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Olympic Cycling Events

How aware would he even be that someone was coming up behind him?

Regardless, as others have said, he was still supposed to be on the track at that point, right?
Fair enough, missed that. But if he was caught surely there can't be any complaints that they're out?.
Denmark clearly the faster team but I think people are upset at the behaviour of the Dane who swore at the British cyclist on the floor and clearly flipped out. It might also have put GB out of the bronze medal race.

Also, there should be some kind of penalty for dangerous riding, surely?
Fair enough, missed that. But if he was caught surely there can't be any complaints that they're out?.

Hmm.. I think I'd complain if I was rear-ended and sent flying by someone on world record pace on a super bike. I don't think the argument's about whether or not they caught him it's about dangerous play or whatever they call it in cycling. I can't believe there's even a debate about it. Imagine someone flying in, even accidentally, studs up at full speed in a premier league. Red card and 6 match ban. Or a rugby player clotheslining another player - red card and ban.
Maybe neither are at fault?

There's supposed to be a flag when a team has been separated and that flag apparently wasn't up.

Danish rider says:

"I don't register that we get so close to him. I see that he is there maybe half a round out and all of a sudden he is there. I don't see him. It's *** annoying. It's awful that it happens in an Olympic semifinal and I hope Charlie is okay.
It's awful. It's not cool for anyone. I don't say anything to him, I just stand and shout frustration, because I know what it means when you crash. Or what it might mean. I just stand there screaming to myself and am frustrated and tired. I'm all over the floor and can barely see anything. So it's not aimed at Charlie or the UK. It's aimed at why the hell should I be there rolling around.
I'm so finished by that time I see sun moon and stars. I don't really know what is going on to put it bluntly.'
Maybe neither are at fault?

There's supposed to be a flag when a team has been separated and that flag apparently wasn't up.

Danish rider says:

"I don't register that we get so close to him. I see that he is there maybe half a round out and all of a sudden he is there. I don't see him. It's *** annoying. It's awful that it happens in an Olympic semifinal and I hope Charlie is okay.
It's awful. It's not cool for anyone. I don't say anything to him, I just stand and shout frustration, because I know what it means when you crash. Or what it might mean. I just stand there screaming to myself and am frustrated and tired. I'm all over the floor and can barely see anything. So it's not aimed at Charlie or the UK. It's aimed at why the hell should I be there rolling around.
I'm so finished by that time I see sun moon and stars. I don't really know what is going on to put it bluntly.'

What an absolute load of shit. Screaming to himself, lolz. He was screaming abuse in his face while the guy was understandably shell shocked on the ground. Then shouted 'fuck them!' while storming off leaving the guy on the ground. Presumably 'them' meaning the Team GB riders. I hope Italy do them in the final.
Considering that the UCI didn’t follow their own rules and should have disqualified Denmark for their tricks in qualifying make this even more 😱😱😱
Considering that the UCI didn’t follow their own rules and should have disqualified Denmark for their tricks in qualifying make this even more 😱😱😱
Not the first time Denmark have used dirty tactics to try and gain advantage over a British athlete in a semi final this summer. First poor Raheem Sterling and now this :mad:
Not the first time Denmark have used dirty tactics to try and gain advantage over a British athlete in a semi final this summer. First poor Raheem Sterling and now this :mad:
Ha, I was screaming at Denmark during that game to fall over and win free kicks. Now they've fallen over in the wrong sport.
I can't really blame them, all that adrenaline on top of the steroids, bound to make you angry. Especially if you've just had a quick line of coke to get you going.
I can't really blame them, all that adrenaline on top of the steroids, bound to make you angry. Especially if you've just had a quick line of coke to get you going.
I was just thinking the other day that there is less moaning about drugs cheats this time around. The Freeman effect?
I was just thinking the other day that there is less moaning about drugs cheats this time around. The Freeman effect?

You mean in the sense of a purge making it seem as if ‘things have changed’? I dunno, there was a fair bit round the tdf etc. Though it usually seems to be ‘I don’t like x, therefore doping’.

I suspect it’s probably a fuck of a lot harder… I mean you only have to look at things like tdf pace despite better tech to get an idea of that. But without a better knowledge of test procedures, bio passport procedures etc just hard to say. EPO microdosing, TUE exploits. Steroid microdosing too I think.

I tend just to ignore it on that basis - and that there aren’t that many riders performing inconsistently with their records (afaik, obviously I am no expert). But this track record smashing stuff does have to cause a raised eyebrow.
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Also this got me randomly off on the track of looking at the Danish bikes, and comparing with the Australian ones... The base bar looks practically identical, with the extensions looking significantly different. Intriguing.

e2a: Oh fuck, and the Dane's don't even have access to Australia's specially developed Electron Pro TKO variant, they seem to be on the Rio Pursuit model.
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'Shouting to himself at his frustration about 'how he came to be rolling about on the floor'. Dick.

It's important to have the two fastest teams in the final, which is what we've got. Denmark caused the crash, but I suspect the rule has been interpreted in their favour so that the fastest team will get the gold. At the end of the day Brian, GB were very slow and nobody got hurt.
It's important to have the two fastest teams in the final, which is what we've got. Denmark caused the crash, but I suspect the rule has been interpreted in their favour so that the fastest team will get the gold. At the end of the day Brian, GB were very slow and nobody got hurt.
I agree that it's probably correct and just that the Danish team proceeds to the final, but I also think their cyclist should get some kind of punishment. It was reckless and his reaction was completely unsportsmanlike.
Football fans might remember Roy Keane's reaction to ending Hangland's career. Echoes of this. Screaming in his face while he was down. Still, he's got a lucrative career now as a national treasure on Sky. Keane that is.


Anyway, track is easily the best thing about the Olympics and we're lucky to have so many events. Bring on the Omnium! And the Madison! And the first ever women's Madison! I'm hoping for a better showing from Letizia Paternoster, who only managed 5th in the pursuit today. She won various rainbow jerseys as a junior. One to watch. I've already got some handy conditioning tips from her instagram.

Team GB is taking a tough line, wanting the Italians DQ'd for yesterday's illegal tape and vests Team GB call for Denmark disqualification for illegal shin tape and aero undervests Our man says:

Cycle sport always gets in a tangle about enforcing its own rules. It's an embarrassment.

No expert on indoor cycling (though it's one of my Olympic highlights, and I have no idea what the Italians have done wrong in your eyes) but what piss poor sportsmanship from that entitled Danish prick who caused the fucking crash in the first place. If his team wins gold, I hope he's told he can't stand on the podium during the medal ceremony, and that he has to sit on a little chair in front of it.
He's made a twat of himself in front of the whole world - his tantrum will dog him for the rest of his life! But I love the little chair idea.
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