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Pandemic Political Consequences


Well-Known Member
What predictions are being made? Any relevant theory or historical precedents?

With global politics seemingly heading towards darker and more authoritarian Governance how will this pandemic affect this or other potential trajectories?
I think instead of any unified response, the outbreak is just going to play out in the context of each county's terrible politics - in the US, you have Trump accusing Democrats of overstating the risks to weaken the stock market and damage his presidency. In Britain, it will probably somehow end up being treated as Brexit-related.
I think instead of any unified response, the outbreak is just going to play out in the context of each county's terrible politics - in the US, you have Trump accusing Democrats of overstating the risks to weaken the stock market and damage his presidency. In Britain, it will probably somehow end up being treated as Brexit-related.

I could see some stuff about restricting
freedom of movement post-Brexit coming about.

Also, it could accelerate a shift away from traditional workplace environments and working remotely could become the norm. A prolonged period of quarantine like we've seen in China will basically eliminate companies who can't adapt to allow working remotely, and cause more businesses to structure themselves around people working from home.
The running into the ground of the NHS might become a political issue if it’s found unable to cope, though just as likely will be demands from the usual cunts that this proves it needs reform, that the system is broken and doesn’t work, and that the magic doctor tree of private medicine would have somehow provide the resources for everyone and not just those paying to jump the queue.
I could see some stuff about restricting
freedom of movement post-Brexit coming about.

Also, it could accelerate a shift away from traditional workplace environments and working remotely could become the norm. A prolonged period of quarantine like we've seen in China will basically eliminate companies who can't adapt to allow working remotely, and cause more businesses to structure themselves around people working from home.
Not every worker is knowledge based.
Housing becoming available because old people popping their clogs and remote workers loosing their jobs.
The running into the ground of the NHS might become a political issue if it’s found unable to cope, though just as likely will be demands from the usual cunts that this proves it needs reform, that the system is broken and doesn’t work, and that the magic doctor tree of private medicine would have somehow provide the resources for everyone and not just those paying to jump the queue.

NHS trusts are expected to run at ‘peak efficiency’ as it is. They are expected to drastically reduce the number or face to face contacts with patients, pool resources with other providers
Russia will become more closely aligned with the ‘west’ (Iran and China not doing so well atm; Putin, Netanyahu and Trump all pally)
I see shortages in basic items. China has stopped production, and once the surplus is gone, people will be rioting for toilet paper!
Here's some morning ramblings.

The "social" nature of this potential crisis, as opposed to military should be an area that socialists are best able to respond to. 1945 and all that. War crisis opens up stronger nationalist and patriotic fronts that are harder to react to.

Many angles here in the uk, not least the aftermath of the banking crisis which means 'no more bullets in the gun' to deal with the financial aspect and the existing stretching of the NHS.

Blows a massive hole in the idea the just in time market is a safe way to run the world.

Talking of just in time, most people's financial situation is just in time too... No savings and no capacity to deal with unexpected stress, like school closures even.

If this becomes a global crisis, which the odds are looking like it will, that adds a dose of internationalism into the consciousness mix.
i’m expecting a bit of marshal law kicking in around hospitals if numbers get larger

Hospitals (and similar) already have policies to call the police if people ‘refuse to leave’ as I discovered the other day (when doing the oh so dangerous activity of doing breathing exercises in the waiting room after seeing my CPN)
Trump being more exposed as a blowhard fuckwit might be a consequence; ideally without any deaths as a result of his stupidity. Though his VP inspires no confidence either: his policies as a governor killed people.

Trump is in at risk category. And so am I. If the cosmos reguires that one of us has to go then I have a clear favourite.
Hospitals (and similar) already have policies to call the police if people ‘refuse to leave’ as I discovered the other day (when doing the oh so dangerous activity of doing breathing exercises in the waiting room after seeing my CPN)
How the fuck do they respond to a pandemic in the american “for profit” pay up or you are on your own system....

Do poor people just die
They have FEMA CDC & and can call out the national Guard for disasters. Every day you are on your own.
Survalists nutters must be rejoicing in their bunkers. Any day now they can emerge and start shooting minority survivors.
I saw something earlier on the Graun live feed about 'gig economy' workers being especially fucked.

A union boss was saying he'd heard about a delivery person who went to drop some stuff off and the customer told him he had Corona. He called his boss and they said go home and self-isolate. Come back in 2 weeks.

That's it. No sick pay, not allowed to work, just fuck off, like.


edit: found a link

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I saw something earlier on the Graun live feed about 'gig economy' workers being especially fucked.

A union boss was saying he'd heard about a delivery person who went to drop some stuff off and the customer told him he had Corona. He called his boss and they said go home and self-isolate. Come back in 2 weeks.

That's it. No sick pay, not allowed to work, just fuck off, like.


edit: found a link

I have had my suspicions that it could be being spread by Amazon deliveries.
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