Not soft at all, not surprised your down and anxious about it. You have such a talent though and it comes from your gut, you can't lose that.
My work has all gone remote and I loathe it, its not the same work but a bit modified, its just not the same and I don't feel like I'm a psychotherapist, it feels like an impression of it. In the room, we are paying attention to the physical movement, how a child expresses themselves through their body, the way a child uses the room, if they use the room or are so inhibited they just sit there at the table like at school, as well as how they use their tools (animals, play doh and pens and paper etc.) - do they use them to play or draw or do they throw them at you. We notice how they relate to us physically, so if they come close, stay far away, hide under the table, ask for help with something they can't do, and we pay attention to the thoughts and physical feelings we have in response to them to wonder about what the child might be communicating unconsciously, non verbally (not to mention managing and making sense of the behaviour of a child who might be violent, or take their clothes off, or run out the room). With adolescents, it's more wordy, sometimes, but you still need the physical presence to do this work properly. I think people (even other clinicians in our MDT) think our work is about talking but that's the least of it.