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Piers Morgan axed

I quite liked watching him on CNN. I suppose he never went away from UK TV cos he was always flying back doing Piers Morgan's Life Stories. I'm sure he'll do other stuff at CNN or elsewhere in the US, he's quite well known, dislikeable though he is to many.
I thought you all hated Piers Morgan: you should be happy.
I can't stand the guy. Strangely in his dealings with interview subjects he came across as sympathetic a lot of the time. That is not the image he had in Britain before he left for the States.

I do hope that is sacking by CNN doesn't mean that he gets a high profile job here in the UK. He is quite a nasty piece of work in my opinion.
This rather reptilian creature is a classic example of slithery as shit Red Top "facts-are-a-hinderance" sleeze maker
Never liked him
The advantage may be that having him return and being a mere stones throw away may induce more to actually throw stones at him
He's a charismatic character, ill give him that. Also highly intelligent. It would be a shame to lose him completely, but yeh - i hope he stays in the US and continues to tell them what a bunch of cunts they are.

Why would it be a shame to lose him completely? Don't you remember his activities at the News of the World?
I really couldnt give a fuck if he hacked Paul McCartney's phone tbh. He never worked for News of the World either I don't think. He was hacking phones at the Mirror IIRC.

Telling yanks to put their guns away wasn't a great move for his career but a worthy one.
I really couldnt give a fuck if he hacked Paul McCartney's phone tbh. He never worked for News of the World either I don't think. He was hacking phones at the Mirror IIRC.

Telling yanks to put their guns away wasn't a great move for his career but a worthy one.

He was editor of News of the World before he was editor of the Mirror.
how the hell anyone at cnn ever thought a snobby twat like him would ever connect with US audiences ill never know
saw his interview with de niro, i mean hes known for not liking interviews but he couldnt have failed harder if he tried. im sure hes great at indulging ego maniac celebs into opening up/bragging about their lives but give him a challenge and he just fails.

as for him speaking about gun laws, he saw a chance to earn himself some good PR and create a great excuse for bad ratings, thats it really.
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