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Pedestrian jailed for causing death of cyclist


Secret beanbag chair world
A tragic case which lead to the cyclist veering into the road being hit by a car and dying.

"Grey, who has cerebral palsy and was described by her lawyer as "partially blind", was sentenced to three years after denying the manslaughter charge."

Did she even know it was a shared surface. In other reports the Police aren't even sure.

In what way is this in the public interest to procecute Grey. Never mind a custodial sentence. Completely fucking wrong.
The real villains are the media's anti-cycling lo by who have turned up the hateful rhetoric so far everyone feels it's okay to abuse cyclists who are cycling perfectly reasonably and legally.

I felt the sentence was okay when I saw it yesterday but hadn't realised she was partially blind. That does change it slightly for me.
She didn't just shout, she gesticulated fairly wildly too, and the cyclist was a lady in her 70s. Pretty horrible thing to happen but three years seems excessive in the circumstances and especially when you compare the kind of sentencing that happens to people that have killed cyclists with their car (fine... community service... etc). Disproportionate.
Like this recent example where a pedestrian was killed on a zebra crossing by a motorist. Who got a three-year driving ban and a 700 quid fine.


There's endless similar examples here: Driving Standards

The main issue with the paltry punishments is the difficulty in prosecuting dangerous driving is so great the CPS go for careless in most cases. Cycling UK is asking that the definition of dangerous driving is any act that would be an immediate fail during the driving test, which would be far more suitable.
She didn't just shout, she gesticulated fairly wildly too, and the cyclist was a lady in her 70s. Pretty horrible thing to happen but three years seems excessive in the circumstances and especially when you compare the kind of sentencing that happens to people that have killed cyclists with their car (fine... community service... etc). Disproportionate.

True. I was a bit naughty with the thread title.

I wonder if the new Highway Code with it's hierarchical pedestrians - cyclists - motorists would have made much difference were it in effect at the time.
It's similar to the sort of thing I can imagine doing, Not the arm waving but the shouting at a cyclist / scooterist to get in the fucking road, if startled by one coming too close to me on the pavement.
speak softly and carry a big stick, as theodore roosevelt advised pedestrians
It's similar to the sort of thing I can imagine doing, Not the arm waving but the shouting at a cyclist / scooterist to get in the fucking road, if startled by one coming too close to me on the pavement.
I'm not defending the imaginary speeding cyclist at the expense of the imaginary pedestrian on the pavement here but in this case a) it appears to have been a shared path where the cyclist was allowed to be, b) she sees the cyclist coming towards her in plenty of time not to be startled as the cyclist is not going very fast and c) you can see her deliberately choosing not to move across the pavement and make any space for the cyclist to pass, it's clearly a busy road so she must have been aware of the danger in forcing an oncoming elderly lady off the pavement and into the road.
A judge is going to look at someone up in court for running someone down on a zebra crossing and think, at least subconsciously, "that could be me." The same isn't going to be true of a woman shouting and waving at a cyclist in a way that puts her in danger. And that's reflected in the sentences.
A judge is going to look at someone up in court for running someone down on a zebra crossing and think, at least subconsciously, "that could be me." The same isn't going to be true of a woman shouting and waving at a cyclist in a way that puts her in danger. And that's reflected in the sentences.
It's funny that they never think 'that poor cunt crossing the road could've been me'.
I know this is really not the thread for just moaning about cyclists.

But I actually sae a cyclists the other day who stopped at the lights when it was green and then set of the moment it turned red. The really are just colour blind then!!
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