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Over 44 people killed in crowd disaster in Israel

I've also read a theory that the battle of Crécy was effectively a crowd disaster for the French army which is why the casualties were so unequal. They were funnelled into an area that narrowed by marsh land on either side and the English and Welsh arrows caused the knights and men at arms at the back to push forward causing those at the front to push up against the stakes set up in defence. Contemporary reports suggested that many of the French bodies had no injuries. I once saw a film by an academic who used modern-day crowd simulation software to model the battlefield that day, it convinced me.

Poor fuckers.
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But Jesus Christ I've had a better day than this thread.
Agreed generally, but the response to Duck-Fucker has served a purpose in illustrating that anti-zionism is not anti-semitism. The general position of U75 may be critical of the Israeli state, but that's several light-years away from the dismissal of the deaths of 200-odd Jews, and their kids who 'would have grown-up to be bigots anyway'. Fucking hell. That's proper Nazi stuff.

From that perspective the thread has been positive.
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Saw this too on C4 news - absolutely awful, gave me claustrophobia just watching it.

I thought they said something about the police closing escape routes?
I was once in a crowd crush at a football game and it scared the fuck out of me. I was pinned against a bollard and the feeling of powerlessness against a pushing crowd was terrifying, so I can imagine (in a small way) what it must have been like for the poor souls caught up in this deadly crush.
Except CC is really not anything like a Nazi, and you must know this. Politically, he's on the side of the angels, but on this occasion, he came out with some daft, dark and distasteful comments. I have no doubt he regrets this now.
He’s an anti-Semitic turd. Is that being on the side of the angels? Those posts were made with thought and feeling and he followed them up with more of the same on other threads. They weren’t accidental.
He’s an anti-Semitic turd. Is that being on the side of the angels? Those posts were made with thought and feeling and he followed them up with more of the same on other threads. They weren’t accidental.
He's anti-religious rather than antisemitic and his comments on this and the Begum thread were clearly not on the side of the angels. But then no one is defending those, so why do you attack those who find your Twitter style attacks, distasteful? Oh, I forgot. Tory boy says look over there, not over here.
He may be a weirdo celebrating the deaths of Jewish children, but he’s our weirdo who celebrates the death of Jewish children. Not like those other weirdos who are properly antisemitic

'they would have grown-up to be religious fundamentalists'

all of em, apparently
Interesting to see attendees blaming the police but being somewhat dismissed by Channel 4 news who said they were doing so ‘instead of blaming the organisers’. Attendees claiming the police blocked emergency exits.

Rang some bells about control of information flow post-Hillsborough.
The idea that this sort of thing could be prevented from happening by crowd management strategies of some sort, I don't know if that's realistic tbh.
I imagine these things have always happened, since ever humans got together in huge crowds in enclosed spaces.
I'm not good in crowds. do involuntarily think about this horrible scenario sometimes when there's stuff like rush hour on the tube and you have to use the stairs, or at notting hill carnival one time when there was a sudden quick movement in the mass of tightly packed people to get away from something. I think it's pretty much always a risk, unless you just ban dense enclosed crowds of humans, which is also not likely.
Hillsborough was utterly preventable, if some basic crowd management strategies had been followed, and so are many of these types of disasters.
Hillsborough was utterly preventable, if some basic crowd management strategies had been followed, and so are many of these types of disasters.
I couldn’t name a crowd disaster that wasn’t preventable. Be interested if anyone can.
They are all fuck ups with horrendous consequences. Hillsborough is quadropoly awful for the cover-up, which involved the police colluding with the government and roping in the press to blame the victims and the city of Liverpool. It's astonishing that there are not many people rotting in jail over it. Duckenfield hasn't spent a night in stir, but at least that cunt is haunted by his actions, there are many others who have lived care-free lives in spite of their actions being a contributory factor in the deaths of 96 people who just went to watch a game of football.
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