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Orbital vs Underworld

I wonder why we're comparing Underworld to Orbital as opposed to Leftfield ...

This thread is making me all nostalgic for those er, halcyon ;) days in the mid-90s when I discovered (rather late in life), the joys of stopping out late of an evening and dancing till me legs fell off ..

We're arguing about a scene that was already "peaking" 10 years ago and I fear that is because we are all 10 years older and there is nothing to get as excited about now :(

Are you guys all off to trip the light fantastic this weekend ?
milesy said:
what's the name of the orbital track that's a bit drum n bassy, wasn't on an album (I think) and came out about the same time as when underworld went a bit drum n bassy with perals girl? (i've got it on 7" somewhere at home but can't remember it's name at the mo, it was on some TV programme the other night)

Are you talking about Times Fly Fast?? ( I think's it called that, it's the one with the clocks on the front)

There was a hip hop version and a double speed jungle version.

Might not be this though.
underworld win,but it's close.
dubnobass is an album i still put on to cheer me up/make me dance around the room.they're great live as well.

that said orbital are part of dance music history
tarannau said:
And all that 'It's our last ever gig, honest' saga didn't endear me to them too much either.

oh come on, they hardly milked it - they announced Glastonbury was the last, and then did - i think - 2 other festival gigs, to say goodbye. hardly fucking Status Quo :p
Sedgley Warrior said:
I really hate to hear myself saying this but the winner has to be Underworld. I'm thinking back to Lemon Interrupt (a cracking and seminal tune that exploded in the clubs unlike anything by Orbital), and don't forget Rez, Dogman Goes Woof, Minneapolis, Spikee, Cowgirl and Eclipse / Big Mouth.

Of course they inevitably disappeared up their own arses but they were superb live - the techno, and wider dance, scene really benefitted from Underworld and Darren Emerson. Orbital were great but a little more tacky with Doctor Who theme tune remixes etc. and some serious over quantising. Don't get me wrong, Lush was a superb release but let's not forget that a very fine version of Lush is an Underworld remix! Anything post-Satan was a bit shit - same tricks, same sounds.

I guess the same could be said for Underworld too - that they're a bit samey - but their contribution to electronic music easily superseeds the slightly corny Hartnoll brothers.

I agree with this poster. Oh, and I think the track was called ‘Big Mouth’ under their guise as Lemon Interupt

What about Underworld’s remix of Orbital’s ‘Lush’? They take a rather dull Orbital track and ramp it up a good few notches.
Dask said:
Are you talking about Times Fly Fast?? ( I think's it called that, it's the one with the clocks on the front)

There was a hip hop version and a double speed jungle version.

Might not be this though.

that's the one, cheers :)
Dubversion said:
oh come on, they hardly milked it - they announced Glastonbury was the last, and then did - i think - 2 other festival gigs, to say goodbye. hardly fucking Status Quo :p

There's still time though isn't there? Couple of fright wigs and they'd almost be there...

;) :p
both are shit "Album" pop groups

Orbital though to there credit did make Belfast which is a very fine record

so Orbital it is
i've just put underworld-live at creamfields 25/08 and it sounds like fucking techno to me,but then what would i know :eek:
Not to forget: "i was busy listening for phone sex coming through the back door. in skin-tight trunks. and we all went mental...

…and danced."
Techno303 said:
What about Underworld’s remix of Orbital’s ‘Lush’? They take a rather dull Orbital track and ramp it up a good few notches.
:mad: Lush? Rather dull? You need your ears checking :mad:
It seems there are more who agree with me calling Underworld techno than disagreeing ;)

What makes Underworld great is the layering, the number of subtely different sounds that combine to make one big fucking masterpiece.. to me that's techno.
ChrisFilter said:
What makes Underworld great is the layering, the number of subtely different sounds that combine to make one big fucking masterpiece.. to me that's techno.
Or a mess :p ;) :D
Underworld for me too

and I thought Underworld were techno - in fact I'd based my very flimsy grasp of dance music genre on my belief that Underworld were techno :confused: but then wtf do I know?

Underworld great live (seen them 3 times I think) - Orbital just never clicked with me somehow ...

and at least one member of Underworld is the same age as me I think - which always makes me feel better (and would probably make them feel like crap if they knew ... )
Not sorry I'm late.

Like em both but Underworld are way superior. To say they only have one good album is utter bollocks, I thank you ! :)
any band that came up with this pile of shite deserve no forgiveness whatsoever...
Bomber said:
Not sorry I'm late.

Like em both but Underworld are way superior. To say they only have one good album is utter bollocks, I thank you ! :)

Aye, Underworld piss all over Orbital. I've seen UW live a 2 or three times now and they completely blew my socks off!

How many time have I seen Orbital live? None, because they aren't as good. I did get married listening Belfast though (the missus walked up the aisle to it) so to say there are rubbish would potentially be grounds for a divorce. (shit - why didn't I think of that before? )
I wouldn't call either Orbital or Underworld techno - only people who don't listen to much else electronic music tend to call it techno. Tis like calling 2 Unlimited techno, or Goldfrapp electro, or GLC hardcore hiphop.
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