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Over 44 people killed in crowd disaster in Israel

Personal Attacks
Agreed, weird tasteless comment
I knew you were a racist with your comments about the English, hadn’t realised you were so anti Semitic you’d defend the Israeli police though.
I knew you were a racist with your comments about the English, hadn’t realised you were so anti Semitic you’d defend the Israeli police though.
What the fucking fuck?!? :eek: neither of those things so fuck off and retract, you made a crass comment and got called on it, deal with it
It’s literally the start of the second paragraph in the Guardian article. But I guess because they were Jewish children you don’t care about their deaths.
Anyone being jewish has nothing to do with anything. I did say their deaths were sad btw, which they are.
Anyone being jewish has nothing to do with anything. I did say their deaths were sad btw, which they are.

They're not just religious, they're religious fundamentalists and bigots, and though it is sad that children have died, to be realistic they would have likely grown up to be hate-filled bigots.

You forget you wrote this ^^^^^
What the fucking fuck?!? :eek: neither of those things so fuck off and retract, you made a crass comment and got called on it, deal with it
The first is definitely true based on your posts. The second is my supposition. Comments linking two crowd disasters ( something I know a fair bit about both academically and practically) are what is known as discussion. None are crass. Calling you a cunt would be crass. But I’ll leave that to others. I’ll expect more whinging PMs from you again.
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The first is definitely true based on your posts. The second is my supposition. Comments linking two crowd disasters ( something I know a fair bit about both academically and practically are what is known as discussion). None are crass. Calling you a cunt would be crass. But I’ll leave that to others. I’ll expect more whinging PMs from you again.
You stupid fucking idiot. I'll do this point by point for you
It's not fucking true apart from in your twisted head, the english are not a fucking race
Fuck off with your incredibly offensive "supposition", so so wrong there and not going to explain my family history/origin/make up
ooh "academically" is it, get to fuck
Yes it was crass and you need to stop digging

I'm not going to pm you you prick, I've pm'd you once because you were again out of order claiming I was "crayoning" on the thread about tufty where I was really really concerned people were discussing personal details of someone not there, tried to clarify what you meant in pm with you rather than do it on the thread but you wouldn't expand you got all snotty, shitty and placed yourself on a high horse, fuck off
You stupid fucking idiot. I'll do this point by point for you
It's not fucking true apart from in your twisted head, the english are not a fucking race
Fuck off with your incredibly offensive "supposition", so so wrong there and not going to explain my family history/origin/make up
ooh "academically" is it, get to fuck
Yes it was crass and you need to stop digging

I'm not going to pm you you prick, I've pm'd you once because you were again out of order claiming I was "crayoning" on the thread about tufty where I was really really concerned people were discussing personal details of someone not there, tried to clarify what you meant in pm with you rather than do it on the thread but you wouldn't expand you got all snotty, shitty and placed yourself on a high horse, fuck off
Not sure this is the thread for this.
...to be realistic they would have likely grown up to be hate-filled bigots.

I had to read that a few times. Why would, in your opinion, these children have so little agency that it was more likely than not they would become hate-filled and bigoted? Because they are have religious parents? Because they are Jewish or some other reason?
The pressure of crowds is a very scary thing. Most times the press write about ‘stampedes’ but CCTV shows us that is normally an aggregation of pressure causing crush injuries against fixed objects or other people. The pressures generated can be enormous, enough to bend steel railings, with most deaths caused by asphyxiation. The problem is overcrowding at one location only needs light shoving a few tens of meters away to amplify to crushing levels of force. Once an incident starts it’s almost impossible to stop it. Stewarding, policing and venue design being the main mitigation. Whatever the cause it’s a hugely frightening thing to experience and one can’t even start to imagine what a horrible death it must be, or the terror of watching loved ones die inches from you when there is nothing you can do to prevent it.
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I can't even imagine what it must be like in Count Cuckula 's head, maybe its nice in there, a simple place where some people are the Baddies, and you know exactly which ones those are, and if the baddies children get crushed to death that is a bit sad after all ,upon reflection, but they are the Bigots obvs not your good self.
I think you pretty much nailed it there. It's one thing having those thoughts but you have to be a special kind of simple to post them here. The bit about the children was the cherry on the cake, and what's worse is he can't understand why he didn't get a load of likes for it.
I had to read that a few times. Why would, in your opinion, these children have so little agency that it was more likely than not they would become hate-filled and bigoted? Because they are have religious parents? Because they are Jewish or some other reason?
Sectarianism and religious fundamentalist indoctrination. Obvious really.
So you think the Taliban, Islamic State and ultra-orthodox Jews are all equally bad, or that Jews get special treatment?
I think they're all as bad as one another. Those ultra orthodox jews murder Palestinian children and celebrate it and walk free. The islamic fundies are just as bad though.
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