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Over 100 crushed to death at a Korean Halloween street party (30 October 2022).

Yeah I have a very good friend from Seoul... They're not in Korea at the moment, so y'know, that's... fine? But they're youngish and just really hope their friends/relatives weren't there. Utterly heartbreaking.
never trust a crowd

too many blockheads if stuff goes wrong

Yep, never go to a gig, sporting event, big street party, popular area or protest.

These things are unpredictable; they don't hinge on individual behaviour, we've probably all been in situations where this is a risk.
hmm i've been to plenty of gigs, events, Squats party's and protests but always keep an eye out for what I'm getting pushed into,
always been lucky it appears but

100 thousand people in narrow street like is being reported would make me freak the fuck out

i feel for the people involved as i've walked into stupid places without thinking properly

not having a go at the victims just saying be careful people
hmm i've been to plenty of gigs, events, Squats party's and protests but always keep an eye out for what I'm getting pushed into,
always been lucky it appears but

100 thousand people in narrow street like is being reported would make me freak the fuck out

i feel for the people involved as i've walked into stupid places without thinking properly

not having a go at the victims just saying be careful people

That's what I mean really... We all have that moment where we think 'oh fuck, this is more sketch than I thought'. And I think we've probably all been in situations where we've had to put some faith in 'it'll be fine'. It's not always predictable.
That's what I mean really... We all have that moment where we think 'oh fuck, this is more sketch than I thought'. And I think we've probably all been in situations where we've had to put some faith in 'it'll be fine'. It's not always predictable.

not arguing with you mate.. it experience that i wish other people would not get

why i said never trust a crowd
to quote a long dead german playwriter

“Anyone taken as an individual is tolerably sensible and reasonable – as a member of a crowd, he at once becomes a blockhead.”
I have walked down that street many times when I visited Korea with my ex.

We used to stay at the Grand Hyatt hotel for a few nights which is just up the hill from there. Itaewon is a fairly international area being close to a US base, has some quite nice bars. A good place to go out on a Saturday.

What is rather ghoulish is the clips on social media of people being resuscitated while others film it :(
I have walked down that street many times when I visited Korea with my ex.

We used to stay at the Grand Hyatt hotel for a few nights which is just up the hill from there. Itaewon is a fairly international area being close to a US base, has some quite nice bars. A good place to go out on a Saturday.

What is rather ghoulish is the clips on social media of people being resuscitated while others film it :(
Yes, bcuster can we have a spoiler on the resuscitation clip above?
Crowd disasters go very wrong, very quickly.

Will be interesting to see why the Seoul Metropolitan Police didn't grip this earlier.
The area where it happened if I’ve understood it right is a narrow long street of a similar width to the seven dials area in London IIRC, running parallel to a main road with side roads from the main road to the long narrow street

So the few egress points from the long narrow street would probably have a powerful flow of people pouring in from the main road…
The slope on the narrow alley looked vicious for a crowd. Looks like f all crowd control was in place. At the least the local underground stations should have been closed to stop more people piling into the area. Ideally the area would have been split into different crowd zones with one way systems. Presumably local police were Ill prepared.
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