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Pipkins (Inigo Pipkin) kids TV from the 70s


Who am I to say you're wrong
After farmerbarleymow saying he had never heard of Hartley Hare & the rest of the Pipkins gang, (Topov, Tortoise, Octavia, Pig & Mooney Badger) it got me wondering to who else had fond memories of this 70s show. I remember it more from a must watch when stoned era to that when I originally watched it as a nipper.

Wiki link here.

Looking at the clip I posted in the PS coming out thread I am amazed at what they could get away with. :D

One of the first kids programmes to have regional accents and a non white presenter (for a while).

Anyone else a fan & who was your favourite character?
Mrs A and I remember this very well and it is referenced every now and then in the Angel Household.

She's from the 60's and I'm from the 70's.

I have no recollection whatsoever of Mooney Badger, though.

Is it possible that this wasn't shown in the North East farmerbarleymow ?
Mrs A and I remember this very well and it is referenced every now and then in the Angel Household.

She's from the 60's and I'm from the 70's.

I have no recollection whatsoever of Mooney Badger, though.

Is it possible that this wasn't shown in the North East farmerbarleymow ?
I could not remember Mooney Badger but after watching this episode

He plays a prominent part. Maybe his dodgy Irish accent was not up to scratch.
don't remember this at all - may not have been shown in the London area.
It was. My sister used to watch it while I sneered. When "Mr Pipkin died" Harley Hare made a rather casual announcement and they just carried on.
It was. My sister used to watch it while I sneered. When "Mr Pipkin died" Harley Hare made a rather casual announcement and they just carried on.
For a programme aimed at pre-school they dealt with death a couple of times. Harley sneered at everything. He was a bit like Zippy on Rainbow.
I sort of remember it but I don't think it was a favourite as I don't have the vivid memories I have for e.g. Bagpus.

The puppets are terrifying!
Never heard of it...I never saw Rainbow or the Muppets. My parents discouraged ITV se my sister and I wouldn’t hanker after stuff in the adverts. I’m not sure I realised that at the time
For some reason this video always reminds me of HH. Doesn't look like him just the weirdness I suppose.

Never heard of it...I never saw Rainbow or the Muppets. My parents discouraged ITV se my sister and I wouldn’t hanker after stuff in the adverts. I’m not sure I realised that at the time
That is odd. I was thinking earlier about kids who were not allowed to watch ITV. That must be the reason.
Missed this one completely.

Maybe because it was by ATV - not so much much of their output made it to air on Grampian - only their main network shows.

Most of their show names I remember from the STV listings which only folk in some parts could see if they had their aerial aligned to a different transmitter but not my local one. Occasionally an ATV show made it through as a fill-in when something else went off air - which happened more regularly back then.
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That is odd. I was thinking earlier about kids who were not allowed to watch ITV. That must be the reason.

‘Not that odd - I remember a few of my contemporaries suffering the same imposition. Plus there were more than a few parents who adopted the same stance as a matter of principle/some pride. Terry Wogan eventually made it a long running joke but for a while, it was a very real thing.

It also helped that for a good while the transmitter location/technology meant you needed two aerials to watch BBC and ITV in some areas - an old-style “H” aerial for the BBC and a more modern Yagi aerial aligned to an IBA transmitter. It wasn’t till the late 1970s//early 80s that the BBC/IBA got their act together and installed repeaters on each other’s transmitters to sort this one out and let people watch with one aerial.

The two aerial thing raised its head again when C5 started transmitting - I remember having to fit a secondary aerial/merging box to be able to recieve it, although when a storm took-out my aerials a few years later, the replacement single aerial handled all signals.
Definitely remember this well. Think people mentioning the BBC/ITV might be on to something - had quite a few friends that were only allowed BBC.
Came out about the same time as Bagpuss iirc ? I remember them both and must have been pretty small at the time. These shows were like the follow on from watch with mother.
My little brother watched this, I also sneered at it, far too babyish.

My parents first telly I was told did not get ITV, think that was intentional or to hide it from me because of adverts.
I was not really allowed ITV - my grandma considered it "vulgar" and my parents didn't let me watch anything good until I was a bit older - bedtime was 7.30 til I was in secondary school. I used to go to school and listen to my friends discuss The Professionals and Minder and be baffled/jealous.
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