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Photography Youtube channels


Well-Known Member
I see there is already a thread on this, but it's ten years old and very short so I'm starting a new one.

Here are my favourite Youtube photography channels:

The Photographic Eye - I really like this guy; lots of advice, discussion of great photographers etc.

T. Hopper - As above, maybe a little more looking at the work of other photographers.

Aperture Foundation - Long established US organisation promoting photography.

Lina Bessonova - Analogue photographer and darkroom printer. Really talented. More active on Instagram.

mikeno62 - Kenneth, who I believe repairs cameras for a shop in Copenhagen. Interesting if you like watching old cameras being taken to bits.

Film Camera Vlog - More old camera repairs.
I'm no photographer myself but I enjoy watching this Walkie Talkie series on street photographers - just watched this one, interesting lady.

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