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placing Red Action then the IWCA theorethically

Ah! the mask slips. Time for an upgrade, Nigel. Irritable clearly no longer does you justice.

Could you ask a Mod to allow you to change your name from 'Nigel Irritable' to 'Nigel Hysterical' or 'Nigel Hissy-fit'.

I was reading this hoping there would be some lively and interesting discussion. After your last post it is clear you have a different agenda though I'm still not sure what that is - because it certainly doesn't appear to be presenting the SP in a positive light. I have to admit I was quite taken aback at the bi-polar switch from mildly-pissy, smart-arsery to foaming, ranting, bitchiness.

Anger management dear chap, anger management.
I take the same line with Nigel and the Irish SP as I do with Manchester United, not arsed about the team but can't stand most of their supporters.
How about playing the ball and not the man? Why the reticence in answering some basic questions about the IWCA? What is the balance sheet of its achievements and limitations so far? What accounts for its failure to defend and consolidate it's gains? What is necessary to see it advance, and what are the likelihood of those circumstances arising? etc.etc.
How about playing the ball and not the man?

Can't speak for anybody else, but I have been back in Ireland the last 15 years - so I am in no position to argue the toss with hissy over the IWCA.

I am however quite able to read and see malignant, snidey little comments like...

It took you 400 pages to cover 15 years of Red Action having punchups with fascists. As far as I can tell you'll be able to cover 15 years of the IWCA in a leaflet.

for exactly the politically bankrupt, straw-man, dimissive, deluded, provocation that they are. Mr Irritable has IMO been afforded ALL the respect his comments deserve and them some.

If you would care to step into the breach and argue his position (or of course your own) less provocatively, I am sure you will be treated with all the respect you show.
I've no wish to get drawn into what Red Action may or may not have amounted to - I'm just querying the ability of IWCA supporters to reflect on their own project rather than simply take a pop at everyone else's. I'm assuming that you ask yourselves the questions in my last post. So why the reticence in engaging with other people's ideas publically?
Originally Posted by jackie08
"Ive lived in Ireland for the last ten years and been involved in numerous campaigns, Im now involved in Eirigi and am on the national cttee of the IPSC. Im involved in International Brigade Commemorations around Ireland and in numerous anti-fascist and anti-racist initiatives. Ive never in those ten years met anyone from the SP. Never not once."

Nigel Irritable writes "Are you serious? You talk about whether or not we're involved in community campaigns in Ireland and then your evidence against is that you haven't seen us around the Irish Palestine Solidarity Campaign, International Brigade Commemorations or anti-fascism (which in Ireland consists of rocking up to a pub and confiscating pints off about four social inadequates before putting their pictures on Indymedia)? That's what you think community campaigning consists of?

"Do you even realise that you are talking about exactly the sort of stuff IWCA supporters routinely dismiss as "irrelevent left" nonsense? And directly oppose to their allegedly innovative concentration on community activism around issues of immediate local concern to working class communities? If some SWPer tried to claim that they were involved in community campaigns like International Brigades commemorations or Palestine Solidarity they'd still be sniggering about it for years afterwards. If some anarchist started talking about physical force anti-fascism they'd be sneering at them as a reenactor who doesn't understand that times have changed."

Nigel, I punctuate my sentences for a reason, you should slow down.

Ive been involved in numerous campaigns"comma" Im now involved in eirigi and am on the national cttee of the IPSC full stop. Not the same thing three separate things.

The campaigns Ive been involved in include organising a campaign against the siting of a mobile phone mast and the building of a waste incinerator. The party Im involved in is eirigi and the ipsc is an example of international solidarity work to which I could add the basque solidarity campaign and others. I then add that Im involved in International Brigade solidarity work and numerous anti-racist campaigns.

You dismiss all of this simply because you are rabid. You add a layer of madness about confiscating pints in pubs.

Today Im finalising negotiations to bring FC Utd of Manchester to play against Donegal Celtic in a tournament in Belfast to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of the Spanish civil War, Im also working on bringing over St Pauli to play at Donegal Celtic , Derry and hopefully elsewhere in July. 30 community groups in West Belfast are involved in both initiatives and we expect over 10,000 people to participate in the events, all events prominantly celebrating the Irish tradition of anti-fascism.

Its far too easy on the net to slag off all around you. That is why if I was still a Militant Full timer and was in your area I would instruct you that you are bringing your organisation into disrepute and should desist.

Again this is all why the IWCA is a breath of fresh air.
I've no wish to get drawn into what Red Action may or may not have amounted to

But that is exactly the line Mr Pissy pursued, is it not?

I too look forward to some considered response from of the IWCA supporters on here... assuming that is that they accept your questions as 'bona fide' and not the preamble for another circuitous detour.
Nigel, I punctuate my sentences for a reason, you should slow down.

never mind your punctuation Jackie, put some fuckin white space in will ya?

It doesn't matter how good your post is, if it looks inscrutable (and long) people will not bother their arse reading it (I did of course because you are such a lovely chap and have such interesting things to say :p)

Here's what your last post looks like, when made so much more readable and attractive by inserting lots of pretty white space... and a little emphasis

Originally Posted by jackie68

Nigel, I punctuate my sentences for a reason, you should slow down.

I've been involved in numerous campaigns "comma" Im now involved in eirigi and am on the national cttee of the IPSC full stop.

Not the same thing. Three separate things.

The campaigns Ive been involved in include organising a campaign against the siting of a mobile phone mast and the building of a waste incinerator. The party Im involved in is eirigi and the ipsc is an example of international solidarity work to which I could add the basque solidarity campaign and others. I then add that Im involved in International Brigade solidarity work and numerous anti-racist campaigns. You dismiss all of this simply because you are rabid. You add a layer of madness about confiscating pints in pubs.

Today Im finalising negotiations to bring FC Utd of Manchester to play against Donegal Celtic in a tournament in Belfast to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of the Spanish civil War, Im also working on bringing over St Pauli to play at Donegal Celtic , Derry and hopefully elsewhere in July. 30 community groups in West Belfast are involved in both initiatives and we expect over 10,000 people to participate in the events, all events prominantly celebrating the Irish tradition of anti-fascism.

Its far too easy on the net to slag off all around you. That is why if I was still a Militant Full timer and was in your area I would instruct you that you are bringing your organisation into disrepute and should desist.

Again this is all why the IWCA is a breath of fresh air.
How about playing the ball and not the man?

This would have been much better directed at the arrogant Student Grant pompous cunt who started off by going in with two feet. Had there been any indication that a genuine discussion was being sought, the response may have been different.

Why the reticence in answering some basic questions about the IWCA? What is the balance sheet of its achievements and limitations so far? What accounts for its failure to defend and consolidate it's gains? What is necessary to see it advance, and what are the likelihood of those circumstances arising? etc.etc.

One possibility might be that the IWCA wants (needs) to arrive at its own conclusion to those questions before sharing any answers with people outside the organisation.
One possibility might be that the IWCA wants (needs) to arrive at its own conclusion to those questions before sharing any answers with people outside the organisation.

fair enough - but given the stick that it's supporters give to different traditions, they don't seem to handle it when when that approach is turned on them
So why the reticence in engaging with other people's ideas publically?

What ideas? There are no new ideas. That's the problem. The formula is unchanged. Has been for half a century. Conversely when the IWCA does put forward a 30,000 word argument for a fundamentally different approach with regard to means and ends, on here it's gets like, two replies.

So for all the blather about 'publicly engaging' you, are again exposed as hollowed out conservatives (with a small c) unwilling and unable to look at reality in the face.

I didn't say anything much about the Red Action book. If you really want an assessment of it here's one for you: Some moderately interesting historical detail and a few interesting but not very worked out political arguments, surrounded by far too much tedious hooligan-lit machismo.

Why not educate us about the the 'not very worked out political arguments'?

In the meantime, you are obviously unaware that your attempt at a condescending dismissal is an all too familiar one, and would winkle a wry smile from many an embittered old bastard.

PS: Ever heard of the essay 'The workers militia and it's opponents'?

You should read it sometime, you and your arguments are very well represented in there.
This would have been much better directed at the arrogant Student Grant pompous cunt who started off by going in with two feet. Had there been any indication that a genuine discussion was being sought, the response may have been different.

Read back over the thread.

This "arrogant Student Grant pompous cunt" actually started off by asking "how is the IWCA currently doing in its attempts to build a political alternative?" My next post pointed out that it seems that the IWCA is smaller than it when started out. And my third post consisted of the question "even if everyone was currently shrinking, aren't the IWCA supposed to have a better way than the "failed left"?"

The idea that an IWCA supporter, a supporter of a group which is absolutely routinely dismissive of and insulting about everyone else on the left could describe this as "going in with two feet" is laughable. The thing is though that these questions, which were not particularly aggressive, were immediately met with snidey shit, insults and the defensiveness which so characterises IWCA members when they are asked about their own organisation's difficulties.

You are the ultimate example of a group which absolutely loves doling out the stick to everyone else, yet goes totally mental if anyone criticises your own record or even asks a question you might not like the answer to. You can dish it out, but you can't take it.

past caring said:
One possibility might be that the IWCA wants (needs) to arrive at its own conclusion to those questions before sharing any answers with people outside the organisation.

Finally, an honest answer: You don't know why the IWCA has declined in recent years, you don't know how to reverse that and you don't know what the way forward is. But you're willing to think about it and you'd rather not do that thinking in public.

And it only took a few dozen posts of random abuse, personal insults, accusations of hysteria, misdirected aggression and general fucking idiocy before one of you got there.

The problem is that the position you eventually take above isn't really compatible with the IWCA's characteristic sneering towards every other left organisation. Which is exactly why most of your supporters prefer to keep the conversation focused on what you see as everyone else's failings and away from what might be seen as your own failings. You don't have answers (at least at this point) but you don't want to give up your favourite political pose of "everyone else is stuck in the past, only we have the way forward".

Despite the best efforts of some of the people in this thread, I'm not particularly hostile to the IWCA. I think that the braggadocio and sneering is pretty unattractive and wholly unearned by your actual achievements, but I also think that the IWCA have had some interesting things to say and I would actually be interested to know more about the successes and failures of their approach on a local level.

If you are going to go around telling people that your model is the way forward, you have to expect people to ask questions like "how come your branches almost all seem to follow the same pattern of quick success on a small scale followed by a gradual fading away?" Or "how exactly is the model supposed to spread out of the initial small area?"
PS: Ever heard of the essay 'The workers militia and it's opponents'?

You should read it sometime, you and your arguments are very well represented in there.

Actually, Joe, my view that the book is overstuffed with hooligan-lit cliches of the "Dave landed one on the big skinhead so hard he fell back on top of two his mates" / "they looked a tasty crew" variety has precisely fuck all to do with my views of AFA or of physical force anti-fascism in general. The way in which the book glories in associations with "old school villains" (ie anti-working class parasites) isn't exactly attractive either.
And how is the IWCA currently doing in its attempts to build a political alternative?

Was your first post - and taken in context it was clearly heavily sarcastic rather than a genuine question. So thoroughly dishonest, yet again. And you really wonder at the response you got?
Was your first post - and taken in context it was clearly heavily sarcastic rather than a genuine question. So thoroughly dishonest, yet again. And you really wonder at the response you got?

Of course it was sarcastic: It was a response to someone dishing out the usual "failed left" IWCA cliches without apparently pausing to consider even for a moment how exactly the IWCA was doing in providing an alternative. It was also a real question, given the extreme shyness of IWCA members when it comes to describing their own organisation's ups and downs.

What it wasn't was "going in with two feet".

And no, I don't "wonder at the response I got". It was exactly the response I was expecting, given that it's the only response IWCA members ever give to anyone being critical of their organisation or asking questions they know they won't like the answer to.
Actually, Joe, my view that the book is overstuffed with hooligan-lit cliches of the "Dave landed one on the big skinhead so hard he fell back on top of two his mates" / "they looked a tasty crew" variety has precisely fuck all to do with my views of AFA or of physical force anti-fascism in general. The way in which the book glories in associations with "old school villains" (ie anti-working class parasites) isn't exactly attractive either.

So have you read the essay in question or not?
I would also question how exactly how much 'hoolie-lit' you have read, Nigel... if you think BTF comparable to the genre.
So have you read the essay in question or not?

Of course. I'm not going to comment on the thing without having read it first.

There are things well worth reading in it.

1) A record of some otherwise lost working class history.
2) Some political arguments and insights, some of which are better developed than others.

There are also problems with it, and one of those problem is that the political arguments are often buried in page after page of hooligan-lit descriptions of winning fights against "tasty crews" and some fascist skinhead "taking a kicking". I can understand why some of that stuff is in there, but it gets very tiresome after a while. Another problem I had with it was the mostly positive portrayal of both "old school villains" and apolitical or semi-political football hooligans, more stuff which is pretty common in the hooligan-lit genre but which is a bit bizarre in a political context.

Surely this discussion would be better off in the thread about the book?
I don't have an axe to grind here, but I having read the book I was struck by the lack of hooligan cliches, particularly compared to No Retreat. The bulk of the narrative was about political context and there was actually not all that much in the way of detail in descriptions of rucks. Unusually for this genre, additionally, there were passages in which the protragonists were fairly upfront about occasions in which they took beatings, were physically intimidated or came off second best.

I suspect from NI's point of view this is the equivelant of everyone who saw Psycho coming out convinced they'd seen a shot of the kinife going into the leading lady.
Unusually for this genre

What genre would that be?

I fully accept, by the way, that the book placed a much higher emphasis on politics than No Retreat, which I found nearly unreadable. I just think that's a rather unambitious comparison.

And once again, wouldn't this part of the discussion be more appropriate in the thread about the book?
The mini-genre of anti-fascist books/pamphlets that are out there - NR, Maurice Beckman's The 43 Group, K Bullstreet's Bash the Fash. NR was indeed a complete bag of shite but having read it made me relieved that the authors of BTF didn't just take the opportunity to market it at the sort of people who like to read Dougie Brimson-style bullshit. You're right about the appropriate thread however.
Ach, come on love-detective... surely you are not seriously suggesting that NI is incapable of distinguishing between a post that clearly asks him has he read an essay, written by his hero Mr Trotsky, in 1934, called 'The workers militia and it's opponents'...

PS: Ever heard of the essay 'The workers militia and it's opponents'?
You should read it sometime, you and your arguments are very well represented in there.

... and an invitation to offer a critique of a recently-published book called "Beating The Fascists"?

What do you think he is... stupid? Or just blinded by prejudice?
I was trying to think what Nigel's strategy on anti fascism would have been if he had been politically active in the same period that AFA operated, a sort of alternative history scenario?
This is quite a good alternative history from one of Nigels ex comrades

Looking back in history, a traditional fable spun by the media’s liberal commentators about the defeat of the National Front in the 1970s is the success of the Anti-Nazi League’s broad coalition in the face of fascism. In reality this story misses out some crucial characters and events such as the battle of Lewisham when black youth were joined by local trade unionists and Marxists from the Militant Tendency in a street battle which prevented the National Front from marching in the area again whilst the ANL chose to organise concerts to oppose them.
This is quite a good alternative history from one of Nigels ex comrades
Looking back in history, a traditional fable spun by the media’s liberal commentators about the defeat of the National Front in the 1970s is the success of the Anti-Nazi League’s broad coalition in the face of fascism. In reality this story misses out some crucial characters and events such as the battle of Lewisham when black youth were joined by local trade unionists and Marxists from the Militant Tendency in a street battle which prevented the National Front from marching in the area again whilst the ANL chose to organise concerts to oppose them.

Any idea who wrote that?
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