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One Piece Netflix Live action TV Series


Member Since: 1985 Post Count: 3
A loooong time ago, I used to read the manga (when it first started), but got a bit bored with it not really going anywhere fast enough (a very Japanese serial style). I watched a few episodes of the anime in Japan but that was about it. It's a fun enough jaunt in an interesting enough world.

My daughter is now 16 and has been reading it her whole life. She loves it. She went to the cinema to see the films, cried when a ship sank, blah blah. It seems my wife has also still been keeping up with the manga on-line.

So the live action drops on Netflix. I see that it's not a Japanese production and the cast are not Japanese and for some reason this makes me think it's going to be shit. The Netflix Cowboy Bebop was an american production and was pretty much unwatchable . . . but then so was the original anime (no idea why anyone raved about it). Then I also remember that even Japanese live action adaptations of beloved anime are all pretty much total shit so it probably doesn't make that much difference.
Good news. The creator is actually heavily involved, and my daughter tells me that he never intended any of the characters to be Japanese anyway, they are Brazilian, English, French etc etc. Seems like a decent reason for a western cast.

Screenshot 2023-09-01 16.01.22.png

But straight away it looks really really weird. It's obviously expensive but something about it looks really cheap. Is it the lighting? The shots, the film treatment? It looks like a fan film. I couldn't quite put my finger on it. The acting is a bit cheesy but it's a cheesy story anyway. I think I actually like all the cast that I have seen so far, ham and all. So what is it?
The only thing I can think of is that it that all the backgrounds are CGI? Is that all it is? They don't look bad, but maybe there is something in that uncanny valley of lighting and angles not being 'quite right'. Is that all it is? Could it have been fixed with another more cinematic picture grade?

It got me thinking about an advance preview copy of a film called Party Monster with Macaulay Culkin. It was shot on DV. The copy I was given (on VHS) had no sound mix (nothing added for atmos or crowds, no music) and no picture grade, just the raw DV footage. It looked insanely cheap. Like armature dramatics filmed on handy cam. I remember saying, "you can't release this, you will be a laughing stock".
Anyway they did release it, and they gave me a DVD. . . but when I watched the DVD it was a different story. It looked like a film (not a great film). They obviously couldn't chance what was shot in camera, but it now looked and sounded like a actual bonafide Hollywood film. I work as an editor for TV so I know what a grade looks like, but the transformation on Party Monster was something else. I wondered if all films started out like this.

Something about One Piece is very flat and cheap. Yes it probably is just the lighting (that they had to do for the cheap CGI 'Knightmare' backgrounds). . . . . Just a shame it has fallen at this hurdle because the story (and some action) actually holds up so far
I could see my daughter give me a hard stare as I began to open my big trap at the embarrassing CGI stretchy arms. . . I got the cue and kept my thoughts to myself. Both my wife and daughter were willing to look past the 'cheap' look. And why not, after all I am quite happy to watch Lexx and 80s Neighbours reruns and look past their wobbly CGI and sets.

Reviews seem ok. Both this and the anime series are bookmarked, so will give it a spin eventually.

Disappointed with the last anime series watched. More to do with content than style.

FX/CGI doesn't bother. As long as it's engaging am fine with that.
The anime is big in China too, but I only learned about it as several of the characters were referenced in a story I translated so had to look it all up. Must admit, didn't seem like my thing. Wonder if it will get a release here?
FX/CGI doesn't bother. As long as it's engaging am fine with that.
It's odd though. They have obviously thrown a lot of money at it, but it still looks cheap and I can't quite put my finger on what exactly it would take to 'fix' it.

I might have been able to sit through the anime 20 years ago, but I don't think I could anymore. The live action show does at least seem to be moving at a pace that is about four to eight times the speed. Thank christ.
The anime is big in China too, but I only learned about it as several of the characters were referenced in a story I translated so had to look it all up. Must admit, didn't seem like my thing. Wonder if it will get a release here?
Yeah. I don't think it is my thing either, though I quite like the hyper hyperstylisation of the pirate/marine theme. It's silly and it doesn't give a damn.
I posted about this a few minutes ago in the Netflix thread without realising you’d created this thread ATOMIC SUPLEX . But to summarise my feelings so far, as someone with clearly a very poor knowledge of anime series but who likes fantasy adventure genre in general as escapist entertainment, I’ve rather enjoyed the first episode, even though I feel I’m missing on countless nods and references.

But then I don’t necessarily have a problem with that principle. I appreciate if those who have seen the original graphic novel, book or manga of a given TV or film adaptation might be disappointed with the results, but purely as an original story with no previous reference, it feels alright so far.
Watched the anime up until a good few islands into the main line.

Read the manga much further. Up to the second ship and the skeleton but not as far as the time skip.

This looks a bit off but I think people might like it in the same way a younger me kinda liked some of the BBC Terry Pratchett adaptations.
Looking back on them they are pretty bad with only hogfather getting as as far as a "would probably watch again" but at the time I was kinda impressed that something I liked was getting some mainstream airtime.

And hey. Got to be better than Dragonball Evolution
We are on episode 3 now. I noticed episode2 looked significantly better and 3 even better than that . . . Maybe its just coincidence and the busier backdrops lend themselves better to the way the series is filmed (there were quite a lot of blank backgrounds and sky in ep 1). . . Or maybe I just don't care anymore. As fans of the manga and anime my wife and daughter are far more invested in the world of one piece, and they are very much enjoying it. It's obviously a little bit 'lexx' in production, but it's fun enough. I might even go so far as to say I am enjoying it, though that could be due to its 'one for the family ' appeal. I'm not sure I'd watch it on my own.
But then I don’t necessarily have a problem with that principle. I appreciate if those who have seen the original graphic novel, book or manga of a given TV or film adaptation might be disappointed with the results, but purely as an original story with no previous reference, it feels alright so far.
My wife and daughter are very familiar with the manga, and they are more than happy with it. Like Shippy, I read a few of the first islands, but I think that might still have been at least 16 volumes. I don't remember it photographically, but rather than nods, they look like they are at the very least following the clothes, casting and dialogue quite faithfully. . . But like I say, I might be misremembering.
My wife and daughter are very familiar with the manga, and they are more than happy with it. Like Shippy, I read a few of the first islands, but I think that might still have been at least 16 volumes. I don't remember it photographically, but rather than nods, they look like they are at the very least following the clothes, casting and dialogue quite faithfully. . . But like I say, I might be misremembering.
We’re halfway through this now and are really enjoying it :)
Sounds about right. Looking it up they don't even make it to the grand line until volume 12. Volume 16 would be around when Tony joins.

I got up to volume 50.
Yeah I don't think Tony had joined the crew when I gave up, but I am pretty sure he had appeared.
may watch it as have a old friend who raves about the anime

the anime animation sucks balls and has an episode count in the hundreds

will report back on the Tv show :)
Just looks very cosplay
It is weird, production values-wise. Some sets and effects certainly look like Sci-fi Channel stuff, but then there are other sets and props that look pretty decent.

But I would say that overall the second rate production values are not a constant, and the storyline is good enough to cancel out such shortcomings.
It is weird, production values-wise. Some sets and effects certainly look like Sci-fi Channel stuff, but then there are other sets and props that look pretty decent.

But I would say that overall the second rate production values are not a constant, and the storyline is good enough to cancel out such shortcomings.
It’s for kids. I’m out
I have to say I found myself getting a bit bored with it today. The chef is now some sort of east end londoner. Everything goes through the auht
It’s for kids. I’m out
I don't think it's strictly for kids. People get chopped in half etc.
Having said that, I don't think it's made for me, but I am quite happy to watch it over dinner. My wife and daughter seem to be enjoying it every much and it's better than Young Sheldon.
So far....

Plus the movies...

don't the old friend has been banging on about it for the last 20 years at least

look i gave up on bleach after 200 episode i'm not watching crappy animated pirates for 900+ episodes

almost got into a row with the fella lately when he was telling me his taste had matured past any dc, marvel or star war programmes because of his age

"still watching the anime pirates "

did not go down well :D
Ugh... bleach. Made it through the soul society arc only to be hit with the 'I was only using 20% of my true power' shit right after. I quit. I was already dubious from the user mysterious bankai that only appears once in a generation.... that everyone can do.... and now has multiple levels....

At least one piece kept mixing it up by doing a rock paper scissors dance around the fruit powers. That kept it kinda fresh for a while.
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I have to say I found myself getting a bit bored with it today. The chef is now some sort of east end londoner. Everything goes through the auht

I don't think it's strictly for kids. People get chopped in half etc.
Having said that, I don't think it's made for me, but I am quite happy to watch it over dinner. My wife and daughter seem to be enjoying it every much and it's better than Young Sheldon.
It’s from a manga that’s deffo for kids
It’s from a manga that’s deffo for kids
Well not exactly. One of the.big markets aimed for is the 14-30. Accessible for younger audiences but with enough stuff that will keep older audiences engaged. At least untill they start buying manga about playing golf with their boss or one about taking up cheese tasting.
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Hmm, I defer to the expert but they’re very popular in schools and they’re not exactly adult graphic novels! But from an admittedly uninterested perspective the visual style seems designed to appeal only to kids
I will agree OP skews younger than average it's just the market in general ai.s to be broader.

The art style thing I think is a quirk of the artists personal style and the demand to get the shit outbthe door as fast as possible.

If you are serialised monthly you have time for linewirk. If you are serialised weekly you live at you desk and you pray your assistant can do some filler while you ice your tendinitis.
Hmm, I defer to the expert but they’re very popular in schools and they’re not exactly adult graphic novels! But from an admittedly uninterested perspective the visual style seems designed to appeal only to kids

My kids aged 26 to 36 still watch anime. It started with power rangers ( #rip&happy50thjesusdidnttaptommy)
Pokemon, dragon ball z...it was awful. I know they all still watch it, because sometimes they chat about it when we're together. I still find it awful :D ( I've recently been subjected to Baki the grappler) my kids aren't kids, they all lead grown up lives, and they watch a bit of anime, intersectionality mate :)

I don't know if any of them are into one piece though.
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