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Opera: What are you listening to now?

I started listening to this over the last couple of weeks....Like the God father, just when I think I'm out.....it pulls me back in :D
As a young lad in the early to 90s we were asked to bring a cassette tape with our favourite songs to school.

Other normal people picked stuff like green day or ace of base.

I picked this...

Not this specific recording but I think it was Callas.
As a young lad in the early to 90s we were asked to bring a cassette tape with our favourite songs to school.

Other normal people picked stuff like green day or ace of base.

I picked this...

Not this specific recording but I think it was Callas.

First opera I saw was Carmen at the ENO. A neighbour got very cheap tickets, best seats in the house just before the performance…I think I was in the middle of row 4 in the stalls.
I’ve generally been in the gods since then
First opera I saw was Carmen at the ENO. A neighbour got very cheap tickets, best seats in the house just before the performance…I think I was in the middle of row 4 in the stalls.
I’ve generally been in the gods since then
The first full opera performance I watch was the pearl fishers. I was not that impressed.

I did love watching a performance of the marriage of figaro as a child. However that was the play not the opera. I think they used the opera as a score though but that might be a false memory.

I bet they at least used the overture though. Tune
I find it being in English a little strange. Not that I think the translation is bad. Just.... different.

Good sound though. A more modern vocal performance but it is a fine take on the subject matter.

Next time I get dumped by a Turkish bloke I'll stick this on.
? Purcell wrote it in English ( or whoever did the libretto) ;) it’s certainly different…I’d not heard Annie Lennox for ages and, I suppose, found it unexpected.
I wish you eternal happiness with the Turkish bloke of your choice ;)

I’m really not opera savvy but this is perfection to me and I have odd bits on various playlists.
This evening I’m listening to it in its entirety
I've just finished watching this, which I really recommend. It's Monteverdi's Orfeo, one of the oldest known operas, but in a new version that combines Indian music with the original, which works beautifully. It's slow, but but rather mesmerising and the overall effect is very moving, and it's a great production too. Put on captions and you'll see the translation.

Worth adding that it's on YouTube under OperaVision, an EU-funded scheme to full operas online for free, so there's a lot on there that's worth looking at. I think at some point I want to watch Birmingham Opera's Trump-family themed Rhinegold that's on there!
Just bought tickets to see Philip Glass' 'Akhnaten' on 1 April with my 14 year old; 3 hours of opera in Akkadian, Egyptian and Ancient Hebrew with no surtitles. But that's kind of not the point, I gather it's mostly a sort of mesmerising experience. Will be quite odd as it's basically alternating performances with Korngold's 'The Dead City', which said teenager is appearing in the children's chorus of - which is super exciting. I think we'll be coming to see that a week before.

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