loons and their poisonous nonsense, but just shunting up endless personal insults and abuse is only going to end up with users getting banned, in line with our rules.
You believe ion Atlantis. belief in Atlantis make you a loon. It makes the what you process ionformation rally important. You also believe in very cultured extra-terrestrial astronauts. Because you believe this people should not - and do not - take you seriously.

Thanks for telling me what I believe, i's so much easier than thinking for myself. I'm still patiently waiting for your guide as to what makes an acceptable post.
tell you what. you must love parliament. 650 mps, meeting in secret conclave in the halls of westminster... or councils, where these 'committees' meet beyond the ken of the vast majority of the public. why don't you turn your energies to investigating these nebulous figures?

Official Parliamentary business is on the record, and very often adversarial. You are scraping the barrel here. Away from official on the record adversarial business then yes, what goes on in parliament and councils often is conspiratorial by nature.

I apologise to Butchers and Pickmans. This post contains no vapid frothing insults, so may have lost some impact.
No, you do not get to play the stuff has been exposed therefore there's a conspiracy card. You don't. Unless you bring some material to the table. Have you? What are you bringing to the the table?

I already did. Not that anyone has spoken to my point about any sociological definition of "conspiracy theory" that deviates from the English Language. But why bother answering my points or noticing that I have spoken to some of yours when there are pompous insults to cast around the place?
Gladio. What was that about? (notably the Bologna massacre)

my request with regards to what makes a "conspiracy theory" anything other than a theory about a conspiracy?

Me denouncing various kneejerk conspiracy theorists and their habits (ETA: including those that are to do with the thread topic)

Are you as patient? Of course not. "rigour" is one thing, as are "terseness" and even "cumodgeonly". But you are now taking them to extremes to the extent that people bemoan you joining a thread and your pointless insults are threatened with warnings. I have been trying to figure my way past polar opposite arguements in this debate that both strike me as flawed. Posters like Frogwoman and Spineynorman have responded to that and tossed ideas back and forth, very often disagreeing with me but generally politely. Please have a think about that.
People who don't follow your beliefs to the letter are loons, eh?

Nope - people who believe there's a living city under the sea, that aliens were assisting the Nazis in world war two and that teh jooz did 9/11 in order to fulfill the plans in the protocols are loons.

Sorry if that makes you feel all oppressed you whining div.
Official Parliamentary business is on the record, and very often adversarial. You are scraping the barrel here. Away from official on the record adversarial business then yes, what goes on in parliament and councils often is conspiratorial by nature.

I apologise to Butchers and Pickmans. This post contains no vapid frothing insults, so may have lost some impact.

And you don't believe that there's rival and competing factions among the political elites at all levels? Including some who are opposed to whatever agenda it is you're ascribing to the Bilderbergers?
And you don't believe that there's rival and competing factions among the political elites at all levels? Including some who are opposed to whatever agenda it is you're ascribing to the Bilderbergers?

I do believe that. I think I've said as much on this thread. There are bound to be competing factions and little conspiracies among and between them.
Nope - people who believe there's a living city under the sea, that aliens were assisting the Nazis in world war two and that teh jooz did 9/11 in order to fulfill the plans in the protocols are loons.

Sorry if that makes you feel all oppressed you whining div.

No one I ever heard with a belief in a pre-deluvian civilisation of some sophistication ever proposed that it was "living"

If aliens had assisted the nazis I expect the nazis might have had more success in the end, but the nazis were obsessed with all sorts of stuff like that as discussed upthread.

I did, separately, read an amusing account of Stalin's supposed furious response when he was told that the US had recovered alien craft.
As I've also said upthread, there are too many people who seek to blame "the jews" for things. It is inaccurate, biggoted and lazy. (well one is "too many" but you get my point, it is alarmingly prevalent)

Equating questioning of the many and complex official narratives surrounding 911 with blaming "the jews" would be equally inaccurate and lazy.

And it happens. Quite a lot.
Gladio. What was that about? (notably the Bologna massacre)

my request with regards to what makes a "conspiracy theory" anything other than a theory about a conspiracy?

Me denouncing various kneejerk conspiracy theorists and their habits (ETA: including those that are to do with the thread topic)

Are you as patient? Of course not. "rigour" is one thing, as are "terseness" and even "cumodgeonly". But you are now taking them to extremes to the extent that people bemoan you joining a thread and your pointless insults are threatened with warnings. I have been trying to figure my way past polar opposite arguements in this debate that both strike me as flawed. Posters like Frogwoman and Spineynorman have responded to that and tossed ideas back and forth, very often disagreeing with me but generally politely. Please have a think about that.
Gladio happened. In what way is that a green light for believing anything? In what way is that a green light for dropping criticall faculties? Gladio is the best ever an anti-loon case.
Gladio happened. In what way is that a green light for believing anything? In what way is that a green light for dropping criticall faculties? Gladio is the best ever an anti-loon case.

Oh I see, so it's only a conspiracy theory if it isn't true.

Not if it's a theory about a conspiracy, which is what the words would actually indicate.

Thanks for laying out what you think so helpfully.

That may explain a lot about the Iraq WMD lies. Did Saddam actually have "45 minute capacity" till we found it was a constructed lie to mislead us?

Are you advancing a clever kind of quantum theory in which we hop between different universes according to which one might prove you right?

Next time you scoff at me for lack of logic or "can't win" arguements I'll know how hollow and ill founded your own logic can be - "it's not true, you're a deluded fuckwit" or "it's true, that proves you're a deluded fuckwit"

The fact that a false flag was used to discredit a rival political outlook is evidence that such things happen. Unless they all sat around afterward, said "well that kinda worked, won't bother doing it again then".
I'm advancing a method of critical interrogation. You''re just saying that any old shit might be true. Fuck off, you're an idiot.

critical interrogation is exactly what any conspiracy theory should be subject to.

Some stuff is more outlandish than others and less likely to be true from the outset.

Sorry for not swearing.

How's the guidelines comming along? I'd hate to think that you have to swear at so many poor people for not reaching your exacting standards. Bad for the blood pressure.

Also you haven't answered whether a "conspiracy theory" is a theory about a conspiracy or something more opaque than what the mere English language might imply.

Another point and question made without swearing and insults. See, it is possible. Believe in yourself.
Nothing xists: they didn't find WMD
Everything exists: look at at gladio

Oh how can i sail a ship,between these fortunes. You're a massive naive cock taffboy. Games up. You massive cock.
Nothing xists: they didn't find WMD
Everything exists: look at at gladio

Oh how can i sail a ship,between these fortunes. You're a massive naive cock taffboy. Games up. You massive cock.

Games up Butchers. You wantonly misconstrue, put words in mouths, shift goalposts, engage in doublethink, and you can't even do it without swearing.

Ain't up to much is it? You can sure dole it out, and that's got to be accpeted to an extent, cos it's the internet. But I ain't so sure you can take it. Where are the guidelines?
If, after critical interrogation, you beleive in atlantis and prehistoric spacemen, then sorry, you're a joke. A joke.

I have no firm beliefs on that stuff. I wouldn't discuss it with you anyhow, it's way way off topic.

As to wether some nefarious controlling elite want us to riot: If they exist I don't think they give much of a shit if we riot or not.
If, you have no firm beliefs then it's just the same as believing mad loon shit - but with less honesty. How can you even be half minded about this crap?
If, you have no firm beliefs then it's just the same as believing mad loon shit - but with less honesty. How can you even be half minded about this crap?

And the faulty logic continues to parade itself: To not have a firm belief is the same as having a belief? I am actually starting to doubt your intelligence for the first time in many years.

Anyway, the young folks have a saying. It goeth: "whatever".
And the faulty logic continues to parade itself: To not have a firm belief is the same as having a belief? I am actually starting to doubt your intelligence for the first time in many years.

Anyway, the young folks have a saying. It goeth: "whatever".
Lord, how hard is it to say no that you don't believe in fucking Atlantis spacmen. Pretty hard, because you do. Grow up. There is no way you can spin this to your benefit. No possible way. There is no way in which your views become normal.
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