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Pensioner arrested on suspicion of murder after a suspected burglar was stabbed to death.

Here's the guardian's take on the same events:
Hither Green intruder funeral takes place with police presence
They are actually more explicit than the mail about the violence, giving more detail, but also make clear that it was all (seemingly) aimed at journalists. They also note than the funeral procession didn't even enter the borough (I don't know the area though, so I don't know how close that actually was).
I wonder if the undertaker will give his staff a bonus for all the shit they are having to put up with today.

Undertakers have a fairly high client default rate IIRC, I think latest estimate are of about £100 Mn in bills outstanding across the UK these days. If this did cost £100K ( which is a made up magic figure designed to provoke red faced fury amongst the DM readership I think ) they would be sensible to get some of it paid up front.

ETA c. £145 Mn outstanding debt to funeral directors @ 2014
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Undertakers have a fairly high client default rate IIRC, I think latest estimate are of about £100 Mn in bills outstanding across the UK these days. If this did cost £100K ( which is a made up magic figure designed to provoke red faced fury amongst the DM readership I think ) they would be sensible to get some of it paid up front.
no wonder they always look so downcast
Funeral directors are victims of the prostitue principle I think - its harder to get the fee paid once the act has been completed and the emotions have calmed down a bit.
I was trying to be delicate...

eta, there is FUCK all way this cost £100K btw : I think this is 5x overstated at best ( I did some research around this sector a few years ago. fascinating stuff)
Here's the guardian's take on the same events:
Hither Green intruder funeral takes place with police presence
They are actually more explicit than the mail about the violence, giving more detail, but also make clear that it was all (seemingly) aimed at journalists. They also note than the funeral procession didn't even enter the borough (I don't know the area though, so I don't know how close that actually was).
Yes, I had the impression that the Mail was being very careful not to say where the funeral was going :rolleyes:
Because of where this has got to today - utterly predictable. They've ramped it up to the point of actual conflict happening at the funeral - the very thing they wanted to happen given all the time they've invested in the story. Some of that conflict is utterly manufactured, mourners flicking v signs at reporters as they jog alongside funeral cars >>>> which the mail then reports breathlessly on. Some of it real with reports of stones being thrown, somebody pinned down by cops, people turning up to throw eggs (apparently). A truly horrible situation for the Guinness bloke and his family, a family of predators on the old and vulnerable - then the fucking vultures at the mail making money out of the situation, people's fears, resentments and the rest.

Also worth adding that the mail have lied throughout the whole story. From what I can tell, admittedly from a brief glance today, there never was a real plan to go past the old bloke's house. I'm also dubious about the claims of 100k funeral (with added reference to the benefit system paying for it or some such). Happy to circulate inflammatory shite without a moments investigative reporting.

The fact that the media sensationalise events, promote 'moral panics' and then report on the increase in incidence of them, make shit up and fulminate over fictions isn't new though is it? But that wasn't what I thought you were on about so fair enough.
you manning the barricades with coley and others from this thread? prick

Oh ddraig - you are the most predictable little piss stain on this site.

You will quite happily whine about abuse and dish it out yet when called a snivelling little cuntbubble you start crying...bless you.

Yes - I am a prick but at least I have one..

It would have been a good target for a drone strike afaik.
Oh ddraig - you are the most predictable little piss stain on this site.

You will quite happily whine about abuse and dish it out yet when called a snivelling little cuntbubble you start crying...bless you.

Yes - I am a prick but at least I have one..

It would have been a good target for a drone strike afaik.
I am not, by a long chalk, any fan of ddraig's, but that was uncalled-for.
I'll comment on whichever bit of the fucking story I want, thanks. And if you'd even paid the most cursory attention to the thread you'd know I've expressed my sympathy for the old bloke and his family repeatedly. Ditto in terms of calling the burglar and those of his family who prey on the vulnerable, cunts, despicable and a range of other terms.

No, I didn't pay cursory attention, so I apologise for that!

I just felt like a rant tbh.
Oh ddraig - you are the most predictable little piss stain on this site.

You will quite happily whine about abuse and dish it out yet when called a snivelling little cuntbubble you start crying...bless you.

Yes - I am a prick but at least I have one..

It would have been a good target for a drone strike afaik.
how does your post compare to "you manning the barricades with coley and others from this thread? prick" ??
There are better ways of delivering the truth than dick-waving insults. That way, the truth only hurts you.

I didn't start this shit. He is the one wading in with an insult. He should be able to look after himself the fucking prick.

That ok with you mum?

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